Dessert Meringue Roulade
David Scott AllenDessertFlans, PuddingsProvencal RecipesTaste

Dessert Meringue Roulade with Rose Cream and Raspberries 

One of my favourite cookbooks inspired this meringue roulade with rose cream and raspberries dessert – Plenty More by Yotam Ottolenghi.

When you think of French desserts, perhaps meringues are usurped by chocolate glazed eclairs, vanilla cream layered mille-feuilles, lemony madeleines and glazed fruit tarts. But, what about lollypop coloured macarons?

READ MORE  Dessert Meringue Roulade with Rose Cream and Raspberries 
Herb-Roasted Turkey Thighs
David Scott AllenMain CoursePoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

Herb-Roasted Turkey in an Hour. Why Wait for the Holidays?

Create your own mini turkey roasts using deboned thigh meat and carrots. Roast the turkey with your favourite root vegetables – potatoes, carrots, turnip, parsnip, and onions.

READ MORE  Herb-Roasted Turkey in an Hour. Why Wait for the Holidays?
Quince Puff Pastry Tarts Roasted Pecans @MirabeauWine
DessertMaison Mirabeau WinesPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Fall Dessert Quince Puff Pastry Tarts with Roasted Pecans and Vanilla Sauce

Quince are not a pretty fruit. Far from perfectly shaped they resemble an oversized, rock-hard pear. However, once peeled and stewed with sugar, like apples for a compote, quince are versatile. You can make a quince paste, which is delicious with cheese or follow this recipe for Quince Puff Pastry Tarts …

READ MORE  Fall Dessert Quince Puff Pastry Tarts with Roasted Pecans and Vanilla Sauce
Squid Ink Pasta With Squid and Rosé
Fish & SeafoodLet’s Eat the WorldMain CourseProvencal Recipes

Squid Ink Pasta with Squid

This Squid Ink Pasta with fresh squid and tomatoes is a striking main course. The black pasta, red tomatoes and squid are a wonderful savoury combination. Enjoy any time of year.

READ MORE  Squid Ink Pasta with Squid
Porcini-Rubbed Steak mixed grill
BeefDavid Scott AllenMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Porcini-Rubbed Steak and the Mixed Grill BBQ

It is less of an issue in France, where typical grocery store packaging might include two chicken breasts, six sausages, four steaks, but in the United States, everything is “supersized” I end up with bits and pieces in my freezer.  The good news is that cleaning out my fridge is …

READ MORE  Porcini-Rubbed Steak and the Mixed Grill BBQ
Fall Dinner Menus Provence
François de MélogueProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

Fall Dinner Menus Inspired by Provencal Flavours

As summer segues into fall, I cannot help but hope summer will linger on just a bit longer. It’s not the Pacific Northwest’s impending rainy season or even the imminent cold weather that I fear, it’s just that no other season expresses Provence more succinctly. Fall in Provence Summer is …

READ MORE  Fall Dinner Menus Inspired by Provencal Flavours
Lentil Sausage Sweet Paprika Soup Cook'n with Class
Let’s Eat the WorldProvencal RecipesSoupTaste

Hearty Lentil Soup with Sausage and Sweet Paprika

This recipe for lentil soup with sausage, lots of vegetables and a hint of sweet paprika is a filling meal for lunch or dinner. Bundle up and enjoy the change of seasons.

READ MORE  Hearty Lentil Soup with Sausage and Sweet Paprika
Mushroom Roast Pumpkin Salad @MirabeauWine
Maison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesSaladTaste

Marinated Mushroom and Roast Pumpkin Salad for Autumn Weather

Often, as the weather turns cooler the tendency is towards warm, slow-cooked meals, and roasted meats. These menus beg for a table of good friends and great wine. However, you don’t want the meal to be too “heavy” this tasty combination of autumn vegetables – marinated mushroom and roast pumpkin salad – is a perfect starter course

READ MORE  Marinated Mushroom and Roast Pumpkin Salad for Autumn Weather
Pork Cheek Daube
François de MélogueMain CoursePorkProvencal RecipesTaste

Pork Cheek Daube a Fall Weather Stew from Provence

This slow-cooked pork stew will fill your home with delicious aromas. If you are lucky enough to forage for your own cepes, you with think you landed in autumnal heaven.

READ MORE  Pork Cheek Daube a Fall Weather Stew from Provence
Homemade Apple Beignet Caramel Ice Cream
DessertFlans, PuddingsFrançois de MélogueProvencal RecipesTaste

Homemade Apple Beignet with Caramel Ice Cream Recipe

This recipe turns seasonal apples into the best doughnuts ever. No one (or at least no one I know) can resist a homemade apple beignet served with caramel ice cream. It’s slightly fussy to deep-fry the battered apples while your guests are there, but trust me they won’t mind at all.

READ MORE  Homemade Apple Beignet with Caramel Ice Cream Recipe