Mussels Provencal Moules farcies à la provençale via @ProvenceCook
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Fresh Mussels Provencal Style by Provence Gourmet

Where Paris restaurants trip over themselves to serve up Belgium-style (that might raise a few French eyebrows) moules-frites to the tourist crowd, Provencal chefs are happy with their variations. Mussel farming is the highest-volume shellfish industry in Europe. However, it is by no means contemporary. Shellfish cultivation on wooden stakes …

READ MORE  Fresh Mussels Provencal Style by Provence Gourmet
Fish Market #Marseille @PerfProvence
Provencal RecipesSoupTaste

Provence Gourmet: How to make Bourride

Bourride is a simple Provencal fish stew made with white fish. The broth is thickened with aïoli, a homemade garlicky mayonnaise. Many ingredients are similar, making it a cousin of Bouillabaisse. Preparing bourride is relatively quick, depending on the thickness of the fish. However, its creamy texture separates it from …

READ MORE  Provence Gourmet: How to make Bourride
pan bagnat
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

In pursuit of pan bagnat

For friends of ours who also lived in the area some years ago, any visit back to Nice involves a search for the perfect pan bagnat, and until this most basic of food cravings is satisfied, no trip is complete. Inspired by their enthusiasm, we have become fans too Explore …

READ MORE  In pursuit of pan bagnat
Olive Tapenade Salad Cooking Classes Provence @ProvenceCook
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Provence Gourmet: Olive Tapenade on a Mesclun Salad

The olive harvest in Provence is almost finished, and the extra virgin nectar rests briefly before serving. This easy recipe can be served any time of year.  Gilles at Provence Gourmet shared this recipe with Perfectly Provence readers to celebrate this year’s harvest. This is an easy salad to celebrate …

READ MORE  Provence Gourmet: Olive Tapenade on a Mesclun Salad
Poached Pears Poires au vin Cooking Classes @ProvenceCook
DessertFlans, PuddingsProvencal RecipesTaste

Provence Gourmet: Red Wine Poached Pears

The startling colour of red-fleshed pears makes this easy, elegant dessert a crowd-pleaser. It is a perfect fall dessert, combining late-season fruit with red wine. The pears can be served on their own or with a scoop of vanilla or cinnamon ice cream. This recipe was provided to Perfectly Provence …

READ MORE  Provence Gourmet: Red Wine Poached Pears
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Pasta sauce: swiss chard and two cheeses

In the city of Nice, swiss chard has long been a kitchen staple and its beautiful, green, sometimes pink-stemmed leaves are known in France as blettes. Both here and over the border in Liguria, greens of all descriptions are used extensively in tarts, soups, tians and for colouring Explore this …

READ MORE  Pasta sauce: swiss chard and two cheeses
Green Olive Cake Provence
AppetizerProvencal RecipesTaste

Cake Aux Olives Vertes – Green Olive Cake Recipe

It is time for the olive harvest in Provence, where most of the fruit is turned into healthy oil. However, some are left whole for snacking with a glass of local rosé. Here is a savoury recipe for quick bread made with olives.   This is an easy, quick bread …

READ MORE  Cake Aux Olives Vertes – Green Olive Cake Recipe
Tomato summer pesto
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Tomatoes, cobnuts and rocket – late summer pesto

It’s full-on tomato season here in Dorset, and hugely satisfying to see so much ripe, red fruit both in the garden and the greenhouse. We might even be saved from the usual gallon of green tomato chutney this year. Over the summer we’ve munched our way through Explore this Post

READ MORE  Tomatoes, cobnuts and rocket – late summer pesto
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

And Pistou?

It never ceases to amaze me how most people know exactly what pesto is yet when you mention the term pistou, it’s blank faces all round. This no-nut French cousin of pesto is just as delicious and even easier to make. No toasting of pine nuts required here. So, Explore …

READ MORE  And Pistou?
Black Jam Recipe
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Black Jam Recipe

I’ve been consulting my provençal cookbooks again, this time for jam recipes as there are loads of plums, blackberries and other fruit just waiting to be preserved around here and I thought it would be fun to try something a little bit different this year. I was intrigued to Explore …

READ MORE  Black Jam Recipe