Nice Old Town Cote d'Azur
ExploreWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Nice in the winter – Experience Nice a new way

Traditionally the French Riviera, and Nice in particular, was a winter resort. It served as a destination for the upper echelons to escape harsh northern winters amongst their own. Today Nice in the winter is a largely local affair – which means less hustle, bustle and fewer crowds to contend …

READ MORE  Nice in the winter – Experience Nice a new way
Renovation in Provence @VaucluseDreamer
Julie Whitmarsh

Bring on Winter in Provence the Woodburner has been fitted 

Contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer: The last 2 days have gone by in a blur of builders, rubble & dust, but it’s been worth it. Having got rid of the hideous pellet burner (affectionately known as Growler) back in August, we’d been keeping our fingers well and truly crossed …

READ MORE  Bring on Winter in Provence the Woodburner has been fitted 
Winter Salad Recipe @MirabeauWine
Maison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Two delicious French Winter Salads

Contributor blog post by Jeany Cronk @MirabeauWine: Somehow salads get short shrift in winter, yet this is probably the time when we need vitamins the most to get through the cold period. I enjoy eating and making salads all year round and like to add richer ingredients in autumn and …

READ MORE  Two delicious French Winter Salads
Citrons de Menton Citrus Festival #Menton @AccessRiviera
Rebecca WhitlockeWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Menton’s Lemon Festival: A Zesty Au Revoir to Winter!

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Menton on the French-Italian border is blessed with high sunshine hours and it is this climate that supports the growth of citrus fruits, in particular the famous Mentonnais lemon. Each year in February the town celebrates its citrusy wonders by hosting Fête du Citron, literally …

READ MORE  Menton’s Lemon Festival: A Zesty Au Revoir to Winter!
Daube Provencal #Stew @MirabeauWine
BeefMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

A Wintery Daube Provençale

Now that winter has truly arrived in Provence, we all enjoy warmer and richer food than we do most year-round. Contrary to popular belief, it gets incredibly cold here (though not for very long), and a delicious warm stew makes everyone in the family happy.  Continue reading here for the …

READ MORE  A Wintery Daube Provençale
Lourmarin in Winter Provence
Dorothy GarabedianExplore

Winter in Provence

You may ask, “Isn’t Provence sad and dull in winter?” I would answer, “Not at all.” I know Provence in all seasons and winter has gotten to be a favorite time to visit. First, there is usually bright sun, warm enough to sit at a sidewalk café or enjoy walks …

READ MORE  Winter in Provence
Guest PostWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Winter in Marseille

If you are in Marseille for the Christmas lights and market, you may like to drop into the new exhibition at the Maison de l’Artisanat which is showing three centuries of seasonal objects from St Petersbourg. Fine china and costumes are arranged in tableaux taking the visitor back to the …

READ MORE  Winter in Marseille
Adventures in Gréolières Alpes Maritimes
Christine van der LindenExploreHans ZeegersVillages Towns and Cities

Adventures in Gréolières: A travel experience by Hans and Christine

The journey begins: from coast to village A winding road leads us from the sunny French Riviera coast to the Alpes Maritimes village of Gréolières, which has existed since 1033. Gréolières comes from the old French word “greolier,” meaning “crow.” We start our adventures in Gréolières at 850 meters, and …

READ MORE  Adventures in Gréolières: A travel experience by Hans and Christine
Mulled Rosé Wine for the holidays
DrinksMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Forget Vin Chaud try this Mulled Rosé Recipe from Provence

Paint your holidays pink with our Mulled Rosé recipe! This twist on the traditional mulled wine is an absolute crowd-pleaser. The rosé wine makes it lighter and brighter than the classic red wine version but still as fruity and delicious. Perfect for those who prefer something a tad less heavy …

READ MORE  Forget Vin Chaud try this Mulled Rosé Recipe from Provence
Fractional Ownership in Provence Bello Visto
Expat Living and Real EstateGuest PostLiving in ProvenceStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Fractional Ownership Makes Moving to Provence, France Easy

A Move to Provence? Why not? As you’ve heard, Americans are considering moving to France, and you, too, may be wondering, “Is this the time to make this dream a reality?” After all, Provence is the magical place where Marcel Pagnol (La Gloire de Mon Père, Le Château de Ma …

READ MORE  Fractional Ownership Makes Moving to Provence, France Easy