Pumpkin Jerusalem Artichoke Soup
Maison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesSoupTaste

Pumpkin and Jerusalem Artichoke Soup with a Dash of Clementine

This is the perfect flavour-packed soup to brighten up your mood on a rainy or cold winters day. The fruity and brightly coloured pumpkin combines really well with the earthy taste of the Jerusalem Artichoke, while the hint of clementine juice cuts through it all with it’s pretty acidity.

READ MORE  Pumpkin and Jerusalem Artichoke Soup with a Dash of Clementine
Mandarin Cardamon infused Almond Cake
Cakes & CookiesChristmas & HolidayDessertMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal Recipes

Mandarin and Cardamon Infused Almond Cake

A delicious and colourful cake full of the flavours of Christmas markets, perfect with tea to brighten up a cold day, or as a light and joyful desert after a nice meal. It’s not only easy to make with very standard ingredients it also keeps very nicely for a few days, as the infusion of Mandarin and Cardamon syrup keeps it perfectly moist and preserved

READ MORE  Mandarin and Cardamon Infused Almond Cake
Christmas Wine Christmas Cocktails with Rose Mirabeau Winery
Maison Mirabeau WinesTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Here are 6 Reasons Why Rosé Is The Perfect Christmas Wine

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to do that than indulging in some delicious wines. Now, there’s a certain stigma when it comes to rosé that it should only be enjoyed during the summer, but in actual fact, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Just …

READ MORE  Here are 6 Reasons Why Rosé Is The Perfect Christmas Wine
Santons of Provence @MirabeauWine
ExploreMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal History & TraditionsWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

What is the History Behind the Santons of Provence

Contributor blog post by Mirabeau Wine: Sir Francis of Assisi established the tradition of nativity scenes in 1223 with live enactments by people and animals during the midnight mass on Christmas eve in his church of Greccio, Italy. The tradition halted after the French Revolution, when many churches were closed. …

READ MORE  What is the History Behind the Santons of Provence
Benefits Expat Living Provence South France
Maison Mirabeau Wines

The Unexpected Benefits of Living in Rural South of France

Contributor blog post by Susana Iwase Hanson @Mirabeau Wine We all have a good idea about the expected benefits of living in this Mediterranean region: the clean air, water, the relaxing slow-paced life with good wine and olive oil, the fantastic weather (so much sunshine!), and the outdoor markets full of …

READ MORE  The Unexpected Benefits of Living in Rural South of France
Noses Perfumers Oenology le Nez
InspireMaison Mirabeau WinesShopping & Gifts

“The Noses” of Oenology and Perfumery

Contributor blog post by Victoria Koning @Mirabeau Wine During our visit to the Fragonard perfume factory in Grasse, we were quite impressed by the similarities between creating perfumes and creating wines. It’s especially poignant in the art of blending Provence rosés, which is incredibly technical to make. Our oenologists can …

READ MORE  “The Noses” of Oenology and Perfumery
Grasse Dior Perfume flowers Domaine de Manon
ExploreMaison Mirabeau WinesVillages Towns and Cities

Provençal Flowers in Grasse for Dior Perfume

We joined a fabulous day out organized by the Cotignac Museum entitled, ‘Le Parfum de la Terre à la Bouteille’ – perfume from the earth to the bottle. About forty of us caught an 8am bus to Grasse and arrived a couple of hours later at the family-run flower estate, …

READ MORE  Provençal Flowers in Grasse for Dior Perfume
Saffron Chicken Potato Courgette Bake Mirabeau Wine
Main CourseMaison Mirabeau WinesPoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Saffron Chicken with Potato and Courgette Bake

This savoury recipe for Saffron Chicken comes from the Mirabeau Wine kitchen in the Var. The chicken is matched with an easy side dish of potato and courgette (zucchini).

READ MORE  Recipe for Saffron Chicken with Potato and Courgette Bake
Recipe Three Dips Perfect Summer Entertaining
AppetizerMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Three Dips Perfect for Summertime Entertaining

There is nothing like summer for easy, unfussy entertaining. These three dips – olive tapenade, a goat cheese version and a caviar of aubergine – are Mirabeau Wine adaptations of Provencal classics. Provence is often called a cold country with a hot sun because as soon as the sun’s down you …

READ MORE  Three Dips Perfect for Summertime Entertaining