Agathe ForestDessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Fall Tart Quince Almond Tarte Tatin

When ripe, a quince is a light golden colour. This fruit looks like an oversized, lumpy pear but, despite their shape, they make for a sweet dessert. Apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, almonds and quince share the same genetic heritage, they all come from the rose (Rosaceae) family.

This quince almond tarte tatin (tatin aux coings et aux amandes) is a fall dessert that celebrates the slow-ripening fruit. It’s a bit of work to peel quince, but you will be pleased with the sweet end result.

Quince Almond Tarte Tatin coings

Quince Almond Tarte Tatin

Quince Almond Tarte Tatin

This tart tatin aux coings et aux amandes (quince and almond) is a twist on the classic apple version. Quince takes a bit of work to peel, but the result is worth the effort.
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine French, Provencal
Servings 6 people


  • 6-8 Coings Quince - see note
  • 1 litre (4 cups) d'Eau Water
  • 200 g (3/4 cup) Sucre Sugar
  • 1 cup Caramel Caramel
  • 1 cup Amandes Effilées Sliced Almonds

For Topping (like a crumble):

  • 1 cup Farine Flour
  • 1 cup Amandes en Poudre Ground Almonds
  • 1 large Oeuf Egg
  • a pinch of Sel Salt
  • 1/2 cup Beurre Butter


  • Eplucher les coings avec un bon couteau. (Peel the quince and remove seeds. This is not an easy job.)
  • Jeter les tranches de coings au fur et à mesure dans (1 litre d'eau pour 200g de sucre) un sirop frémissant. (Drop the slices of quince into a simmering syrup made with 1 litre of water and 200g of sugar.)
  • Laisser cuire jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient tendres. (Cook until the pieces are tender.)
  • Faire couler du caramel au fond d'un moule et parsemer d'amandes effilées. (Pour caramel into the bottom of a cake mold and sprinkle with almond slivers.)
    Quince Almond Tarte Tatin prep
  • Disposer les coings et recouvrir d'une pâte à l'amande avec 1 cup farine, 1 cup amandes en poudre, 1 oeuf, 1 pincée de sel at 1/2 cup de beurre. (Arrange the quince in the pan and cover with an almond paste made with 1 cup flour, 1 cup ground almonds, 1 egg, a pinch of salt and 1/2 cup of butter).
  • Faire cuire 15 mn à 20 mn th.7. (Bake in a hot oven at 220C (425F) (7Gas) for 15-20 minutes.)
  • Inverser votre moule à gâteau pour servir. (To serve, invert your cake mold.)
    Quince Almond Tarte Tatin


Eplucher les coings (il faut un bon couteau mais finalement, ça n'est pas plus difficile que de couper de la courge...) et en prévoir beaucoup car s'ils sont "d'un jardin", ils sont forcément un peu abîmés.
To peel the quince it takes a good knife but finally, it's no more difficult than cutting squash. Select more fruit than you think you will need because if they are fresh from the garden, they are usually a little less than perfect.
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Agathe Forest

Agathe Forest is the face behind the blog Live & Love Provence. I discovered her gorgeous photos and delicious recipes by stumbling across her Instagram feed. Warning! It will make your mouth water.

She is one busy lady with four children (yes 4!) who range in age from 12-22 years old. Agathe has lived in the Luberon for 17 years and admitted that she loves to swim in the Mediterranean even during the winter months. Her favourite activity is hiking (randonée) in the hills of Provence and sharing discoveries with readers and followers.

According to Agathe, “I like simple cooking, which flavours local and fresh products. I really want to discover also the small producers and the unusual corners of the region.”

Watch for posts from Live Love Provence on hiking, off-the-beaten-path finds and seasonal culinary treats from the South of France.

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