Visit Nice France Beach View
ExploreThe UnexplorerVillages Towns and Cities

Here are 4 Reasons to Visit Nice, France

When I did my equivalent of the Grand Tour of Europe (minus the stately balls) in my 20s, Nice was the place we landed after an exhausting whirlwind of cities and train rides. Broke and fatigued, my then-boyfriend and I decided to spend a few extra days recuperating by the …

READ MORE  Here are 4 Reasons to Visit Nice, France
Exploring Provence @Unxplorer
ExploreThe Unexplorer

One Year Later: What a Month in Provence Taught Me

Last spring, I spent five glorious weeks in Provence, first in the not-so-interesting town of Pignans, then in Saorge, the fairytale village we fell in love with. Whenever I see one of the hundreds of photos I took on that trip, I remember it fondly, though it still feels like …

READ MORE  One Year Later: What a Month in Provence Taught Me
Provence Villages Saorge #Saorge @unxplorer
Rental & Self-Catered Properties in ProvenceStay: Accommodation & Rentals in ProvenceThe Unexplorer

Saorge: A Little Mountain Town with a Big Heart

After spending four weeks in a tiny town in Provence near Aix, my husband, son, and I decided for a change of scenery. We packed up our many, many suitcases into a clown car-sized Peugeot, and drove two hours northeast to the picturesque mountain town of Saorge. I’m willing to …

READ MORE  Saorge: A Little Mountain Town with a Big Heart
Where to stay in #Provence #AixenProvence @unxplorer
Bed & Breakfasts in ProvenceRental & Self-Catered Properties in ProvenceStay: Accommodation & Rentals in ProvenceThe Unexplorer

City, Beach, or Small Town: Where to Stay in Provence

Before my recent trip to Provence, I didn’t know much about the area other than it was known for its lavender and pastis. It’s only 3.5 hours from Marseille to Nice, so I figured it couldn’t be that hard to find a place to stay. Despite its relatively small size …

READ MORE  City, Beach, or Small Town: Where to Stay in Provence
Les Deux Garcons Cours Mirabeau #AixenProvence @PerfProvence
ExploreProvencal History & TraditionsThe Unexplorer

MFK Fisher’s Cours Mirabeau: Unchanged Over Time

Reading MFK Fisher’s Two Towns in Provence, you might be surprised that it was written so long ago. The Cours Mirabeau, the cultural center of Aix, looks much like it did when Fisher and her two daughters sought solace at Les Deux Garçons or ambled down the boulevard so many …

READ MORE  MFK Fisher’s Cours Mirabeau: Unchanged Over Time
#TravelTips Rentals in #Provence @unxplorer
Rental & Self-Catered Properties in ProvenceStay: Accommodation & Rentals in ProvenceThe Unexplorer

3 Steps to Finding a Vacation Home in Provence

When we travel, we usually shun hotels. Sure, there’s a lot to be said about room service and having someone make your bed every day, but with the advent of Airbnb, HomeAway, and other vacation rental websites, we’ve opened our eyes to a new way to live like locals.  Why …

READ MORE  3 Steps to Finding a Vacation Home in Provence
Place des Precheurs #AixenProvence
ExploreThe UnexplorerVillages Towns and Cities

6 Must-See Squares in Aix-en-Provence

At the heart of French culture — not to mention community and architecture — is the place, or square. Every town, big or small, has its fair share of places that have overseen festivals, markets, and families for centuries. Here are 6 worth finding in Aix-en-Provence. 1. Place des Martyrs de la …

READ MORE  6 Must-See Squares in Aix-en-Provence
Pavillon de Vendome #AixenProvence @PerfProvence
InspireProvencal History & TraditionsThe Unexplorer

Pavillon de Vendome the Pleasure Palace of Provence

The thing I love about Provence is that it’s not Paris. What I mean is: Paris is obvious. There’s the Tour Eiffel, l’Arc de Triomphe, a whole slew of “must-see” tourist destinations. But Provence, on the other hand, still has a lot of hidden secrets that the average tourist is …

READ MORE  Pavillon de Vendome the Pleasure Palace of Provence
Boulangerie #Provence #TravelTips @unxplorer
ExploreThe Unexplorer

5 Things You Do To Show You’re a Tourist in Provence

We hate being treated like tourists when we visit another place, and yet sometimes it’s our actions that send up a red flag that we’re strangers. Here are 5 ways you might be tipping your cards about being a tourist (and how to get a poker face). You Walk Around …

READ MORE  5 Things You Do To Show You’re a Tourist in Provence
Market stand #Markets #Provence @unxplorer
InspireShopping & GiftsThe Unexplorer

5 Tips for Navigating any Provençal Market

One of my very favorite things to do in any city, near or far from home, is to visit the local market. There, you can find local delicacies, pick out souvenirs, and take some great photos. Provence is known for its markets. Every day of the week, one town or …

READ MORE  5 Tips for Navigating any Provençal Market