Pavlova Recipe
DessertFlans, PuddingsMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Pavlova Recipe with Rose, Lychee and Raspberry with Etoile Rosé

Sophie Bellard and her two sisters (Marie and Alice) are a culinary trio who have discovered the Mirabeau en Provence wine selection. Now, they are creating delicious desserts including this Pavlova recipe with rose, lychee and raspberry to pair with Mirabeau wines.

READ MORE  Pavlova Recipe with Rose, Lychee and Raspberry with Etoile Rosé
Lemon-Lavender Hearts coeur a la creme Lemon Desserts
David Scott AllenDessertFlans, PuddingsProvencal RecipesTaste

Sweet, Creamy and Tangy Dessert Lemon-Lavender Hearts with Lemon Curd

The lavender season may be over for another year in Provence, but the locally-grown citrus will be available shortly. Perhaps these Lemon-Lavender Hearts (Coeur à la Crème au Citron et Lavande) are the perfect dessert to bridge the gap between seasons in the South of France. The combination of sweet lemon curd and cream cheese blended into a delicious finish to any meal.

READ MORE  Sweet, Creamy and Tangy Dessert Lemon-Lavender Hearts with Lemon Curd
Grilled Calamari Radicchio Salad
François de MélogueProvencal RecipesSaladTaste

Grilled Calamari and Radicchio Starter Salad

This starter salad of grilled calamari and radicchio is easy to prepare once your guests have arrived. The marinade of olive oil, garlic and herbes de Provence is light and does not overpower the ingredients. Best of all, this dish is really (almost) too pretty to eat. But, don’t resist it’s best consumed warm.

READ MORE  Grilled Calamari and Radicchio Starter Salad
Sunken Pear Cake Versunkener Apfelkuchen
Cakes & CookiesDavid Scott AllenDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

What to do with all those Pears? Make Sunken Pear Cake

It is a funny thing when you start to think about how recipes change and evolve. My grandmother almost never followed a recipe, yet her Christmas cake never failed her…mine is a different story. Kuchen is the German word for cake, and this recipe for Sunken Pear Cake is David’s slight …

READ MORE  What to do with all those Pears? Make Sunken Pear Cake
Peche Peach Melba Served
DessertFlans, PuddingsLet’s Eat the WorldProvencal RecipesTaste

Pêche Peach Melba with Raspberry Coulis a Recipe for Stone Fruit Season

The only problem with stone fruit (apricots, peaches, nectarines, and plums) is that they all appear in the markets around the same time of year. What to do with the bounty of produce?  Make dessert of course. Enjoy this easy recipe for Peach Melba – Pêche Melba with a raspberry coulis. This …

READ MORE  Pêche Peach Melba with Raspberry Coulis a Recipe for Stone Fruit Season
Provençal Aioli Dip wearecookandbaker-provencal-aioli-crudite-grazing-platter-recipe
AppetizerMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Provençal Aioli Dip and Crudité Grazing Platter a Tapas Style Appetizer

Sofia and Kate the chef and baker behind “WeAreCookandBaker” have taken a Provençal aioli dip (garlic mayonnaise) and developed a bright, refreshing tapas-style appetizer. In Provence, many restaurants serve a typical aioli on Fridays (le grande aïoli), a dish that features steamed cod, potatoes, carrots, green beans and a healthy …

READ MORE  Provençal Aioli Dip and Crudité Grazing Platter a Tapas Style Appetizer
Radish Green Olive Tartare Sourdough Bread
AppetizerMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Radish Green Olive Tartare on Sourdough a Tangy Appetizer

This appetizer requires no cooking, which is perfect for a hot summer day. The preparation time is limited and the combination of red radish with green olive makes for a lovely tangy “tartare.” Enjoy the combination on top of fresh bread with a glass of chilled Mirabeau rosé and these other starters.

READ MORE  Radish Green Olive Tartare on Sourdough a Tangy Appetizer
Dessert Popsicles Rosé Grapefruit
DessertMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

BBQ Time Dessert Popsicles with Rosé, Grapefruit and Elderflower

Popsicles may seem like a treat for kids, but this version with Rosé, Grapefruit and Elderflower will keep the adults in your party happy. The best part about these popsicles (other than the rosé) is how easy they are to make. The recipe was created by Sophie Bellard, one of three sisters with complementary talents, which includes desserts.

READ MORE  BBQ Time Dessert Popsicles with Rosé, Grapefruit and Elderflower
Fried Beef Lettuce Cups Provencal Zucchini
AppetizerMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Fried Beef Lettuce Cups à la Provençal with Zucchini

We created this recipe as part of a trio of starters to stimulate your hunger and to pair with a glass (or two) of chilled Mirabeau rosé. With a slight Asian influence, the stir-fried Provençal beef and zucchini (courgette) are served on a bed of little gem lettuce (baby romaine). This light starter works well as an appetizer or a tapas style menu.

READ MORE  Fried Beef Lettuce Cups à la Provençal with Zucchini
Saint Rémy de Provence Fête du Vin
Gayle PadgettTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Beyond Vin at the Saint Rémy de Provence Fête du Vin

Swirl-sniff-see-sip. And, sigh. There was a lot of that going on last Friday night in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence—it was the opening of the annual Fête du Vin. Fête du Vin – More than Wine The bussed-in tourists had left, leaving lucky locals and overnight visitors all to themselves to spend a leisurely …

READ MORE  Beyond Vin at the Saint Rémy de Provence Fête du Vin