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La Cadière-d’Azur Var Village to Visit

Hilltop Village

La Cadière-d’Azur is a small medieval village perched on the edge of a cliff on the hill across from Le Castellet in the south-west of the Var region. After we finished our walk-about Le Castellet, we decided that since we were in the area, we should cross the valley over to La Cadière-d’Azur and take a walk through that village as well.

The town of La Cadière-d’Azur has a panoramic view of the Mediterranean Sea. It is surrounded by pine forests and overlooks some of the famous Bandol (AOC) vineyards including Domaines Bunan.

Village History

The first recorded mention of La Cadière-d’Azur is in the year 977. The village was in a territory ruled by feudal lords from the Viscounts of Marseille, and later the Abbey of St-Victor. The village’s hilltop location with steep cliff faces and rampart walls would have provided some sense of security. Enter the village through one of the three (3) gates, in the day these would have been guarded.

Although pretty and filled with plenty of boutiques and places to eat,  La Cadière-d’Azur did not have a “lived-in” authentic feel. Continue reading here for the original blog post and photos by Michel at Our House in Provence.

Practical Information

Tourist Office (website)
Maison des Gardes
place Charles de Gaulle
83740 La Cadière d’Azur
Open Monday – Saturday

Market days are on Thursday mornings and every second Saturday of the month.

Visiting the Var Touring Ideas

Discover the “must-see” treasures including the Thoronet Abbey and the Gorges du Verdon.

Head to the coastal city of Toulon, with its long naval history, often overlooked on many visitor’s itineraries.

Stop for a bite to eat in Cuers, a pretty little town in the Var just a stone’s throw from Toulon.

Daytripping ideas for the Var from lakes to plateaus.

Summer travel en famille, 10 fun ideas for the whole family in the Var and beyond.

Head to Château de Selle for wine tasting in a contemporary setting.


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Michel and Shirley

Michel and Shirley, live in wine country, in Windsor, California. They have a full family with two beautiful daughters and five amazing grandchildren. Michel's day job is as CEO of Chancellor Health Care, a company which provides housing and services to older adults.

Previously a co-owner of a popular French bistro called Bistro des Copains located in Western Sonoma County California. The Bistro was closed in early 2015, after nine years!

In 2008, after searching for years and visiting many houses they bought a 17th century stone village house in the medieval village of Sablet which is in the Vaucluse region of Provence France.

Please read about the Sablet House (available for rent) and follow their blog Our House in Provence.

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