International Art & Antiques Fair in L’Isle Sur La Sorgue #Provence @VaucluseDreamer
InspireJulie WhitmarshShopping & Gifts

Fine Art and something a bit different in L’Isle Sur La Sorgue

More by luck than judgement, the first Sunday of our holiday this summer happened to coincide with the final day of this year’s International Art & Antiques Fair in L’Isle Sur La Sorgue. I must admit that I’d realised the ‘happy coincidence’ a few months ago and had been looking …

READ MORE  Fine Art and something a bit different in L’Isle Sur La Sorgue
Thoronet Abbey Cistercian Provence
Ginger and NutmegInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Thoronet Abbey a Cistercian Treasure in Provence

This article was previously published on Ginger and Nutmeg. Cistercian Abbeys Classified as a French historic monument in 1840 L’Abbaye du Thoronet restoration work started the following year and continues today. The Cistercian Thoronet Abbey is the third “sister” to abbeys Silvacane and Sénanque in Provence. These religious structures are …

READ MORE  Thoronet Abbey a Cistercian Treasure in Provence
Elke Walter Design @ElkeWalter
Artists Inspired by ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Elke Walter Design Materialized in Provence

Attracted to Provence by the sun, Elke Walter is clear that the weather is better than in her birthplace Hamburg, Germany. Elke began designing clothing in the 1990s in France, and her business Elke Walter Design was officially launched in 2002 when she opened her atelier in Hamburg. Elke describes …

READ MORE  Elke Walter Design Materialized in Provence
Art imitates Life @BfBlogger2015 Andy Newman
Artists Inspired by ProvenceBarefoot BloggerInspire

Amazing Proof That “Art Imitates Life” in France

When the Barefoot Blogger decided to travel to France, this blog was born. It was intended as a “letter back home” to those I know so they could keep up with my adventure. Little did I know that the blog would take on a life of its own. Now it …

READ MORE  Amazing Proof That “Art Imitates Life” in France
Sabine Werner #Jeweller #Jewellery @SabineWerner
Artists Inspired by ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Jeweller Sabine Werner Fused to Provence

Sabine Werner is a recent transplant to Provence arriving with her family only in January 2014. However, she tells me that this region has long held her curiosity and is now inspiring her work. It is not that the sun never shines in Munich, Germany (Sabine’s birthplace) or Brisbane, Australia …

READ MORE  Jeweller Sabine Werner Fused to Provence
Painting Uzes Place aux Herbes #Uzes #PlaceauxHerbes @dgnbarker
Artists Inspired by ProvenceInspire

Painting Uzès

I’ve been thinking a lot about Uzès recently – walking, looking, taking photographs and looking at photographs. But there’s been more time spent staring at canvases on which I’ve tried to capture something of the essence of the town. From my studio I can see the Duché, the cathedral and …

READ MORE  Painting Uzès
Cathedrale de la Major Marseille #Marseille #Provence @PerfProvence
Guest PostInspireShopping & Gifts

Marseille: Les Voutes de la Major

Slowly, the shopping and eating area tucked underneath the imposing cathedrale de la Major is coming to  life.  There are 8 stores open so far, including a very large Habitat (1500m2) and a Fragonard more of which later.

READ MORE  Marseille: Les Voutes de la Major
St Tropez port #StTropez @JaneDunning
Books on ProvenceGuest Post

House Sitting Near Saint-Tropez Turns into a Book

 “Thirty-five minutes from St Tropez” I first learnt of the concept of house-sitting on holiday in 2006. We had rented an apartment in a lovely house just south of La Garde Freinet, a small town in the Var, about twenty minutes from Saint-Tropez. I realised that house-sitting might be a …

READ MORE  House Sitting Near Saint-Tropez Turns into a Book
David Hockney Arles @FondationVanGogh
What's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

David Hockney in Arles from October 11th

This is the first time I’ve been aware of a David Hockney exhibition in the south of France: he is phenomenally popular in the UK where works when not in LA. This show will draw on work created in Yorkshire where he spent time recording the passing of the seasons …

READ MORE  David Hockney in Arles from October 11th
Tania Laveder via @Jemma French Lessons
Books on ProvenceInspireJemma - French Lessons

Profile: Tania Laveder, World War II Survivor

Tania Laveder had hoped to write her own story, but over the years she has lost some of her Russian. She learned German only for the purposes of survival. The Italian of her in-laws remains fairly non-existent. And the French that has governed her life for almost 70 years now …

READ MORE  Profile: Tania Laveder, World War II Survivor