Sun dried Tomato Purée @pestopistou
CondimentPesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Simply Delicious Sun (or oven) dried Tomato Purée

Oven Sundried tomato puree. To make a standard sized jam jar (1 lb, 454 g) you will need 200g oven-dried tomatoes (from a kilo of fresh, plum tomatoes) baked with a sprinkling of herbes de provence.

READ MORE  Simply Delicious Sun (or oven) dried Tomato Purée
Braised Lamb Shank provencal lamb shanks #TastesofProvence @CocoaandLavender
David Scott AllenLambMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Braised Lamb Shank with Provencal Spices

Roasted lamb shanks with tomatoes and olives, spiced with traditional herbs and a few non-traditional ones such as citrus and paprika.

READ MORE  Braised Lamb Shank with Provencal Spices
Recipe for Aioli @Susan_PWZ
Modern TrobadorsProvencal RecipesTaste

Garlic is in the Air It Must be Aioli Time

When the weather gets hot, our mortar and pestle become a fixture on the kitchen table. The familiar rhythmic sound of pestle-striking-mortar fills the air and the pungent aroma of garlic wafts through the house. Aïoli. It’s aïoli time. The word, aïoli, comes from the French word for garlic–ail–and the …

READ MORE  Garlic is in the Air It Must be Aioli Time
Aioli Recipe Tastes Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottFish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Aioli On Fridays in Provence

Aïoli is the name of a garlic mayonnaise. Aïoli is also a traditional Provencal dish that was typically served on Fridays. The classic dish le grand “Aïoli” Provençal is served with salted cod and potatoes.

READ MORE  Aioli On Fridays in Provence
Le Thanksgiving in Provence @TableenProvence
Paula KaneTaste

Le Thanksgiving in Provence

Contributor blog post by Paula Kane: Thanksgiving here? Pretty sweet. This year I am in Provence for Thanksgiving. It is by far my favourite holiday of the year, no stress about gifts or excessive decorations. This is about the harvest, about great food and wine, friends and family. …Continue reading …

READ MORE  Le Thanksgiving in Provence
Coq au Vin Tastes Provence @CocoaandLavender
David Scott AllenMain CoursePoultryProvencal RecipesTaste

French Bistro Coq au Vin

The epitome of classic French dishes, slow roasted braised chicken in a deep rich red wine sauce teeming with wild mushrooms and bacon (lardon).

READ MORE  French Bistro Coq au Vin
Mas de la Dame Wines of Provence Les Alpilles AOP Les Baux de Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

The Lady Wine Makers of Les Baux de Provence

Running mostly from east to west Provence’s small Alps – les Alpilles – are a small mountain chain, approximately 30km in length. The highest peak is not quite 500m above sea level, yet this outcropping holds almost mythical status in the region. These jagged limestone spires protected our ancient ancestors …

READ MORE  The Lady Wine Makers of Les Baux de Provence
Stuffed Zucchini flower with goat cheese, figs and ham @CooknwithClass #TastesofProvence
Let’s Eat the WorldProvencal RecipesStarter CourseTaste

Stuffed Zucchini Flowers with Goat Cheese, Figs and Ham

You need to try this recipe while there is still a chance of finding zucchini flowers and fresh figs in the markets of Provence…otherwise you will dream about it all winter.

READ MORE  Stuffed Zucchini Flowers with Goat Cheese, Figs and Ham
Grape Stomp @LesPastras @Susan_PWZ
Modern TrobadorsTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Stomp Some Grapes in Provence at Les Pastras

If you are in Provence and looking for something different to do—in between touring Roman ruins and visiting hilltop villages—I’ve got the answer: Kick off your shoes, climb into a huge oak barrel filled with grapes, and start stomping. That’s what Provence WineZine photographer Pamela O’Neill and I did earlier …

READ MORE  Stomp Some Grapes in Provence at Les Pastras