Ratatouille Recipe a Traditional Dish from Nice
Ratatouille, pronounced ra-ta-too-ee, is a delicious vegetable stew from Nice, commonly found all over Provence and the South of France. I have to mention that it was this long before the Pixar film of the same name, and the reason I say that is that if you google “ratatouille”, the …
Ratatouille, pronounced ra-ta-too-ee, is a delicious vegetable stew from Nice, commonly found all over Provence and the South of France. I have to mention that it was this long before the Pixar film of the same name, and the reason I say that is that if you google “ratatouille”, the …

Made in Dorset: Ratatouille Recipe Inspired by Provence
We’re still going strong with homegrown tomatoes, courgettes and aubergines here in Dorset, and with a solitary, ripe pepper this week (yes, just the one), the whipping up of a ratatouille seems unavoidable. Now, if Jacques Médecin is to be believed, each of the vegetables should be cooked separately before …
We’re still going strong with homegrown tomatoes, courgettes and aubergines here in Dorset, and with a solitary, ripe pepper this week (yes, just the one), the whipping up of a ratatouille seems unavoidable. Now, if Jacques Médecin is to be believed, each of the vegetables should be cooked separately before …