Discovering Antibes France Market Marche
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSaladTaste

Top 20 Seasonal Salad Recipes from Provence

The best thing about salads is their versatility. Some salads are delicate and meant to be eaten right away, and others are well-suited for transport to, say, a picnic or a potluck; some versions taste even better the following day. While many salads are typically cold or at room temperature, …

READ MORE  Top 20 Seasonal Salad Recipes from Provence
Delicious Summer Menu Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

Delicious Summer Menu from a Cooking School in Provence

This delicious summer menu comes from Stephanie Villegas, a private chef and owner of Laurel, a cooking school in Provence. A Mexican-American, Stephanie married a Frenchman, and they now live in the historic Alpilles village of Fontvieille. Stephanie created a 3-course menu that is ideally suited for summer entertaining. Her …

READ MORE  Delicious Summer Menu from a Cooking School in Provence
Summer Menu 2022 Lead Photo
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

French Summer Menu Try A Taste of le Sud with Friends

Our 2022 summer menu comes from Emma Kershaw, who lives in the South of France near the Spanish border. Start the evening with a savoury octopus pie from Sète, followed by a chilled soup, then the Catalan variation of fish stew and a sweet fruit finish. In June 2016, several …

READ MORE  French Summer Menu Try A Taste of le Sud with Friends
Spring Dinner Menu Provence 2022
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

Make this Spring Dinner Menu Inspired by Provence

Those places in the world where spring arrives early (and stays) should be on your travel “bucket list.” When the mimosa begins blooming in late January, winter is almost over on the Côte d’Azur. However, like a cat playing with a ball of wool, spring takes patience in the rest …

READ MORE  Make this Spring Dinner Menu Inspired by Provence
Spring Dinner Menu Paris French Menu 2021
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

A Spring Dinner Menu from Paris Part-Time

Chef, author, and part-time resident of Paris, Lisa Baker Morgan agreed to curate our Spring Menu. She brings together three (3) recipes that celebrate the best of spring flavours, including asparagus, morels and strawberries. Start your evening with a cocktail, perhaps a glass of French champagne or one of these …

READ MORE  A Spring Dinner Menu from Paris Part-Time
Provence Virtual Connections Covid-19
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

Dreams of Provence Virtual Connections during Covid-19

Barely three months ago, many of us had never heard of Coronavirus or Covid-19. Now, we are glued to our newsfeeds and stunned by the rapidly changing environment. The health impact is real and terrifying, and the economic consequences are likely far-reaching. The terms self-isolation, shelter-in-place, lockdown, confinement have moved …

READ MORE  Dreams of Provence Virtual Connections during Covid-19
Sunflowers #Provence @BillMagill

A Year in Provence in Four Acts

Contributor blog post by Bill Magill: We are stardust We are golden And we’ve got to get ourselves Back to the garden Much is written on the merits of eating locally and seasonally. I’m a fan and advocate, and adopting this practice in Provence is easy and immensely pleasurable. The …

READ MORE  A Year in Provence in Four Acts
Market lettuce #Markets #Provence
French Cooking ClassesTaste

The School of Epicurus in Provence

Epicureanism evolved as a philosophy from the teachings of Epicurus who lived around 307 BC. The Epicurean view included friendship and living a virtuous and temperate life. What are some ways to lead a simple life? We love the idea of enjoying food, specifically food from our gardens. Learn more about Epicurus …

READ MORE  The School of Epicurus in Provence