Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSaladTaste

Top 20 Seasonal Salad Recipes from Provence

The best thing about salads is their versatility. Some salads are delicate and meant to be eaten right away, and others are well-suited for transport to, say, a picnic or a potluck; some versions taste even better the following day. While many salads are typically cold or at room temperature, many recipes have warm ingredients. Below we have selected 20 of our favourite salads from Provence that we hope you will enjoy.

20 Seasonal Salad Recipes

A vegetable-filled salad mixed with chickpeas, feta cheese, and salad dressing.

Mediterranean Chickpea Salad
A vegetable filled salad that can be enjoyed during any time of the year!
Check out this recipe
Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

A delicious combination of fresh fruit that is perfect for a hot summer day!

Okanagan Summer Salad
This recipe is slightly adapted from a feature in Bon Appétit magazine. It is a delicious salad that uses our house blend of Herbes de Provence.
Check out this recipe
Okanagan Farms A Perfect Summer Salad

If you want to use a few of your fresh tomatoes, you should try this salad recipe. The combination of tomatoes, croutons, and fresh basil is nice to look at and even better to eat!

Panzanella Salad
This salad is perfectly suited for summer meals. Serve as a side or as a main with some grilled meat or fish, and of course some rosé.
Check out this recipe
Panzanella a Summer Salad

This sweet, savoury combination of peaches, prosciutto, and asparagus makes a delicious salad. This recipe is worth trying!

Charred Peach, Asparagus, Mozzarella and Prosciutto Salad
Anna created this recipe to pair with the beautiful Etoile Rosé. A fresh and summery salad that’s ideal as a starter or light main course, and takes just 5 minutes to prepare. Omit the prosciutto for a vegetarian option.
Check out this recipe
Charred Peach, Asparagus, Mozzarella and Prosciutto Salad

On your next trip to the farmers market, grab some eggplant (aubergine) and tomatoes to try this flavourful salad recipe.

Smoky Eggplant with Marinated Tomato Salad
Smoky eggplant with tomato salad is a perfect dish to enjoy on a summer afternoon with family or friends!
Check out this recipe
Smoky Eggplant Tomato Salad

Fresh zucchini and squash are delicious, but have you tried using them instead of lettuce for your salad? Try this easy and delicious recipe.

Summer Zucchini Squash Salad
An easy, refreshing salad for summer meals.
Check out this recipe
Quick Summer Salad Zucchini Recipe

Are you looking for a recipe to try the next time you host friends for lunch? Try grilling octopus and adding cucumber, arugula, corn, and other vegetables you enjoy!

Grilled Octopus Salad - Salade Composée aux Poulpes Grillés
This recipe is great for a large, lunch salad or you can serve smaller portions as a starter for dinner.
Check out this recipe
Summer Salad Grilled Octopus Recipe

If you had salmon for dinner last night, you could use the leftovers for this salmon citrus recipe for lunch.

Salmon Salad with Citrus and Mango
Prepare the pickled mustard seeds in advance, they will keep in the fridge. This salad is a perfect meal-sized salad for a hot summer day. Enjoy for lunch or a light dinner.
Check out this recipe
Summer Salmon Salad Citrus Mango

Grab one cucumber from your fridge and start grating. This recipe is easy to prepare and nutritional too.

Sweet Moroccan Cucumber Salad
This recipe serves 4 people as a starter or salad. Alternatively, serve as a side dish with grilled meat or fish.
Check out this recipe
Sweet Moroccan Cucumber Salad

If you prefer carrots, this is an easy recipe with great flavour.

Moroccan Carrot Salad
Easy to make and a delicious side dish with roasted meat or fish. Also, perfect for a picnic or just because.
Check out this recipe
Moroccan Carrot Salad Recipe

Chicken salad and fresh greens make a delicious combination. The chicken salad can be prepped in advance and enjoyed for lunch!

Red Pepper Chicken Salad
A light creamy chicken salad with herbs and red peppers, served on fresh greens.
Check out this recipe
Red Pepper Summer Chicken Salad @Masdaugustine

When it comes to salad, spinach is an excellent alternative to lettuce. Add protein and fruit for a filling meal.

Duck, Roasted Pear and Spinach Salad
This is an easy salad, perfect for a quick lunch.
Check out this recipe
Duck Breast and Roasted Pear Salad

Niçoise salad is a wonderful combination of raw vegetables and cooked eggs. You can add tuna if you’d like!

Niçoise Salad
What is a true Niçoise salad? An authentic Niçoise is made with raw vegetables; only the eggs are cooked. You have anchovies or tuna, never the two. This salad can be a complete meal with some good bread and a glass of rosé!
Check out this recipe
Nicoise Salad Cooking Classes Provence @venisenprovence

If you love burrata, you should give this recipe a try. The lavender dressing is a fun addition.

Tomato and Burrata Salad
This easy-to-prepare salad is delicious and a little unusual, topped with raspberries and served with a side of burrata. Enjoy!
Check out this recipe
Tomato and Burrata Salad

The perfect salad for a starter course or a small lunch. This easy recipe consists of leaks, edamame, watermelon radish and more tasty treats!

Roasted Leeks with Edamame, Herbs, Parmesan and Mozzarella
This salad does not take much time to prepare. However, you can cook the leeks and edamame in advance and reheat gently before adding the cheese and serving.
Check out this recipe
Winter Dinner Party Menu Warm Salad Roasted Leeks

An easy salad recipe drizzled in a homemade vinaigrette dressing.

Salad Dressing Vinaigrette
This recipe makes two servings. Simply multiply the ingredients as needed to suit the size of your dinner party.
Check out this recipe
Aix-en-Provence Market French Salad Dressing Vinaigrette

Greens aren’t the only option when making your salad. Add some colour and flavour with watermelon and melon.

Watermelon, Melon and Feta Cheese Salad
This recipe serves 4-6 people. It is refreshing balance of sweet and salty. Serve alongside some barbequed meat or fish for an easy summer dinner.
Check out this recipe
Summer Salad Watermelon Feta

Try this recipe filled with goat cheese, tomatoes, and avocado. Instructions for a lemon vinaigrette are included!

Chevre Chaud Salade with Lemon Vinaigrette
This salad is easy to prepare. Toast the pine nuts and make the dressing in advance so the final steps are just before serving.
Check out this recipe
Warm Goat Cheese Salad

Slice up your pumpkin and add the seeds to your salad for an enjoyable lunch!

Marinated Mushroom and Roast Pumpkin Salad
This salad is delicious and refreshing and is a colourful starter course.
Check out this recipe
Mushroom Roast Pumpkin Salad @MirabeauWine

Try this easy salad recipe with tomato and nectarines drizzled in balsamic vinegar.

Heirloom Tomato and White Nectarine Salad
This salad takes no time to make, but make sure to pick the ripest tomatoes and nectarines that you can find.
Check out this recipe
Summer Salad Heirloom Tomato White Nectarine

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Carolyne Kauser-Abbott

With her camera and laptop close at hand, Carolyne has traded in her business suits for the world of freelance writing and blogging. Her first airplane ride at six months of age was her introduction to the exciting world of travel.

While in Provence, Carolyne can be found hiking with friends, riding the hills around the Alpilles or tackling Mont Ventoux. Her attachment to the region resonates in Perfectly Provence this digital magazine that she launched in 2014. This website is an opportunity to explore the best of the Mediterranean lifestyle (food & wine, places to stay, expat stories, books on the region, travel tips, real estate tips and more), through our contributors' articles.

Carolyne writes a food and travel blog Ginger and Nutmeg. Carolyne’s freelance articles can be found in Global Living Magazine, Avenue Magazine and City Palate (Published Travel Articles).

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