Via Ferrata Cavaillon
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Cavaillon a City Worth Exploring for Culture and History in Provence

Cavaillon is a good-sized city east of the Durance River in Provence with a deep history linked to local agriculture. Most visitors drive straight through Cavaillon on their way to the Luberon’s perched villages and Vaucluse towns, vineyards, and lavender fields without stopping, which is a shame. Cavaillon has lots …

READ MORE  Cavaillon a City Worth Exploring for Culture and History in Provence
Provence Best Melon Cavaillon Melon
Keith Van SickleLocal Food ProducersTaste

Provence has the Best Melon in the World

There are lots of different melons, from the ubiquitous cantaloupe to the fabulously expensive Yubari King. And the best of them all comes from a small town in Provence called Cavaillon. Melon de Cavaillon has a history that goes back to the days of the Avignon Papacy. The popes needed …

READ MORE  Provence has the Best Melon in the World
Provence views #Provence @RebeccaRONANE
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

Coach Rebecca Ronane Shares her Perfectly Provence

Rebecca Ronane was born in the United Kingdom, but she tells me that she embarked on a career of travelling after the age of 19. Rebecca and her husband Alain (also a travel bug) met while working as tour directors. As a guide, Rebecca has journeyed throughout Europe, the United …

READ MORE  Coach Rebecca Ronane Shares her Perfectly Provence