Ratatouille Recipe a Traditional Dish from Nice
Ratatouille, pronounced ra-ta-too-ee, is a delicious vegetable stew from Nice, commonly found all over Provence and the South of France. I have to mention that it was this long before the Pixar film of the same name, and the reason I say that is that if you google “ratatouille”, the …
Ratatouille, pronounced ra-ta-too-ee, is a delicious vegetable stew from Nice, commonly found all over Provence and the South of France. I have to mention that it was this long before the Pixar film of the same name, and the reason I say that is that if you google “ratatouille”, the …

Figues Sauvage Wild Figs
Now is the time to pick wild figs in Provence. White and violet figs alike are ripe on the wild ‘figuier’ trees that grow anywhere close to water sources here in Provence. I’m always amazed how these resistant (almost invasive) trees can root themselves between rocks and grow 30 feet …
Now is the time to pick wild figs in Provence. White and violet figs alike are ripe on the wild ‘figuier’ trees that grow anywhere close to water sources here in Provence. I’m always amazed how these resistant (almost invasive) trees can root themselves between rocks and grow 30 feet …

Elizabeth Bard’s Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms
This savoury recipe is from Elizabeth Bard’s latest book, Picnic in Provence: A Memoir with Recipes. Stuffed zucchini blossoms require a little extra effort to make, but your table companions will be happy you did. Buy your zucchini flowers at the farmers’ market in the morning, and store them in …
This savoury recipe is from Elizabeth Bard’s latest book, Picnic in Provence: A Memoir with Recipes. Stuffed zucchini blossoms require a little extra effort to make, but your table companions will be happy you did. Buy your zucchini flowers at the farmers’ market in the morning, and store them in …

The Curious Forager in Provence: Wild Leeks and Rocket
One of the wonderful things about living in the countryside in Provence is taking advantage of the free food found all over the landscape. Any amateur forager can benefit without putting their lives at risk! (Although my other half gets quite anxious when I’ve come back with a pile of …
One of the wonderful things about living in the countryside in Provence is taking advantage of the free food found all over the landscape. Any amateur forager can benefit without putting their lives at risk! (Although my other half gets quite anxious when I’ve come back with a pile of …

Salsa marò or fava bean pesto
Just like last August’s post on a similar subject, I arrived in France four days ago with broad beans (fava beans) from the UK. This time, however, there was a recipe on my agenda that had been there for too long and I had ran out of time to get …
Just like last August’s post on a similar subject, I arrived in France four days ago with broad beans (fava beans) from the UK. This time, however, there was a recipe on my agenda that had been there for too long and I had ran out of time to get …

Fabulous local goats cheese in Banon
Contributor blog post by David Taylor: The nearby village of Banon is renowned for its appellation controlled goats cheese. We are lucky to know a local award winning producer and can recommend a visit to their small shop on the farm where you can buy the freshest goats cheese at excellent …
Contributor blog post by David Taylor: The nearby village of Banon is renowned for its appellation controlled goats cheese. We are lucky to know a local award winning producer and can recommend a visit to their small shop on the farm where you can buy the freshest goats cheese at excellent …

Love France Love Food Love Fish?
Contributor blog post by David Taylor: France is of course renowned for its gastronomy and in Provence one of the most famous dishes is the Bouillabaisse, originating from Marseille. We ate at one of our favourite restaurants (in the world!) this week , which specialises in this great dish. A …
Contributor blog post by David Taylor: France is of course renowned for its gastronomy and in Provence one of the most famous dishes is the Bouillabaisse, originating from Marseille. We ate at one of our favourite restaurants (in the world!) this week , which specialises in this great dish. A …

Marche de Provence … Chanteduc Day 2
By Krista Bender We started this morning at the town open air market which much to my surprise… Consists of the entire village. I was thinking it was just going to be a strip in village center but literally there are stands down every charming stone street. The vendors come …
By Krista Bender We started this morning at the town open air market which much to my surprise… Consists of the entire village. I was thinking it was just going to be a strip in village center but literally there are stands down every charming stone street. The vendors come …

A Fig Festival and a horse in a flat-cap
I can’t help it – I’m a sucker for a local Festival in France – so you can imagine I was delighted when, on a planned bike ride last week, we arrived in Saint Didier and noticed a sign for the Fig Festival taking place in Caromb that day. Continue …
I can’t help it – I’m a sucker for a local Festival in France – so you can imagine I was delighted when, on a planned bike ride last week, we arrived in Saint Didier and noticed a sign for the Fig Festival taking place in Caromb that day. Continue …

Recipe for Green Olive Tapenade from Provence
Olive trees have grown in Provence since at least the time of the Greeks, roughly 600 BC. Olive oil was a prized commodity during the Roman era. At 4,500 tons per year, France is not considered a large global producer. However, the quality is considered to be excellent. The Provence …
Olive trees have grown in Provence since at least the time of the Greeks, roughly 600 BC. Olive oil was a prized commodity during the Roman era. At 4,500 tons per year, France is not considered a large global producer. However, the quality is considered to be excellent. The Provence …