Tuna Appetizer pate au thon Tastes Provence @CocoaandLavender
AppetizerDavid Scott AllenProvencal RecipesTaste

Easy Tuna Appetizer: Pâté au Thon

In David’s Cocoa and Lavender post for Pâté au Thon he turns ordinary canned tuna into a masterpiece. The full recipe is below for what might just become your go-to “impress the guests” appetizer.

READ MORE  Easy Tuna Appetizer: Pâté au Thon
Spinach Tart Finished Tastes Provence @PerfProvence
Lunchtime MealsProvencal RecipesTaste

Easy Pizza Alternative Spinach Tart

kitchen of Marc Heracle in Provence. It is a more traditional dish as it uses typical local products (olives, spinach, olive oil). This is a simple dish to make. You can serve as a starter or as a main with a big salad.

READ MORE  Easy Pizza Alternative Spinach Tart
Apricot Tart Tastes Provence @PerfProvence
DessertGinger and NutmegPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Sweet Memories in an Apricot Tart

This sweet apricot tart recipe is very easy to make and tasty enough for seconds. It is even better the next day. You can prepare this tart with other stone fruit such as peaches or plums.

READ MORE  Sweet Memories in an Apricot Tart
Red Mullet #Recipe @MirabeauWine
Fish & SeafoodMain CourseMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Easy Recipe for Pan Fried Red Mullet

Red Mullet is a rockfish often found in southern French cuisine, delicious grilled with tapenade or as part of yummy seafood soups. It’s a small fish that really brightens up our local fish counters with its gorgeous coral scales

READ MORE  Easy Recipe for Pan Fried Red Mullet
Grande Paella Provence Market Day Cotignac Paella Provence
Ginger and NutmegTaste

La Grande Paella Spanish Influence in Provence

Bastille Day Celebrations Bastille Day (La Fête Nationale) commemorates the 1789 storming of the Bastille in Paris. Two years running, our village attempted to host fireworks on the 14th only to be stymied by the wind. Leave it to the Parisians to have their traditional parade on the Champs-Élysées. Eygalières was …

READ MORE  La Grande Paella Spanish Influence in Provence
Mont Ventoux and Les Dentelles de-Montmirail. Photo Credit: Rhône Wines
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Tour de France: Mount Ventoux Wines

Contributor blog post by Jill Barth: A kindly giant who watches over the aromatic garrigue scrubland and the carefully tended vineyards, Mont Ventoux shelters wines conducive to sharing and close companionship – celebrated with a fragrant, flavourful centrepiece. ~ CHRISTOPHE TASSAN Sommelier and Rhone Ambassador THE TOUR DE FRANCE 2016 …

READ MORE  Tour de France: Mount Ventoux Wines
Favourite Wine Bars Cave de la Tour #Nice06 @RivieraGrape
Restaurant RecommendationsTasteThe Riviera Grapevine

Ask A Local: Favourite Wine Bars on the French Riviera

I have a wonderful network here on the Côte d’Azur of locals who are a fountain of knowledge regarding cool, trendy places to visit, away from the usual traveller hot spots. So I thought it was time to start sharing some of these insider tips for both visitors and residents …

READ MORE  Ask A Local: Favourite Wine Bars on the French Riviera
Fennel Tomato Soup Pastis @CocoaandLavender
David Scott AllenProvencal RecipesSoupTaste

Provence in a Bowl Fennel Tomato Soup with Pastis

In his easy recipe, David has combined iconic tastes of Provence – tomatoes, fennel and Pastis – into a bowl (original Cocoa & Lavender post here). In summer months, local market stands showcase tomatoes of every description from trendy multi-coloured heirloom varieties to a Provencal version of the juicy beefsteak to tiny …

READ MORE  Provence in a Bowl Fennel Tomato Soup with Pastis
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Guide Gantié How to Choose a Restaurant in Provence

Launched this month, the 2016 Guide Gantié How do you choose which restaurant to visit? This is a real question here in Provence with so many to choose from. So this week I talked to local writer Ester Laushway who is the Vaucluse correspondent for the Guide Gantié, the ‘little …

READ MORE  Guide Gantié How to Choose a Restaurant in Provence
Pink grapefruit, roasted fennel and prawn salad @MirabeauWine
Maison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Pink grapefruit, roasted fennel and prawn salad

Contributor blog post by Jeany Cronk @Mirabeau Wine: Summer’s finally around the corner, yippee, and so alfresco dining and picnics are back on our agendas. I can say without hesitation that a cool bottle of Mirabeau is the perfect partner for all that outdoor activity! I’ve always liked to bring …

READ MORE  Pink grapefruit, roasted fennel and prawn salad