ExploreGuided Holiday Tours

The South of France in Context Travel

Are you an intellectually curious traveler? Context Travel aims to be different, far removed from the average tourist tour, and certainly not with just any tour guides. Tour leaders at Context Travel are called docents, with good reason these are multi-degreed (MBA, Ph.D.) specialists in their fields of study who are keen …

READ MORE  The South of France in Context Travel
Luberon Luxury Provence Accommodation Les Vallons pool
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottRental & Self-Catered Properties in ProvenceStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Stay Here! Luberon Luxury at Paradis en Provence

In 1999, a decade after the publication of Peter Mayle’s “A Year in Provence”, Georgina Causton and her partner decided to take a sabbatical year. Smitten by the South of France, they never returned to live in London. Instead, they bought a house and three mortgages later ended up with …

READ MORE  Stay Here! Luberon Luxury at Paradis en Provence
Fig Tart with Marzipan
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottDessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Fig Tart with Marzipan

This recipe for a delicious fig tart comes from our friend Nito Carpita, a classically trained chef. The figs are baked in a sweet custard – just try to resist!

READ MORE  Fig Tart with Marzipan
Lavender Fields Travel Provence Lavender
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

The Purple Beauty of Provence: Lavender

Lavender is the purple beauty of Provence; it is a big industry in France and the key to essential oil production. Tourists and locals flock to see the fields in full blooming glory. The timeframe changes annually depending on weather, but typically some fields are ready by late June, and …

READ MORE  The Purple Beauty of Provence: Lavender
I Promise You This #Provence #Books @Patricia_Sands
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Book Review: I Promise You This

Last summer, I had the pleasure of meeting Patricia Sands in person. We met for coffee on a terrace that faced the Promenade des Anglais, in Nice. In reality, the patio may face that direction not that we could see the beach from our table, or over two lanes of …

READ MORE  Book Review: I Promise You This
Travel with @GirlGoneGallic
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday ToursLocals Travel Tips

Learn French on Your Guided Tour of Provence

Occasionally, I get asked what do I enjoy the most about Perfectly Provence? Hands down it is the personal connections forged via this online community of contributors and readers. Some of my favourite moments (to date) include a lady’s lunch in Nice, exchanging recipes and wine pairing ideas with new …

READ MORE  Learn French on Your Guided Tour of Provence
Provence France’s Lavoirs
Ginger and NutmegInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Provencal Laundry all Washed up in France’s Lavoirs

Water sloshes against the sides of the shallow stone basin of the lavoir as weathered hands vigorously scrub at stubborn stains. Kneeling on their augets washerwomen exchange tidbits of town gossip as they work to brighten their laundry. Before communal lavoirs, personal washing was done sparingly by the side of …

READ MORE  Provencal Laundry all Washed up in France’s Lavoirs
Gérald Passedat's Ratatouille By Richard Haughton
Provencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Recipe for Gérald Passedat’s Ratatouille My Way

“Ratatouille My Way” is from Gérald Passedat’s new cookbook Flavors From The French Mediterranean. Ratatouille is a classic Provencal recipe that uses ingredients readily found in the region (tomatoes, zucchini, onions, eggplant). However, this version is prepared with the expertise of a master chef.

READ MORE  Recipe for Gérald Passedat’s Ratatouille My Way
5 Reasons Visit Camargue Views Mediterranean Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

5 Reasons to Visit the Camargue

Take a road trip to a world away from lavender-scented fields, perched villages, and candy-coloured shutters. Head to the Camargue! The marshland and brackish waters where the Rhone River finally meets the Mediterranean define Provence’s “wild west.” Created in 1986, the natural wetland preserve is 100,000 hectares in size (read …

READ MORE  5 Reasons to Visit the Camargue
Melon Soup #CookingClasses #Provence @venisenprovence
Provencal RecipesSoupTaste

A Savoury Melon Soup Starter

Giuseppina Mabilia, who blends a fusion of tastes from Italy and Provence at her cooking school Venise en Provence shares this recipe for a savoury, cold melon soup. Perfect for a starter in the heat of summer, or for lunch.

READ MORE  A Savoury Melon Soup Starter