Market #Uzes @Cooknwithclass
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottFrench Cooking ClassesTaste

Spend a Week in Uzes on a French Culinary Holiday

Cook’n with Class is now offering five-day cooking courses at their gorgeous Uzès location. Class sizes are deliberately small with a total of six participants, to maximize the hands-on cooking experience. However, these culinary holidays are not just about long hours spent in the kitchen. You and your classmates will have …

READ MORE  Spend a Week in Uzes on a French Culinary Holiday
Figs Cuisine de Provence
French Cooking ClassesTaste

Cooking Classes at Cuisine de Provence

Barbara Schuerenberg says, “I always joke that I learned to cook out of self-defence as our mother was a terrible cook.”  Clearly, she was successful in that pursuit as she enters into her sixth year of running her cooking school Cuisine de Provence in Vaison la Romaine. German-born Barbara’s journey …

READ MORE  Cooking Classes at Cuisine de Provence
Cooking Classes #Cucuron @LaPetiteMaison @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerFrench Cooking ClassesTaste

Gift Idea: Cooking Class at La Petit Maison du Cucuron

Contributor blog post by Ashley Tinker: Personally, I love experiences as gifts. My man has bought me all manner of classes and courses as gifts to feed my love for learning. Last Christmas, he bought me a cooking class at the charming restaurant La Petit Maison du Cucuron. Chef Eric …

READ MORE  Gift Idea: Cooking Class at La Petit Maison du Cucuron
French Cooking ClassesTaste

Last day in Provence at Chanteduc with Patricia Wells

By Krista Bender It is hard to believe that this is my last day at Chanteduc, with Patricia and all of these fabulous women. I must say it has been a truly remarkable experience that will remain unforgettable in my memory. Today it was raining and what better way to …

READ MORE  Last day in Provence at Chanteduc with Patricia Wells
Pizza Provençal
French Cooking ClassesTaste

Pizza Provençal

By Krista Bender Today up at the farmhouse was home made pizza day. Now when I say homemade, I mean everything. Home made dough, homemade sauce, homemade pesto, homemade sausage and even homemade pickled capers. Best pizza I have tasted in Europe! Including in Italy… Sorry Italians:) This was so …

READ MORE  Pizza Provençal
Roasted Apricot Tart Almond Crust @ProvenceCook
DessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Roasted Apricot Tart with Almond Crust

This recipe from Gilles – the Provence Gourmet – is an easy dessert made with two ingredients from Provence; apricots and almonds. Literally as old as the hills, the fruit of the apricot tree is confirmed to have been domesticated since the Bronze Age. Although the exact origin of the …

READ MORE  Roasted Apricot Tart with Almond Crust
TasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Wine tasting in Gigondas

Contributor blog post by Krista Bender: Those were all my glasses from the tasting… Just kidding! :) Wow! What a fabulous day. We met this morning at Patricia’s and jumped in chauffeured cars to drive out to the quaint and luxurious town of Gigondas. This is yet Explore this Post …

READ MORE  Wine tasting in Gigondas
Eggplant Lamb Tian @ProvenceCook
LambMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Eggplant and Lamb Tian

The Provence Gourmet shares this one-pan, savoury main dish made with local Provencal lamb, eggplant and herbs. If you are interested in cooking classes and learning some traditional Provencal meals contact Gilles (Provence Gourmet) to find out about his classes. Image Credits: All photos were provided by and published with …

READ MORE  Eggplant and Lamb Tian
Provence Gourmet @ProvenceCook #Provence #CookingClasses
DessertFlans, PuddingsProvencal RecipesTaste

Nectarine Fruit Salad with Mint

The Provence Gourmet shares a very simple dessert. You can choose other fruit, depending on your taste and what is in season at the time. The mint adds a fresh flavour, but make sure not to use too much. If you are interested in learning to cook some traditional Provencal …

READ MORE  Nectarine Fruit Salad with Mint
Cooking Classes Marie Helene @dreamyprovence
French Cooking ClassesMy Dreamy ProvenceTaste

Provence cooking at the home of Marie-Hélène

A little while ago I enjoyed a glass or two of local wine with Sarah Pernot, a fellow Brit and founder of Discover Provence; a tour company offering authentic trips around the region.   Sarah suggested I come on one of her newer trips, a Provencal cooking experience, to the …

READ MORE  Provence cooking at the home of Marie-Hélène