5 Reasons Visit Camargue Views Mediterranean Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

5 Reasons to Visit the Camargue

Take a road trip to a world away from lavender-scented fields, perched villages, and candy-coloured shutters. Head to the Camargue! The marshland and brackish waters where the Rhone River finally meets the Mediterranean define Provence’s “wild west.” Created in 1986, the natural wetland preserve is 100,000 hectares in size (read …

READ MORE  5 Reasons to Visit the Camargue
Pont d'Avignon C.Demontis Avignon Guided Tours
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Historical Walking and Biking Tours of Avignon

In 2003, Clément Demontis first arrived in Avignon; to attend l’Université d’Avignon. Clément followed his undergraduate studies (history and geography) with a Master’s degree in history, so he is well qualified to share the city’s historical facts. Avignon Authentic Stories, Clément’s tour company, launched in 2014 (first tours in 2015). …

READ MORE  Historical Walking and Biking Tours of Avignon
Apricots #CookingClasses #Provence @venisenprovence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottFrench Cooking ClassesTaste

Tastes of Italy Cooking Classes with Venise en Provence

Admittedly, I have the chance to see many beautiful photos of Provence. Hard work, but someone has to do it… However, looking at Giuseppina Mabilia’s gorgeous food photos I had to stop myself from drooling. Clearly, this talented lady who hails from the Veneto region of Italy has a talent …

READ MORE  Tastes of Italy Cooking Classes with Venise en Provence
March events in Provence @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

March Events in Provence/ Mars en Provence

Things are starting to feel decidedly spring-like here in Provence. There are orchids in the grass, the almond blossom has just waned in time for the pear trees to start budding. We’ve had, as seemingly everywhere, a mild winter. We haven’t had anywhere near as much Mistral wind (though I …

READ MORE  March Events in Provence/ Mars en Provence
Painting Trips in Provence @TessaBaker
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

At the Easel Painting Trips in Provence with Tessa Baker

Lorgues is located in the middle of vineyards and olive groves. It is in the center of the department of the Var between the Mediterranean Sea and the Gorges du Verdon. Source: Wikipedia Based on that description, it might be difficult to think of a more idyllic location for an …

READ MORE  At the Easel Painting Trips in Provence with Tessa Baker
Saignon fountain in the square @JaneDunning
Jane DunningStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Provencal dilemmas the three Cs Countryside Coast or City

I’m a real Francophile and have stayed in more than one hundred towns, cities, villages and hamlets in France. Twenty-two of these have been in Provence, the shortest for one night, the longest for four months. Every time I plan a trip to Provence, the dilemma is where to choose… …

READ MORE  Provencal dilemmas the three Cs Countryside Coast or City
Lavender l'Abbaye Notre-Dame de Senanque Provence @ShutrsSunflowrs
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel TipsRoad Trips South of France

Provence Travel Tips from Caroline Longstaffe

Recently, we introduced you to Shutters and Sunflowers, a blog about the Provencal landscape and many other things that inspire Caroline Longstaffe to write. Please read the full story here. The Longstaffe family lived in Provence for about 18 months in 2012-13 and were smitten. We asked Caroline if she …

READ MORE  Provence Travel Tips from Caroline Longstaffe
Daube Provencale Beef Stew Recipe @PerfProvence
BeefMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Daube a Provencale Beef Stew

recipe for daube (beef stew) is similar to beef Bourguignon, but with a Provencal twist, and of course made with wine from Provence. This hearty stew can be made ahead of time, perfect for aprés-ski or other winter activities.

READ MORE  Recipe for Daube a Provencale Beef Stew
Marseille Provence Airport @aeroportmp

Flying from Marseille…New Destinations

News from Marseille-Provence airport….Easyjet are now flying to Manchester twice a week over the winter for those wishing to check out the Northern Powerhouse! And of course there are still the twice-daily flights to London Gatwick. Flights to Bristol will resume in April and Easyjet are advertising flights to Glasgow

READ MORE  Flying from Marseille…New Destinations
Christmas Markets @AccessRiviera
ExploreLocals Travel TipsRebecca Whitlocke

12 Days of Christmas on the French Riviera

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Ho ho ho! The festive season has crept up on me once again and I’ve been so busy with my kids picking up every cough or virus found on a school playground, and juggling lots of Christmas events that I didn’t get around to …

READ MORE  12 Days of Christmas on the French Riviera