Pear Custard Pie
David Scott AllenDessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Pear Custard Pie Easy Desserts

The inspiration for this Pear Custard Pie comes from my friend Ingrid and her blog the Art of Living Naturally. The dessert is easy to prepare and looks beautiful when it’s cooked.

READ MORE  Pear Custard Pie Easy Desserts
Provencal Slow-Cooked Lamb Shoulder
LambMain CoursePetra CarterProvencal RecipesTaste

Provencal Slow-Cooked Lamb Shoulder

Lamb is commonly found in French cuisine and, in particular, in Provence. Slow-cooked lamb shoulder is one of the easiest meals to prepare that gives you the satisfaction and robust flavours of a true homestyle meal. Enjoy this lamb recipe with roast potatoes, a crisp green salad, or pan-fried garlic …

READ MORE  Provencal Slow-Cooked Lamb Shoulder
Slow-roasted Tuna Salad wth Fennel and Potato
David Scott AllenProvencal RecipesSaladTaste

Slow-roasted Tuna and Fennel Salad

One of our favourite dishes from the Mediterranean is a salad of octopus, potatoes, celery, and olives, flavoured with extra virgin olive oil and lemon. We made it when we were in Venice years ago. My “chore” today for Provence WineZine, was to pair a summer salad with a rosé …

READ MORE  Slow-roasted Tuna and Fennel Salad
Provençal Herbed Salmon with Roasted Vegetables
David Scott AllenFish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Provençal Herbed Salmon with Roasted Vegetables

Although today’s recipe for Herbed Salmon with Roasted Vegetables is Provençal, the story has links to Italy (our other love). And it all has to do with a little jar labelled Finocchio, the Italian word for fennel. Once, when Mark and I were in Scottsdale, Arizona, just after our move …

READ MORE  Provençal Herbed Salmon with Roasted Vegetables
Scrambled Eggs Truffles Aups Provence Mirabeau en Provence
Lunchtime MealsMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Scrambled Eggs with Black Truffles from Aups, Provence

The best way to enjoy fresh truffles is with simple recipes that do not overpower the precious fungi. This recipe for Scrambled Eggs with Black Truffles (Brouillarde aux Truffe) is a delicious example.

READ MORE  Scrambled Eggs with Black Truffles from Aups, Provence
Winter Dinner Party Menu 2021
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

Winter Dinner Menu from La Cuisine Provençale

Menu for a Cozy Evening Earlier this year, Jane Satow launched La Cuisine Provençale – an interactive cooking school in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. Tucked away in the heart of charming St Rémy, La Cuisine Provençale is on a quiet street with a small square. After several months of renovation work, Jane gave …

READ MORE  Winter Dinner Menu from La Cuisine Provençale
Galette des Rois Kings Cake Provence @CocoaandLavender
Christmas & HolidayDessertProvencal RecipesTasteVirginie Van Der Wees

Galette des Rois Recipe and Epiphany in Provence

Epiphany on January 6th The “Three Kings day” is a real party at home. We like to make the “galette” ourselves and share this moment with the family. Besides, January is the month we celebrate my brother’s birthday (January 3) and mine (January 5). We would be delighted to welcome …

READ MORE  Galette des Rois Recipe and Epiphany in Provence
Calisson d'Aix Recipe
Cakes & CookiesDessertLet’s Eat the WorldProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Calisson d’Aix a Traditional Sweet

Culinary references to a version of calissons lead to medieval Italy, but these sweets are commonly associated with Aix-en-Provence – Calisson d’Aix. This came after 16th-century farmers planted the first almond crops in the region. These delicious calissons have been consistently made in the same way for many generations. Traditional …

READ MORE  Recipe for Calisson d’Aix a Traditional Sweet
Chocolate and Raspberry Towers
DessertFlans, PuddingsProvencal RecipesTasha PowellTaste

Chocolate and Raspberry Towers for Dessert

This dessert recipe for Chocolate and Raspberry Towers was part of a 3-course gluten-free online class that I presented in September. The rest of the menu included panisse (chickpea fritters) served with fresh lemon, skewered grilled shrimp, roasted fennel and cherry tomatoes. In addition to recipes, I share plating techniques …

READ MORE  Chocolate and Raspberry Towers for Dessert
Seafood Pot Pie
David Scott AllenFish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Seafood Pot Pie Makes Every Day a Holiday

I think the healthiest thing that any of us can do is to look at each day as a holiday. Every day we have is a gift, and we should treat it as such. This recipe was posted in The New York Times around the holidays as a way to …

READ MORE  Seafood Pot Pie Makes Every Day a Holiday