Sunflowers Provencal Landscape @ShutrsSunflowrs
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

Shutters and Sunflowers the Provencal Landscape

Admittedly, it would be a tough choice for anyone to pick between, between the lush gardens of the UK, the sunny skies of California and postcard perfect Provence. Caroline Longstaffe’s solution was to start writing a blog Shutters and Sunflowers her artistic outlet for west coast beauty, British heritage and …

READ MORE  Shutters and Sunflowers the Provencal Landscape
Pumpkin Tian Recipe Courge Provence @PestoPistou
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Pumpkin Tian Recipe – Tian de Courges from Provence

A tian is an earthenware dish similar to the Moroccan tagine but without a lid. It is used for baking a simple, local recipe of the same name. The recipe for Tian is an excellent example of rustic provençal cooking using just a few ingredients to enhance seasonal produce. It …

READ MORE  Pumpkin Tian Recipe – Tian de Courges from Provence
Provence Market Cucuron Luberon
InspireShopping & Gifts

Gifts: Christmas Presents and Essential Gifts from Provence

Need some ideas for souvenirs and presents to take home? Check out Christmas Presents from Provence and kitchen essentials for an aspiring Provencal cook. Speaking of Christmas the “marchés de noël” starts up in every town and village in late November. Of course there is food, that pretty much goes …

READ MORE  Gifts: Christmas Presents and Essential Gifts from Provence
Marché Potier
Ashley TinkerInspireShopping & Gifts

Aubagne Argilla Marché Potier

Ashley of Curious Provence writes about her favourite market stand, and a trip to an enormous pottery market held every August in Aubagne. Yesterday, I went to one of Europe’s five largest pottery markets. For the past weekend, the bi-annual Aubagne Argilla Marché Potier brought the city, best known for …

READ MORE  Aubagne Argilla Marché Potier
Ashley TinkerInspireShopping & Gifts

Visite d’Atelier : Martine Guimet

Last week I was welcomed into the atelier of ceramic artist Martine Guimet located in the beautiful hilltop village of St-Saturnin-les-Apt. I must say that I am quite in love with her work. Martine makes plaques, tabletops and sundials out of lava stone from the volcanoes of the Auvergne region …

READ MORE  Visite d’Atelier : Martine Guimet
Caves Grottos Villecroze Provence Var @perfProvence
ExploreGinger and Nutmeg

Grottos of Provence the Caves of Villecroze

Millions of years of seismic activity, tectonic plate movement and freeze-thaw cycles created the diverse geology of present-day Provence. The region is also known as the Bouches de Rhône where the Mediterranean shoreline runs the gambit of beaches, brackish wetlands and vertigo-inducing cliffs. Other natural phenomena in the area include …

READ MORE  Grottos of Provence the Caves of Villecroze
Ballet FolkloricoSP #Provence @vaisonsharon
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottGuided Holiday Tours

Sharon de Rham an Expat Living in Provence

Living in France was an evolution not a forgone conclusion, there was no straight-line from small-town America to small-town Provence. Sharon de Rham is an American with Swiss citizenship who calls Vaison-la-Romaine home.

READ MORE  Sharon de Rham an Expat Living in Provence
Chateau Pesquie Wines of Provence Mont Ventoux
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Chateau Pesquie, a Family Rooted in the Wines of Provence

Château Pesquié is Provencal postcard perfection, with the soaring limestone summit of Mont Ventoux as a backdrop and a leafy canopy of plane trees shading the bastide’s entrance. The Provencal name pesquié is a derivative of the Latin “pescarium” meaning fishpond or basin. This region may be one of the …

READ MORE  Chateau Pesquie, a Family Rooted in the Wines of Provence
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Roman Finds at the Musée Granet

Aix must be a paradise for archaeologists: building work in town often yields ancient foundations and sewers, but sometimes sumptuous Roman mosaic dining room floors, everyday pottery and glass from the table, and even jewellery, oil lamps and statues. They dated from around 2000 years ago when Aix was the …

READ MORE  Roman Finds at the Musée Granet
Saint-Quentin-la-Poterie Pottery
Barefoot BloggerInspireShopping & Gifts

Shopping Finds in San Quentin La Poterie

No matter how many times I visit the villages near Uzes, I find something new and irresistible. My destination was San Quentin La Poterie — the home of some of the most amazing potters in all of France. This time, I did find a pottery shop Explore this Post

READ MORE  Shopping Finds in San Quentin La Poterie