City 24-Hours Marseille Waterfront dubuffet and wheel
ExploreRenata HaidleVillages Towns and Cities

City Break Speed Dating 24-hours in Marseille

A Quick Visit to Marseille Guest post and photos by Renata Haidle: Not sure the above is a thing, but every time I visit a place for a very short time I think of speed dating. The anticipation. The pressure. Showing your best assets in a very limited time. Not …

READ MORE  City Break Speed Dating 24-hours in Marseille
Marseille Reasons Visit City Views Notre Dame de la Garde
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Marseille Top Reasons to Visit this City

Reasons to Visit Marseille M for Museums: When you go, plan to visit the museums in Marseille. There is something for every artistic taste and attention span with a range of curated artistic styles and artifacts. History buffs head to Fort Saint-Jean, Musée d’ Histoire de Marseille (one of the …

READ MORE  Marseille Top Reasons to Visit this City
Marseille History Visit Provence
Barefoot BloggerExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Marseille a City that History Buffs Should Visit

Admittedly, my (old) view of Marseille came from mob and war stories in books, on TV and movies. Now after visiting the city, I’m impressed. To me, Marseille’s story is one of resilience. It shows how perseverance conquers adversity. Marseille’s Story: Prehistory and Ancient Massalia The earliest settlements in the …

READ MORE  Marseille a City that History Buffs Should Visit
L'Art Mange l'Art
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

For MPG2019 Musée Regards de Provence Delivers Food Art

Marseille’s super Musée Regards de Provence has been inspired by the MPG2019 Year of Gastronomy programme and is serving up two foodie exhibitions. L’Art Mange l’Art (until October 31, 2019) has a wide range of contemporary works, all food-themed; there is some witty photography (eg behind the scenes in restaurants) and …

READ MORE  For MPG2019 Musée Regards de Provence Delivers Food Art
Planning Guide Visit Marseille Fishermen
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

A Planning Guide for Your Next Visit to Marseille

Marseille has been working hard to get itself on the tourist ‘must-see’ list, and the Tourist Office now offers many organized visits to different parts of this vibrant city. Apart from the obvious sites, visitors can opt for food-tasting tours, street art walks, lunch on a cruise ship, or behind …

READ MORE  A Planning Guide for Your Next Visit to Marseille
Marseille Localanque Story Boat
Boating - Rentals and ChartersExploreGuest Post

Seaside Views of Marseille with Localanque Story Boat

For new arrivals in town, what is nicer than a one-hour trip from Marseille’s Vieux Port to admire the key sites and hear about their history? This is the offer from Localanque with Story Boat. I have this information from ‘Pass My Provence,’ which offers 2-for-1 to cardholders: one person …

READ MORE  Seaside Views of Marseille with Localanque Story Boat
Fort Saint-Jean Marseille
Guest PostInspireProvencal History & Traditions

MuCEM and Fort Saint-Jean for History Buffs in Marseille

You may be interested in the new space that opened in Fort Saint-Jean in July. It’s called the Galerie des Officiers, the arcaded section you can see in the photo.  Each of 5 small rooms has a short film on an aspect of the history of Fort Saint-Jean, with it a …

READ MORE  MuCEM and Fort Saint-Jean for History Buffs in Marseille
ExitGame Escapes Marseille
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExplore

ExitGame Virtual Escapes in Marseille and Aix

Virtual Escapes Not far from Marseille’s Vieux Port is your chance to escape reality at ExitGame. The company opened its doors and “play” rooms in 2015. The concept originated in Asia, but these virtual escapes are now available in many cities around the world. The ExitGame escapes are suitable for …

READ MORE  ExitGame Virtual Escapes in Marseille and Aix
MuCEM Collections Avignon Musées
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

From the Archive Collections at MuCEM and Avignon Musées

Most museums have massive amounts of ‘stuff’ filed, heaped, and mounded away in archives, basements and warehouses. The question is: what do they do with it all? It really is an issue. Marseille’s MuCEM inherited the contents of the Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires in Paris and now has …

READ MORE  From the Archive Collections at MuCEM and Avignon Musées
MuSaMa Savon de Marseille Display
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

MuSaMa Savon de Marseille Preserving Provencal History

Le Musée de Savon de Marseille MuSaMa opened in mid-March (2018) near the Vieux Port. This museum, boutique and workshop are dedicated to safeguarding the reputation of Savon de Marseille. The vision of the museum’s founders is to educate visitors about the vrai (real) Savon de Marseille, its eco-friendly ingredients, …

READ MORE  MuSaMa Savon de Marseille Preserving Provencal History