Marinated Mushroom and Roast Pumpkin Salad for Autumn Weather
Often, as the weather turns cooler, the tendency is towards warm, slow-cooked meals and roasted meats. These menus beg for a table of good friends and great wine. However, you don’t want the meal to be too “heavy,” this tasty combination of autumn vegetables – marinated mushroom and roast pumpkin salad – is a perfect starter course with plenty of colour. Market stands in Provence at this time of year are graced with bright pumpkins and wild mushrooms. If you wish, you can prepare the mushrooms a day in advance to give them time to soak up the herb and garlic marinade and be extra delicious. …Continue reading here for the original post. The recipe (and wine pairing suggestion) is below.

Marinated Mushroom and Roast Pumpkin Salad
- 150 grams woodland mushrooms best to choose a mixture (see note)
- 2 garlic cloves
- bunch thyme
- 1 small pumpkin like a Red Kuri squash (see note)
- handful pumpkin seeds
- colourful mixed salad like oak leaf, spinach, and radicchio
- To prepare the marinated mushrooms, use a jar with a lid or a bowl you can close with a plate or clingfilm.
- Clean your mushrooms and let them dry completely.
- Fry them for a couple of minutes in a pan with a bit of olive oil.
- Add them to the bowl and cover them completely with good-quality olive oil, some sprigs of thyme, two garlic cloves and a splash of vinegar.
- Swirl the marinade around gently, close the jar and put it in the fridge overnight.
- You can make more than needed, as they will keep a couple of weeks if refrigerated. They are also delicious on a roast slice of bread.
- Peel the pumpkin, discard the insides and prepare small-ish cubes. Season with some sea salt and pepper.
- Roast them in olive oil (be careful not to turn the heat up too much as olive oil burns easily) until they are nice and golden brown on the outside and sufficiently cooked on the inside (try one to make sure..).
- Take out the pieces of pumpkin and add the seeds to the pan.
- The seeds should pop open a little and be extra delicious.
- Use some of the flavoured oil from the mushroom jar and decant it into a bowl.
- Add a small spoon of grainy mustard, salt and pepper, and stir to make a vinaigrette.
- Arrange the washed salad leaves on each plate.
- Add some of the marinated mushrooms and warm roast pumpkin. Sprinkle the pumpkin seeds over, and using a spoon, drizzle over some extra vinaigrette.
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