seared duck ground cherry chutney
David Scott AllenMain CoursePoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

Seared Duck Breast with Ground Cherry Chutney

The other day I got a text from my friend, Jill, that our local store had gooseberries, and did I want any? What a silly question! Of course, I wanted some gooseberries. Within seconds I was dreaming of the gooseberry-almond cake from my days in Heidelberg, Germany. When Jill arrived …

READ MORE  Seared Duck Breast with Ground Cherry Chutney
cumin roasted pork chops
David Scott AllenMain CoursePorkProvencal RecipesTaste

Wine Pairing with Cumin-Roasted Pork Chops

What’s for dinner? It is a question I have asked myself daily for the past 400 days. Yes, I have cooked every meal since mid-March 2020 at home. No restaurants, no take-out, nothing. But, if you know me, I enjoyed it, especially these cumin-roasted pork chops. In the spirit of …

READ MORE  Wine Pairing with Cumin-Roasted Pork Chops
pear frangipane tart
David Scott AllenDessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

A Sweet Pairing Recipe for Pear Frangipane Tart

Today’s recipe combines one of my recipes and one by my friend Inger, who writes The Art of Natural Living. She posted a pear frangipane tart sometime before Christmas, and I had been tasked with finding a Christmas dessert with a 1999 Château d’Yquem Sauternes (thanks, Lee!). Such a problem …

READ MORE  A Sweet Pairing Recipe for Pear Frangipane Tart
Lemon Meringue Tart Recipe
DessertMaison Mirabeau WinesPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Just Try to Resist this Lemon Meringue Tart Recipe

I love this tart, it might seem daunting, but I’ve broken it down into three parts, so open a bottle of rosé and have fun with it. You’ll be really happy with the results, I promise! I’ve made the pastry, but feel free to buy it. There are some amazing …

READ MORE  Just Try to Resist this Lemon Meringue Tart Recipe
Fall Plating for Chocolate Pear Tarts
DessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTasha PowellTaste

Chocolate and Pear Tarts a Fall Dessert

This chocolate and pear tart is a perfect dessert for autumn. Chocolate and pears are a magnificent marriage of flavour and texture. For this dessert, I also created a leaf design with raspberry coulis and caramel on a white plate (using squeeze bottles) and blended the colours with a synthetic …

READ MORE  Chocolate and Pear Tarts a Fall Dessert
Socca Delicious Specialty Nice S
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesTaste

Cuisine Nissarde Savoury and Sweet Recipes from Nice

Museums dedicated to the works of Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall, a dynamic old town centre, shopping, and music are some of the many reasons to visit Nice. The largest city on the French Riviera with the shimmering Baie des Anges and famous beaches, the capital of the Alpes-Maritimes department …

READ MORE  Cuisine Nissarde Savoury and Sweet Recipes from Nice
Apple Cheddar Prosciutto Flatbread
AppetizerMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal Recipes

Pink Lady Apple, Cheddar and Prosciutto Flatbread

At Mirabeau, we love apples and in particular the Pink Lady® variety. Last summer we did a culinary collaboration with the company and this savoury flatbread was one of the delicious recipes. Pink Lady Apple, Cheddar and Prosciutto Flatbread is the perfect summer dish, delicious as a main course with …

READ MORE  Pink Lady Apple, Cheddar and Prosciutto Flatbread
Chicken Fricassée à la Provencal
Let’s Eat the WorldMain CoursePoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

Delicious Dinner Chicken Fricassée à la Provencal

Fricassée is a traditional French stew made with meat browned in butter, served in a delicate sauce made from stock. You can alternate the meat in this recipe with rabbit, veal, or duck for a dish easily mistaken for a gourmet meal. The sauce is bright and full of flavour. …

READ MORE  Delicious Dinner Chicken Fricassée à la Provencal
Mixed Mushroom Sheet Pan Recipe
Guest PostLunchtime MealsProvencal RecipesTaste

For Mushroom Lovers An Easy Sheet Pan Recipe

Cooler weather in Provence, a touch of humidity, and maybe even some rain bring with it the promise of wild mushrooms foraged from nearby forests. However, you need to know where to look and do not expect the locals to show you where to find edible fungi. The good news …

READ MORE  For Mushroom Lovers An Easy Sheet Pan Recipe
Easy Classic Chicken Provencal
Main CourseMaison Mirabeau WinesPoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

An Easy Dish Classic Chicken Provencal

When fall brings cooler air, you’ll want to warm up your tastebuds with delicious home-cooked meals that are sure to impress. This Chicken Provencal is a classic chicken dish that combines typical fall flavours like rosemary and thyme with Mirabeau Classic Rosé, which adds just the right je ne sais …

READ MORE  An Easy Dish Classic Chicken Provencal