Fall Olives Season Provence

The Olive Groves of Provence

Olive groves are found in abundance in Provence, as the climate is similar to other growing areas around the Mediterranean (Greece, Spain, Israel, Syria, Italy etc..). Records confirm that olives have been produced in several middle east countries since prehistoric times. By 2000 BC, there are references to a form …

READ MORE  The Olive Groves of Provence
Fruit Desserts almonds @ProvenceCook
DessertFlans, PuddingsProvencal RecipesTaste

Two Easy Fruit Desserts

The Provence Gourmet shares two easy recipes for fruit salads; a nectarine fruit salad with mint and a “slice of autumn” version with pears and almonds. If you are interested in cooking classes and learning some traditional Provencal meals, contact Gilles (Provence Gourmet) to learn about his classes. These two …

READ MORE  Two Easy Fruit Desserts
Sabine Werner #Jeweller #Jewellery @SabineWerner
Artists Inspired by ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Jeweller Sabine Werner Fused to Provence

Sabine Werner is a recent transplant to Provence arriving with her family only in January 2014. However, she tells me that this region has long held her curiosity and is now inspiring her work. It is not that the sun never shines in Munich, Germany (Sabine’s birthplace) or Brisbane, Australia …

READ MORE  Jeweller Sabine Werner Fused to Provence
St Tropez port #StTropez @JaneDunning
Books on ProvenceGuest Post

House Sitting Near Saint-Tropez Turns into a Book

 “Thirty-five minutes from St Tropez” I first learnt of the concept of house-sitting on holiday in 2006. We had rented an apartment in a lovely house just south of La Garde Freinet, a small town in the Var, about twenty minutes from Saint-Tropez. I realised that house-sitting might be a …

READ MORE  House Sitting Near Saint-Tropez Turns into a Book
Cassis Provence Riviera
ExploreRoad Trips South of France

A Sea-side Lunch in Cassis

Cassis is located just east of Marseille and is very famous for the adjacent large towering white cliffs.  The cliffs are equally stunning as those found along the English Chanel in Normandy. There are beautiful inlets called les Calanques that are accessible mostly by boat, or in some cases by …

READ MORE  A Sea-side Lunch in Cassis
Assiette Gastro Carre du Palais #Avignon #RhoneWines @InterRhone
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Carre du Palais Inter Rhone’s Wine Tourism Project

Maison des Vins – home to Inter Rhône – is moving uptown! Hôtel Calvet de la Palun built in 1789, one of the last of the hôtels particulier (grand, private residences) constructed under the Pontifical proprietorship of Avignon (ended 1791). Touching the southern edge of the Palais des Papes (a UNESCO …

READ MORE  Carre du Palais Inter Rhone’s Wine Tourism Project
Marseille Classic Bouillabaisse
Fish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Marseille Classic Bouillabaisse

The fish scraps and a few herbs were thrown into a pot of boiling salty water. This meagre meal marked the end of a long day for the fishermen of Marseille. Fast-forward to today, and this fish soup is no longer considered a humble meal. You can read more about …

READ MORE  Recipe for Marseille Classic Bouillabaisse
Visit Arles Provence @LostinArles @HeatherRobinson
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

Ask a Local: Why Visit Arles?

Much like her decision to follow a good looking French photographer to his native land. The couple were struck by a coup de coeur (love struck) when they spent one fateful night in Arles in 2003. You can read the full story in Heather’s blog post here. Whether you are …

READ MORE  Ask a Local: Why Visit Arles?
Barbara painting @BarbaraPitcher
Artists Inspired by ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Barbara Pitcher Paints her Provence World

Barbara Pitcher is a talented lady who can switch from fluent English to French to Italian to Spanish in the same sentence. As I discovered not only is Barbara linguistically gifted, she graduated from the University of Toronto in French and Italian language and literature, but she is also a …

READ MORE  Barbara Pitcher Paints her Provence World
Alyscamps Arles Explore Provence
Ginger and NutmegInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Exploring Alyscamps in Arles

The article previously published on Ginger and Nutmeg: Nutmeg agreed to accompany Ginger to the medical clinic in Arles so he could get a yellow fever vaccination for his Africa trip, but only if they could visit Alyscamps afterwards. Alyssii campi is Latin for Elysian fields – the road leading to the kingdom …

READ MORE  Exploring Alyscamps in Arles