Cauliflower Salad Cilantro Pesto
Let’s Eat the WorldProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Super Sides: Cauliflower Salad with Cilantro Pesto

But, at Cook’n with Class we are not concerned about culinary superstars rather easy to follow recipes with delicious results.  Try this side dish of Cauliflower Salad with Cilantro Pesto with your Thanksgiving turkey or Christmas spread.

READ MORE  Super Sides: Cauliflower Salad with Cilantro Pesto
Crestet Vaucluse Village
Cheryl ShufflebothamExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Crestet a Vaucluse Village on the Route de Charm

Hilltop Crestet Crestet can be described as what I like to call Burgunesque, a word I made up for places that remind me of the rural charm of Burgundy that I first fell in love with. This village is not in Burgundy but in the gorgeous Provençal countryside with a …

READ MORE  Crestet a Vaucluse Village on the Route de Charm
Tables and Tastes of Provence Recipe Index
Martine Bertin-PetersonRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Gourmet Travel and Where to Eat in Provence

Are you are looking for advice on where to eat in Provence? Martine, the founder of Goût et Voyage, a boutique travel company, shares her top restaurant picks and exactly the kind of places she shares with her guests on their “Tastes of Provence” culinary tour. Let’s find out where …

READ MORE  Gourmet Travel and Where to Eat in Provence
Quick Coq au Vin
Let’s Eat the WorldMain CoursePoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

Quick Coq au Vin a French Classic Made Easy

Students for our cooking class come from all over the world.  We have had the pleasure of meeting Americans, Australians, Asians, Europeans, and even a Candian couple who returns every year for a refresher workshop (or two). Without fail, whether these folks consider themselves cooks or beginners they want easy recipes. This recipe for Quick Coq au Vin meets that request, enjoy cuisine à la Française made easy.

READ MORE  Quick Coq au Vin a French Classic Made Easy
Three Places Provence Visit Les Baux Les Quatres Saisons by Philip Haas1
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

Three Places In Provence To Visit More Than Once

A Guest Post: Janice Chung is a retired school Principal from Toronto, Canada who travels to France frequently to discover new sights and experiences. Her blog, shares all types of unique experiences not always found in travel guides. She often writes about active activities in France and has participated in …

READ MORE  Three Places In Provence To Visit More Than Once
Roasted Pumpkin Risotto 
David Scott AllenMain CourseProvencal RecipesTasteVegetarian

Roasted Pumpkin Risotto Recipe 

Inspired by a beautiful Marina di Chioggia variety that we found at a Sunday morning Farmers Market, I decided to make this Roasted Pumpkin Risotto (recipe follows).

READ MORE  Roasted Pumpkin Risotto Recipe 
Fort Saint-Jean Marseille
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

MuCEM and Fort Saint-Jean for History Buffs in Marseille

You may be interested in the new space that opened in Fort Saint-Jean in July. It’s called the Galerie des Officiers, the arcaded section you can see in the photo.  Each of 5 small rooms has a short film on an aspect of the history of Fort Saint-Jean, with it a …

READ MORE  MuCEM and Fort Saint-Jean for History Buffs in Marseille
ExitGame Escapes Marseille
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

ExitGame Virtual Escapes in Marseille and Aix

Virtual Escapes Not far from Marseille’s Vieux Port is your chance to escape reality at ExitGame. The company opened its doors and “play” rooms in 2015. The concept originated in Asia, but these virtual escapes are now available in many cities around the world. The ExitGame escapes are suitable for …

READ MORE  ExitGame Virtual Escapes in Marseille and Aix
Learning French Provence
Expat Living and Real EstateKeith Van SickleLearning French

Learning French in Provence it’s Not a Race

Never Argue With Your French Teacher My wife Val and I live in California but I spend several months every year in St-Rémy-de-Provence. When we first started doing this some years ago, Val spoke basic French and I spoke next to none. So we each took classes in the US …

READ MORE  Learning French in Provence it’s Not a Race
Fall Weather Provence
Expat Living and Real EstateLiving in ProvencePaula Kane

Saying Goodbye to Fall Weather and Provence

By Paula Kane Here it is, the last full weekend of my stint in Provence. The time always whips by and it’s hard to believe I’ve been here just over two months already. This stretch is often punctuated with a wide range of emotions, and this year has been no …

READ MORE  Saying Goodbye to Fall Weather and Provence