Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

Must Watch Video Tour in Perfectly Provence

It never gets easier to leave Provence, in fact, it might get harder each time. After several years of spending time in the region, it seems like my list of “must see and should do” just gets longer. Maybe it is because most days are highlighted by an endless sky. Even when there is an occasional downpour (yes, that does happen) the Mistral (or one of the other 32 types of wind) quickly clears out any sombre clouds and damp aftermath to ensure the grapes and olives continue, naturally along their growth cycle.

My solution – a Perfectly Provence video reminder!

Provence is like a glorious spider’s web, where each view is unique, and every experience draws you just a little closer into the sticky net – until you are completely hooked. My summer highlights each year grow as the opportunity to connect with new and old friends seems to explode. Yet, there is never enough time.

When Perfectly Provence launched in October 2014, I thought there were a few others who shared my appreciation for the region. However, I never considered there would be 40+ writers of all different backgrounds and expertise who share my passion. The website now has more than 1400 articles on the region covering a range of topics: wine domaines and tasting notes, restaurant reviews, cultural experiences, art classes, touring ideas and guided tours, expat living, book reviews, Provencal recipes, places to stay and much more.

Saffron Harvest Provence #TastesofProvence @PerfProvence

Perfectly Provence has become a resource for research on the area, for those planning a trip and for other considering a more permanent relocation.

Maybe misery likes company, but it turns out that I am not alone in my empty heart when I leave Provence. Paula Kane and I have commiserated over lunch at a French bistro in Alberta. PJ Adams and I agreed that if the rosé is cold, it’s ok to share a toast in California. Susan Payton is fun to hike with anywhere. Caroline Longstaffe is just as charming in person as in her blog posts. Patricia Sands’ novels the Love in Provence trilogy has transported me to the Cote d’Azur in the darkest days of Canadian winter.

Dentelles sunset @TableenProvence

Autumn in Provence sneaks up on you, the cicadas’ swan song slowly dies out as the weather cools. The mornings take longer to wake up as the sun slowly shakes off a dense, humid fog. Chilled rosé might even be side-swiped by a glass (or two) of flawlessly blended Grenache, Syrah and Mourvèdre varietals.

This past fall on the day before our departure, usually a day of deep funk for yours truly, I had no time to reflect on our pending flight schedule. It was video time! My day was to be filled with the company of two friends Tasha Powell (accomplished chef, food stylist, photographer) and Tristan Deggan a Franco-Canadian videographer.

Pumpkins #TastesofProvence @PerfProvence

It was a windy, slight crisp Wednesday morning. The summer throng might have thinned slightly, but the St Remy de Provence weekly market was still teeming with shoppers, and the stall just as enticing as always. Autumn Provencal markets are an array of earthy colours, summer strawberries and cherries displaced by foraged chocolate-toned mushrooms, orange potimarron squash, dark purple aubergine, and a rainbow of root vegetables.

Fall Nuts in the Market in #ProvenceMarkets @PerfectlyProvence

Lighting dictated Tristan’s video schedule so we could not linger for roasted chestnuts and espresso.

Market Fall veggies #TastesofProvence @PerfProvence

The vineyards in Provence, and indeed the grapevines of AOP les Baux de Provence surrounding the Alpilles, are typically harvested in September. The region benefits from hot summer days, and somewhat cooler nights, so the grapes mature relatively quickly, compared to more northern districts.

12 Reasons to Visit the Vineyards of Les Baux de Provence

Our next stop for film footage was Château Romanin one of the vineyards included under the AOP les Baux de Provence banner for its expertly constructed, bio-dynamic wines. The grapes had been harvested weeks before our arrival, meaning that Château Romanin’s state-of-the-art winemaking facility was full of activity around the precise fermentation schedules for the individual grape varietals. Read why this vineyard should be on your “must visit” list: Chateau Romanin Dedicated to Provence’s Long History of Wine.

Photos and a bit of wine sampling done, it was time to move on.

Glanum #StRemy #Provence #History @PerfProvence

Our next stop was to the once marshy side of the Alpilles, the villages of Maussane and Paradou are relatively new in the history of this area that has been occupied since the Celtic-Ligurians, Greeks and Romans all took their turns living at Glanum (archaeological site on the hillside above modern day St Remy). The marshlands were a fact of life that made living in perched hamlets a clear benefit, the hilltop village of les Baux and the Montmajour Abbey were essentially islands until the Rhône and Durance Rivers were tamed by a series of dams, and the swampy lands drained.

Maussane in the Alpilles @PerfProvence

Maussane has a picture-perfect central square where parasols provide cover for diners lingering over daily specials and beverages from the surrounding cafés. The wait staff, from any one of the at least eight restaurants, have perfected the routine, and somehow manage to cross the main road with their trays laden with food. On the day of our video visit, the Mistral had won the day. Umbrellas were battened down, and Mother Nature persuaded most customers that indoor dining might be preferable. Perfect for photos!

Olives in Provence #Provence #Olives @PerfProvence

The sun was beginning to set on our spectacular day in Perfectly Provence; it was time for me to face my suitcase and for Tasha and Tristan to get back home. We drove back across the Alpilles mountain range passing a sea of olive groves. October is often the start of the harvest for the precious fruit. With over 100 hectares of commercial operations and countless private estates, there is a lot of olive oil produced from this relatively small geographic area. You can read more about Provencal olives here.

Enjoy this video tour in Perfectly Provence.

Thank you for taking the time to read our contributors articles, follow along for more travel suggestions in 2017.


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How to Make a Traditional Epiphany Cake

Carolyne Kauser-Abbott

With her camera and laptop close at hand, Carolyne has traded in her business suits for the world of freelance writing and blogging. Her first airplane ride at six months of age was her introduction to the exciting world of travel.

While in Provence, Carolyne can be found hiking with friends, riding the hills around the Alpilles or tackling Mont Ventoux. Her attachment to the region resonates in Perfectly Provence this digital magazine that she launched in 2014. This website is an opportunity to explore the best of the Mediterranean lifestyle (food & wine, places to stay, expat stories, books on the region, travel tips, real estate tips and more), through our contributors' articles.

Carolyne writes a food and travel blog Ginger and Nutmeg. Carolyne’s freelance articles can be found in Global Living Magazine, Avenue Magazine and City Palate (Published Travel Articles).


  1. Sally H. Kauser
    January 8, 2017 at 6:26 am — Reply

    I loved the video, and the photographs are so beautiful you want to get on the next flight to this special part of the world.

    • January 9, 2017 at 10:21 am — Reply

      Many thanks the video is certainly evocative of the best of Provence.

  2. January 8, 2017 at 4:20 pm — Reply

    One of my most favorite spots in the world! So lovely, Carolyne!

    Happy new year & thanks for the wonderful inspiration of Perfectly Provence!

    • January 9, 2017 at 10:20 am — Reply

      Thanks Jill! I thought you might enjoy the Alpilles and the vineyards of Les Baux.

  3. February 2, 2017 at 1:45 pm — Reply

    Thanks Carolyne – this has made me smile on cold dank days at home and is such a great reminder of what is so wonderful about the area. So lovely, bright and full of character, capturing Provence perfectly #AllAboutFrance

    • February 3, 2017 at 10:01 am — Reply

      Thanks Julie! The video is a good reminder of just how beautiful Provence can be whether you are just visiting or staying on a longer basis.

  4. February 5, 2017 at 6:51 am — Reply

    A love poem to Provence. Bravo! I’m so incredibly grateful to live in this stunning place.

    • February 5, 2017 at 10:07 am — Reply

      Ashley you are right it is like a “love poem” to Provence. We had a blast making the video and hope to do more to showcase the region.

  5. February 5, 2017 at 7:28 am — Reply

    This is so beautifully done, thanks for sharing it with #AllAboutFrance

    • February 5, 2017 at 10:06 am — Reply

      Thanks Phoebe, it helps to have a friend who has fantastic video/photo talent. Next up maybe the Cote d’Azur ;-)

  6. February 6, 2017 at 3:36 am — Reply

    Lovely video and pictures! What fun :) I can’t agree more, my “must see” in the region is never ending… Keep up the great work – an awesome resource for travelers.

    • February 6, 2017 at 11:33 am — Reply

      Thank you GGG. It was such fun to make the video and showcase this gorgeous region.

  7. February 9, 2017 at 12:38 am — Reply

    I know exactly the feeling of ‘deep funk’. We lived in the Alps for several years but can now only manage short stays there. Unpacking our suitcases on arrival in France is so joyful. The packing at the other end is just plain sad. Looking forward to watching the video and reading more posts.

    • February 11, 2017 at 2:12 pm — Reply

      Hello Catherine – I love the name of your blog! And, I know exactly the feeling you describe – leaving Provence is really hard. Thanks for reading and watching the video. Please sign-up for our weekly newsletter (a tiny dose of Provence) if you are interested.

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