La Fougasserie, Nice
Local Food ProducersPesto & PistouTaste

La Fougasserie, Nice

A cousin of the Ligurian focaccia, which is also known as fugassa over there, fougasse is a provençal loaf easily recognised by the slashes cut through it prior to baking. Back in August, after a mooch round the beautiful Cours Saleya food and flower market in Vieux Nice, Explore this …

READ MORE  La Fougasserie, Nice
Tomato summer pesto
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Tomatoes, cobnuts and rocket – late summer pesto

It’s full-on tomato season here in Dorset, and hugely satisfying to see so much ripe, red fruit both in the garden and the greenhouse. We might even be saved from the usual gallon of green tomato chutney this year. Over the summer we’ve munched our way through Explore this Post

READ MORE  Tomatoes, cobnuts and rocket – late summer pesto
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

And Pistou?

It never ceases to amaze me how most people know exactly what pesto is yet when you mention the term pistou, it’s blank faces all round. This no-nut French cousin of pesto is just as delicious and even easier to make. No toasting of pine nuts required here. So, Explore …

READ MORE  And Pistou?
Barefoot Blogger Wine Harvest #Wine #Provence #France
Barefoot BloggerTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

It’s Time to Make the Wine

It’s time to make wine in France. Remember the TV ad for Dunkin’ Donuts: “It’s time to make the donuts!”  It’s time to make wine in France. Unusually cool weather over the summer months caused a late grape harvest. (“La vendange”) Explore this Post

READ MORE  It’s Time to Make the Wine
Black Jam Recipe
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Black Jam Recipe

I’ve been consulting my provençal cookbooks again, this time for jam recipes as there are loads of plums, blackberries and other fruit just waiting to be preserved around here and I thought it would be fun to try something a little bit different this year. I was intrigued to Explore …

READ MORE  Black Jam Recipe
Ratatouille Recipe Provence
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Made in Dorset: Ratatouille Recipe Inspired by Provence

We’re still going strong with homegrown tomatoes, courgettes and aubergines here in Dorset, and with a solitary, ripe pepper this week (yes, just the one), the whipping up of a ratatouille seems unavoidable. Now, if Jacques Médecin is to be believed, each of the vegetables should be cooked separately before …

READ MORE  Made in Dorset: Ratatouille Recipe Inspired by Provence
Grand Aïoli Provencal Classic Aioli Provence Recipes @GingerandNutmeg
Fish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Le Grand Aïoli from Provence

Aioli is a garlic mayonnaise it is a Provencal classic typically served on Fridays, although you can often find it on menus any day of the week.

READ MORE  Le Grand Aïoli from Provence
Pesto & PistouTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Wednesday’s Wine: Reporting from the Riviera (part 1)

As you may have gathered, we spent some time on the Riviera last week and before leaving home I had booked in visits to a couple of my favourite vineyards. Cue much yawning from the children. So this Wednesday’s Wine post describes how we got on at Saint Explore this …

READ MORE  Wednesday’s Wine: Reporting from the Riviera (part 1)
Gnocchis Verts
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Les Gnocchis Verts (green gnocchi)

La Merda dé Can is the niçois name for these gorgeous, green gnocchi made with swiss chard or spinach. The literal English translation of the term will not be repeated here as it’s less than flattering, but I am sure you can work it out for yourself. Now, Explore this …

READ MORE  Les Gnocchis Verts (green gnocchi)
Deux Garcons Cours Mirabeau Aix #AixenProvence @PerfectlyProvence
Paul ShawcrossRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Les Deux Garçons a Famous Aix-en-Provence Restaurant

This renowned Aix institution is located where else but the Cours Mirabeau with a decor largely unchanged since it was established in 1792 and which could have come straight from an Italian film set!

READ MORE  Les Deux Garçons a Famous Aix-en-Provence Restaurant