Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesTaste

Cooking with Lavender 12 Sweet and Savoury Recipes to Try

Lavender’s intoxicating fragrance is like a journey into a perfume bottle. So why not take that into the kitchen? The herb is a member of the mint family, and specifically grown culinary lavender is edible and adds a unique flavour to baked goods, desserts, and savoury dishes.

The important thing about using fresh lavender is to make sure that it is organic and has not been sprayed with any pesticides or grown with any fertilizer that is not consumer-friendly. Should you not have access to fresh lavender, you can use dried, but make sure it is culinary-grade. And also, use only about ¼ the suggested amount as dried herbs are more potent than fresh. You don’t want your cooking to taste like perfume!

Lavender Flavoured Drinks

Lavender Hot Chocolate is the perfect drink for a cold winter day when you miss the feeling of summer warmth. This drink is easy to make and pairs perfectly with a cookie or biscotti.

Lavender Hot Chocolate
Deliciously rich and delicately floral, lavender hot chocolate is easy to make and delightful, especially when topped with a generous dollop of whipped cream.
Check out this recipe
Lavender Hot Chocolate Winter

Lavender lemonade is the perfect refreshment for a warm day.

Lavender Lemonade
The perfect chilled drink to enjoy this summer!
Check out this recipe
Hot Weather Lavender Lemondade

If you want to try a new drink, the combination of lavender and mint is perfect to add to lemonade!

Lavender Mint Meyer Lemonade
Refreshing and tasty this drink may be come your go-to summer beverage.
Check out this recipe
Lavender Mint Meyer Lemonade @AtableenProvence

Lavender Provence Artisans Recipes

Sweet Lavender Desserts

A light and feel-good dessert that is filled with butter and lavender buds.

Lavender Shortbread
Gram's shortbread is a definite favourite around our house; light, fluffy, and oh so delicious. Of course, it might have something to do with the pound of butter, but it's worth it!
Check out this recipe
Lavender Shortbread a Sweet Provencal Treat

If your dessert preference is chocolate, you should try these chocolate-lavender truffles. The lavender buds make the taste unforgettable!

Chocolate-Lavender Truffles
A tasteful dessert that comes from Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm. A high-quality product that tastes amazing and is easy to make!
Check out this recipe
Okanagan Lavender Farm Canada

Lavender meringue is made up of only four (4) ingredients but leaves you feeling satisfied!

Lavender Meringues
The perfect dessert to bake on a relaxing Sunday afternoon. The taste is worth the baking time! But, of course, the cooking time will vary depending on the size of meringues that you make.
Check out this recipe
Make Lavender Meringues

The combination of lavender and lemon mixed to make a cake is a recipe you must try. Feel free to top your cake with a mix of fresh fruits!

Lavender Lemon Cake 
Enjoy the hint of lemon and lavender in this delicious cake. The recipe is lightly adapted from a version featured in the National Post on September 8, 2001.
Check out this recipe
Lavender Whipped Cream

If you are craving ice cream and want to try a new flavour, lavender ice cream is the perfect recipe to whip together at home!

Lavender Ice Cream
A fun and easy dessert that everyone can enjoy! This recipe does not require an ice cream maker, but if you have one, follow your machine's instructions.
Check out this recipe
Make Lavender Ice Cream

Lemon and lavender honey madeleines dipped in chocolate are the perfect dessert to share! Your friends will beg you to bring them to your next get-together!

Lemon & Lavender Honey Madeleines dipped in Chocolate
The perfect treat to share! This recipe makes 30 large madeleines or 48 small madeleines.
Check out this recipe
Chocolate Dipped Lemon and Lavender Madeleines

Apricot and lavender ice cream is a great way to add peaches to your dessert!

Apricot and Lavender Ice Cream
Don't shy away from making ice cream. This recipe takes advantage of ripe stonefruit (apricot, peach), and needs little sugar. The lavender flavouring gives it that hint of Provence.
Check out this recipe
Apricot and Lavender Ice Cream Recipe

Savoury Lavender Recipes

For savoury recipes, lavender imparts a subtle flavour to sauces, rubs and marinades. One must-try recipe is cooking your lamb chops in lavender honey. The delicious taste can be paired with this chickpea and couscous Moroccan salad to complete your main course.

Lavender Honey Brushed Lamb Chops Served with Moroccan Chickpea Couscous Salad
Prepare the salad in advance and then the only thing that is left to do when your guests arrive is to roast the lamb. Easy and delicious with all the flavours of Provence combined on a plate.
Check out this recipe
Provencal Lamb Chops Lavender Honey Moroccan Couscous salad

A pasta recipe with Provencal flavours consisting of homemade ravioli, goat cheese, lavender-infused butter, and almonds!

Purple Haze Ravioli
Delicate homemade ravioli stuffed with tangy goat cheese and herbs, served with lavender-rosemary-infused brown butter with Marcona almonds and candied orange peel.
Check out this recipe
Purple Haze Ravioli #tastesofProvence @CocoaandLavender

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Carolyne Kauser-Abbott

With her camera and laptop close at hand, Carolyne has traded in her business suits for the world of freelance writing and blogging. Her first airplane ride at six months of age was her introduction to the exciting world of travel.

While in Provence, Carolyne can be found hiking with friends, riding the hills around the Alpilles or tackling Mont Ventoux. Her attachment to the region resonates in Perfectly Provence this digital magazine that she launched in 2014. This website is an opportunity to explore the best of the Mediterranean lifestyle (food & wine, places to stay, expat stories, books on the region, travel tips, real estate tips and more), through our contributors' articles.

Carolyne writes a food and travel blog Ginger and Nutmeg. Carolyne’s freelance articles can be found in Global Living Magazine, Avenue Magazine and City Palate (Published Travel Articles).

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