Saint Quentin la Poterie market @PerfProvence
French Cooking ClassesGinger and NutmegTaste

Join a Cook’n with Class Culinary Adventures in Uzès

Charming, was what Nutmeg expected from the Tuesday market in Saint Quentin la Poterie; a village known for its collection of resident artisans (40+) and the annual European Ceramic Festival – Terralha. This town was the birthplace of Joseph Monier the inventor of reinforced concrete. As a tribute to the …

READ MORE  Join a Cook’n with Class Culinary Adventures in Uzès
Water stress on the vines #WinesofProvence @MirabeauWine
Maison Mirabeau WinesTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

A dry year for Grapes in Provence

Contributor blog post by Nuria Stylianou @Mirabeau Wine People and vines have a lot in common. A little stress can benefit the human body, pushing us out of our comfort zone, spurring us on to greater things. The same is true of vines: limit their water and nutrient supply among …

READ MORE  A dry year for Grapes in Provence
Lunch at La Beaugraviere in Mondragon @OurHouseinProvence
Our House in ProvenceRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Truffle Season and Lunch at La Beaugravière in Mondragon

Contributor blog post by Michel: Almost without fail, we are out and about during the middle of the day so every morning I look for a new restaurant to try or a favorite dining spot to return to. So one morning last February, I was thumbing through the Michelin Guide …

READ MORE  Truffle Season and Lunch at La Beaugravière in Mondragon
Elegant dining #TastesofProvence @PerfProvence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSeasonal MenusTaste

Provencal Menu: Autumn Dinner Party

After a long stretch of scorching summer days, cooler autumn weather in Provence offers a chance to serve warm, hearty meals. Fall mornings wrapped in a cloth of humidity with heavy dew and fog clouding the early hours until the sun does its work. With the hard work finished for …

READ MORE  Provencal Menu: Autumn Dinner Party
financier aux courgettes @GoutetVoyage
AppetizerMartine Bertin-PetersonProvencal RecipesTaste

A perfect late summer appetizer – Financiers aux Courgettes (Zucchini Financiers)

Financiers aux Courgettes – little zucchini cakes – fit the pot luck bill perfectly. Typically in French cuisine, a financier is a small, airy cake, often with an almond flour base, that is eaten for dessert. I prefer savoury financiers which lend themselves to a myriad of combinations – sausage and cheese, spinach and cheese, olive, walnuts and cheese

READ MORE  A perfect late summer appetizer – Financiers aux Courgettes (Zucchini Financiers)
Dining in France @CobblestonesandVineyards
Cheryl ShufflebothamTaste

Food Lover? How Not to Go Hungry in France

Hungry in France? Wait a minute! Isn’t France all about the food? Isn’t it known for its boulangeries, pâtisseries, cheese, bread, croissants, steak frites, and Michelin-star dining? Don’t people go to France for the food? Yes, yes, and yes. There is wonderful food everywhere, as long as you play by …

READ MORE  Food Lover? How Not to Go Hungry in France
Pork Tenderloin provencal porc roti #TastesofProvence @CocoaandLavender
David Scott AllenMain CoursePorkProvencal RecipesTaste

Provencal Roasted Pork Tenderloin

This pork recipe from David is an easy dish, spiced with the flavours of Provence and served with 2007 Coteaux d’Aix en Provence from Château Vignelaure,

READ MORE  Provencal Roasted Pork Tenderloin
Apple Pie Panade aux Pommes @PerfProvence
DessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Apple Pie Recipe with a Provencal Twist

A panade can be a sweet or savoury dish that has a crusty exterior and soft almost custard-like interior. Panade is also used to describe a thickener a combination of liquid (milk, stock) and starch (breadcrumbs, flour, panko). In this case, the sweet crust is complemented by almost molten apples. …

READ MORE  Apple Pie Recipe with a Provencal Twist