Lavender Provence Artisans Recipes
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLocal Food ProducersProvencal RecipesTaste

Lavender in Provence, from Farmers to Artisans to Recipes

In most people’s minds, lavender, rosé wine, and Provence are inseparable. As a result, the flowering lavender fields are a magnetic attraction for locals and visitors alike from mid-June until the middle of August. Farming Lavender The Romans first introduced the lavender plant to the South of France as they …

READ MORE  Lavender in Provence, from Farmers to Artisans to Recipes
Russian Church Nice
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Visiting the Alpes-Maritimes Highlights Seaside to Summits

At first blush, many visitors may not realize that the Alpes-Maritimes department expands from the beaches of the French Riviera to the ski resorts of the southern Alps to the Italian border. Surrounded by the Var and the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, the Alpes-Maritimes has densely populated urban areas, famous Côte d’Azur cities, …

READ MORE  Visiting the Alpes-Maritimes Highlights Seaside to Summits
Make Lavender Meringues
Cakes & CookiesCarolyne Kauser-AbbottDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

Learn How to Make Lavender Meringues

Meringues are not hard to make but require patience and a low baking temperature. The recipe below for Lavender Meringues comes from the Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm in British Columbia, Canada. The Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm is a family-run operation requiring an entire team for planting, harvesting, drying, distilling, …

READ MORE  Learn How to Make Lavender Meringues
Sisteron Vallee du Jabron Vallee du Jabron Haute Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Our Top Touring Ideas for the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence

Alpes-de-Haute-Provence is nature’s patchwork quilt featuring mountains, gorges, rolling valleys, lavender fields and pockets of remote villages and busy towns. The Durance River plays an essential role in this department that features high mountain peaks of the Alps and the lower alpine foothills with remote villages. While there are other …

READ MORE  Our Top Touring Ideas for the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
Lavender Whipped Cream
Cakes & CookiesCarolyne Kauser-AbbottDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

Try this Citrus Dessert Lavender Lemon Cake

If you are a fan of desserts with citrus, this lavender lemon cake is calling your name. This recipe from our friends at the Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm is easy to assemble and ready in about an hour. Serve the cake with a dollop of whipped cream as shown …

READ MORE  Try this Citrus Dessert Lavender Lemon Cake
French Table Linens Provence
InspireShopping & Gifts

Quality French Table Linens Made in Provence

It isn’t easy (for me) to walk by a market vendor in Provence that carries table linens without at least a quick stop. The array of bright colours and attractive patterns are like a magnet drawing me in close – even though I should know better! Unfortunately, these products (table …

READ MORE  Quality French Table Linens Made in Provence
Make Lavender Ice Cream
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

Make Lavender Ice Cream this Summer

Some people, like my husband, crave ice cream all year. But, for others, summer is when the desire hits. This warm-weather recipe for lavender ice cream is fun and easy, making it a great activity to do with kids. And if lavender isn’t your flavour of choice, try substituting spearmint, …

READ MORE  Make Lavender Ice Cream this Summer
Okanagan Farms A Perfect Summer Salad
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSaladTaste

A Perfect Summer Salad Mixed Greens and Fresh Fruit

Regardless of where you spend your summer, it should mean less time in the kitchen so that you can enjoy the weather. On a hot day, the last place you want to be is behind a stove, which is why a summer salad is an ideal light meal.  This recipe …

READ MORE  A Perfect Summer Salad Mixed Greens and Fresh Fruit
Hot Weather Lavender Lemondade
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottDrinksProvencal RecipesTaste

Try This Hot Weather Drink Lavender Lemonade

If there is a drink that defines the best of summer living, it has to be homemade lemonade. And Provencal rosé! So if you are looking for a recipe for a refreshing drink for hot weather, try this lavender lemonade from the Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm. Dedicated to making …

READ MORE  Try This Hot Weather Drink Lavender Lemonade
Abbaye de LerinsCote d'Azur L'ile Saint Honorat
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

10 Islands to Explore Provence and the Côte d’Azur

As is the case in the rest of France, in Provence and along the Mediterranean coast, you don’t need to go far for the landscape to change dramatically. There are mountains, vineyards, orchards, gorges, lakes and sometimes crowds. So, if you feel like you need to get away without going …

READ MORE  10 Islands to Explore Provence and the Côte d’Azur