Hotel de Caumont Garden Perfectly Provence Moments
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

24-Hours in Aix Relaxing with Energy en Provence

Born in Paris, Caroline Guyot studied languages (English and Russian) and history. After 14 years of selling advertising space featuring European luxury products, for her employers at the International Herald Tribune and the New York Times – Guyot called it quits. She left the “City of Light” and her advertising …

READ MORE  24-Hours in Aix Relaxing with Energy en Provence
Malaucene #MontVentoux @ourhouseinprovence
ExploreOur House in ProvenceVillages Towns and Cities

Malaucène a Gateway to Mont Ventoux

Contributor blog post by Michel: One of the great things about writing a blog is getting comments on the blog or emails from readers with suggestions for villages to visit or restaurants to try. That is why we headed to Malaucène one morning back in February. …Continue reading here for Michel’s full …

READ MORE  Malaucène a Gateway to Mont Ventoux
Arles History Roman Arena Explore Provence @PerfProvence
ExploreGinger and NutmegGuided Holiday Tours

Arles History in and Beyond the Streets

A Magical Place Inside the ancient ramparts, the old streets meander, some broad, some narrow, some bright, some muted – each one has a story to tell. Heather Robinson is an American by birth, but Arles is now in her soul. She brings the city to life with tales of …

READ MORE  Arles History in and Beyond the Streets
ExploreGuided Holiday Tours

The South of France in Context Travel

Are you an intellectually curious traveler? Context Travel aims to be different, far removed from the average tourist tour, and certainly not with just any tour guides. Tour leaders at Context Travel are called docents, with good reason these are multi-degreed (MBA, Ph.D.) specialists in their fields of study who are keen …

READ MORE  The South of France in Context Travel
Bargemon landscape #Var @AccessRiviera
ExploreRebecca WhitlockeRoad Trips South of France

French Riviera Weekend Wanderlust: Bargemon

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Bargemon, located in the hinterland of the Var department was a pleasant weekend getaway for myself and my partner and a town that we will definitely return to as the area allowed a nice change of scenery away from the coast. Fortified in AD …

READ MORE  French Riviera Weekend Wanderlust: Bargemon
Pont du Gard
Caroline LongstaffeExplore

Visit Pont du Gard here

Standing beneath the golden arches of the Roman aqueduct, Pont du Gard, just 6km from Uzès, Languedoc Roussillon, France, it hardly seems possible that this magnificent structure has been here for over 2000 years. Build from local limestone, for 600 years it carried water from Uzès to the Roman city of …

READ MORE  Visit Pont du Gard here
Chinese Movies @AccessRiviera
ExploreRebecca Whitlocke

China and Film: The World’s Fastest Growing Box Office

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Chinese films. Know any off the top of your head? Chinese directors. Can you name any? Watch this space because the Chinese film market is the world’s fastest growing box office and China is keen to establish itself as a front runner alongside Hollywood …

READ MORE  China and Film: The World’s Fastest Growing Box Office
Lavender Fields Travel Provence Lavender
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

The Purple Beauty of Provence: Lavender

Lavender is the purple beauty of Provence; it is a big industry in France and the key to essential oil production. Tourists and locals flock to see the fields in full blooming glory. The timeframe changes annually depending on weather, but typically some fields are ready by late June, and …

READ MORE  The Purple Beauty of Provence: Lavender
Seguret #RhoneValley @CobblestonesandVineyards
Cheryl ShufflebothamExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Séguret—A Jewel of the Rhône Valley

The village of Séguret is visually stunning in every way. It’s the prettiest Provençal village I have encountered thus far. It certainly gives my favourite, Joucas, a run for its money. This charming jewel of a village is filled with colourful flowers and crazy charm around every bend of its …

READ MORE  Séguret—A Jewel of the Rhône Valley
Travel Wifi #Nice06 @bestofniceblog

Hot Spots – New Ways to Stay Web Connected in Nice

Our need to stay connected has become insatiable… especially on vacation. Good news: after years in the digital dark ages, Nice is finally catching up to the modern world! After years of false starts, we finally have free 4G high-speed wifi all along the Promenade du Paillon, in Place Massena, Place Garibaldi, Cours Saleya, …

READ MORE  Hot Spots – New Ways to Stay Web Connected in Nice