French Salad Dressing Alberta Vinaigrette
This recipe highlights two of those – canola and honey – using a fundamentally French technique for making a great vinaigrette.
This recipe highlights two of those – canola and honey – using a fundamentally French technique for making a great vinaigrette.

Mama Régine’s Ratatouille Recipe from Cassis Bistro
Often, comfort food is what we crave the most or maybe your Provencal mama’s cooking. The following recipe for Mama Régine’s Ratatouille comes from Cassis Bistro’s owner/operator Gilles Brassart. Cassis Bistro in Calgary, Alberta, delivers “South of France Flavour with Local Flair.” Originally from the Aix-en-Provence area, Gilles Brassart arrived …
Often, comfort food is what we crave the most or maybe your Provencal mama’s cooking. The following recipe for Mama Régine’s Ratatouille comes from Cassis Bistro’s owner/operator Gilles Brassart. Cassis Bistro in Calgary, Alberta, delivers “South of France Flavour with Local Flair.” Originally from the Aix-en-Provence area, Gilles Brassart arrived …

Enjoy this Marseille Food Lovers Video
Marseille Video Collaboration Jill Paider and Tasha Powell teamed up to do a video that showed their love for Marseille and Provence. They both are captivated with the culinary aspect of travelling and wanted to highlight a city that speaks to them and share that fascination with others. It was …
Marseille Video Collaboration Jill Paider and Tasha Powell teamed up to do a video that showed their love for Marseille and Provence. They both are captivated with the culinary aspect of travelling and wanted to highlight a city that speaks to them and share that fascination with others. It was …

Luxury Entertainment in the South of France
Luxury Entertainment Luxury living and Provence go hand in hand: the region boasts incredible scenery, beaches, weather, food, wine, and so much more. But the area is also home to some fantastic entertainment options. If you’re looking to indulge in some of the finer things in life, here is a …
Luxury Entertainment Luxury living and Provence go hand in hand: the region boasts incredible scenery, beaches, weather, food, wine, and so much more. But the area is also home to some fantastic entertainment options. If you’re looking to indulge in some of the finer things in life, here is a …

Vallauris the Centre for Pottery on the French Riviera
The following article is a re-post of the original written by Marie-Helene the owner of online boutique Remember Provence. She spends her days, filling orders for made-in-Provence artisan products that are shipped all over the world. When she is not busy packaging orders, Marie-Helene is searching the region for high-quality …
The following article is a re-post of the original written by Marie-Helene the owner of online boutique Remember Provence. She spends her days, filling orders for made-in-Provence artisan products that are shipped all over the world. When she is not busy packaging orders, Marie-Helene is searching the region for high-quality …

Death in Avignon a Book Review
Murder-Mystery in Provence Death in Avignon is the second in a series of murder-mysteries by co-author team Serena Kent. After the crazy Death in Provence introduction to her new village and home, expat Penelope Kite is finally settling into a comfortable rhythm in St Merlot. She continues to improve her …
Murder-Mystery in Provence Death in Avignon is the second in a series of murder-mysteries by co-author team Serena Kent. After the crazy Death in Provence introduction to her new village and home, expat Penelope Kite is finally settling into a comfortable rhythm in St Merlot. She continues to improve her …

Food Trucks in Provence Delivering World Cuisine
Provence Food Trucks When you think of Provence, it’s unlikely that a food truck is a culinary image that springs to mind. However, the number of food trucks in the region is exploding. Most of these trucks are mobile, available to travel to private venues, public gatherings, markets and festivals. …
Provence Food Trucks When you think of Provence, it’s unlikely that a food truck is a culinary image that springs to mind. However, the number of food trucks in the region is exploding. Most of these trucks are mobile, available to travel to private venues, public gatherings, markets and festivals. …

Fashionistas Miki Miki in Eygalières is Calling
It’s been two years since Miki Miki, a small women’s fashion boutique, opened in Eygalières. The town is well-serviced by real estate agents and restaurants, yet there is surprising little retail. However, Michela Franzoso (Miki) knowing a lot about fashion, quality materials and what suits her clients opened the store …
It’s been two years since Miki Miki, a small women’s fashion boutique, opened in Eygalières. The town is well-serviced by real estate agents and restaurants, yet there is surprising little retail. However, Michela Franzoso (Miki) knowing a lot about fashion, quality materials and what suits her clients opened the store …

Summer Living in Provence Gift Box Shop Now!
Provence Gift Box Shop Now We already know that Sharon Santoni has impeccable taste and excellent design flair. So, it’s hardly a surprise the My Stylish French Box August 2019 edition is called “Summer Living in Provence.” As always, the box promises beautiful, artisanal products from the region. Don’t hesitate! …
Provence Gift Box Shop Now We already know that Sharon Santoni has impeccable taste and excellent design flair. So, it’s hardly a surprise the My Stylish French Box August 2019 edition is called “Summer Living in Provence.” As always, the box promises beautiful, artisanal products from the region. Don’t hesitate! …

Getaway to Provence September Retreat for Women
Life often gets in the way of our ability to focus on ourselves. There are kids’ schedules, family activities to juggle and countless other distractions. What about taking time for self-reflection and charting a path to meet your future desires and fuel your passions? September Getaway How about a quick …
Life often gets in the way of our ability to focus on ourselves. There are kids’ schedules, family activities to juggle and countless other distractions. What about taking time for self-reflection and charting a path to meet your future desires and fuel your passions? September Getaway How about a quick …