Elegant Saffron Shrimp Curry with Coconut Our New Comfort Food
This curry is full of flavour but mild when it comes to heat. Once you start cooking, you can have the savoury saffron shrimp on the table in under 30-minutes.
This curry is full of flavour but mild when it comes to heat. Once you start cooking, you can have the savoury saffron shrimp on the table in under 30-minutes.

Sweet Treats Lemon Olive Oil Mini Cakes Bursting with Provencal Flavour
Lemon Olive Oil Mini Cakes as individual servings. You can, of course, make the same batter and bake as a single large cake. Personally, I love this recipe as it combines the flavours of Provence in one tiny (delightful) package – lemons, thyme, olive oil.
Lemon Olive Oil Mini Cakes as individual servings. You can, of course, make the same batter and bake as a single large cake. Personally, I love this recipe as it combines the flavours of Provence in one tiny (delightful) package – lemons, thyme, olive oil.

Flambéed Chicken a Main Course with a Spark
At Mas d’Augstine, we spend our “off-season” on maintenance, accounting and a bit of experimentation in the kitchen. To kick off the 2018 Chambre d’Hôtes season, we accommodated a party of eleven (yes 11!) and tested our recipe at the first table d’hotes of the year. Following a pasta course (Mushroom Spinach Ricotta Cannelloni), we served Flambéed Chicken to rave reviews.
At Mas d’Augstine, we spend our “off-season” on maintenance, accounting and a bit of experimentation in the kitchen. To kick off the 2018 Chambre d’Hôtes season, we accommodated a party of eleven (yes 11!) and tested our recipe at the first table d’hotes of the year. Following a pasta course (Mushroom Spinach Ricotta Cannelloni), we served Flambéed Chicken to rave reviews.

Pesto de Roquette a Recipe for Arugula Pesto
Many traditional recipes for pesto include basil leaves, this variation from Danielle Jouval at Domaine Saint Jacques calls for fresh roquette. Arugula (roquette) pesto is bright and slightly peppery, it is an excellent condiment for a sandwich, barbequed meat or drizzled on the top of a tomato salad.
Many traditional recipes for pesto include basil leaves, this variation from Danielle Jouval at Domaine Saint Jacques calls for fresh roquette. Arugula (roquette) pesto is bright and slightly peppery, it is an excellent condiment for a sandwich, barbequed meat or drizzled on the top of a tomato salad.

Grilled Peaches with Honey and Cinnamon Mascarpone
This recipe for grilled peaches has all the tasty notes of summer – fresh stone fruit, local honey and fresh cheese. Pair this dessert of caramelised peaches with the delicate peachy notes of Etoile rosé go perfectly with this light and elegant dessert
This recipe for grilled peaches has all the tasty notes of summer – fresh stone fruit, local honey and fresh cheese. Pair this dessert of caramelised peaches with the delicate peachy notes of Etoile rosé go perfectly with this light and elegant dessert

Strawberry Tiramisu a Sweet, Delicious Dessert
Strawberry season comes early in Nice. By mid-April, the first fragrant strawberries from the local hills grace the market in my neighbourhood. And as if fresh berries aren’t enough of a treat, this delightfully fluffy strawberry tiramisu never fails to impress. Vive la fraise!
Strawberry season comes early in Nice. By mid-April, the first fragrant strawberries from the local hills grace the market in my neighbourhood. And as if fresh berries aren’t enough of a treat, this delightfully fluffy strawberry tiramisu never fails to impress. Vive la fraise!

Apricot Cake a Delicious Reason to Celebrate Summer Fruit – Gâteau d’Abricots
Très vite fait, très vite mangé, ce gâteau est parfait pour tenir le rythme rapide de Juin. This apricot cake is quick to make and disappear even faster. This recipe is perfect for busy summer months when the stone fruit are ripest.
Très vite fait, très vite mangé, ce gâteau est parfait pour tenir le rythme rapide de Juin. This apricot cake is quick to make and disappear even faster. This recipe is perfect for busy summer months when the stone fruit are ripest.

Starter Pasta Recipe Mushroom Spinach Ricotta Cannelloni
Although we served this recipe as a starter, it could easily be the main course, if you increase the quantities. The trickiest part is stuffing the cannelloni shells with the mixture of mushrooms, spinach and cheese. Serve hot with a small side salad.
Although we served this recipe as a starter, it could easily be the main course, if you increase the quantities. The trickiest part is stuffing the cannelloni shells with the mixture of mushrooms, spinach and cheese. Serve hot with a small side salad.

Summer Dining A Collection of Recipes From Provence a Dinner Party Menu for Friends
Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with the summer solstice. It is not my favourite day of the year when I know that despite weeks (hopefully) of hot weather ahead, the harsh reality is that the amount of daylight will continue to get shorter from here until mid-December. However, it …
Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with the summer solstice. It is not my favourite day of the year when I know that despite weeks (hopefully) of hot weather ahead, the harsh reality is that the amount of daylight will continue to get shorter from here until mid-December. However, it …

Provencal Artichokes Stuffed with Goat Cheese and Tapenade
Artichokes Stuffed with Goat Cheese and Tapenade. The combination of fresh artichokes, goat cheese and tapenade translate into “Provence in a bite” to be enjoyed with some chilled rosé.
Artichokes Stuffed with Goat Cheese and Tapenade. The combination of fresh artichokes, goat cheese and tapenade translate into “Provence in a bite” to be enjoyed with some chilled rosé.