3 Family-Friendly French Riviera Hikes
French Riviera Hikes Hikes near Saint-Raphael: There are many reasons why we love the Cote d’Azur. One of them is because of the hiking possibilities. Part of our family loves the mountains, and part of our family loves the sea. On the French Rivièra, and particularly near Saint-Raphael, these two are …
French Riviera Hikes Hikes near Saint-Raphael: There are many reasons why we love the Cote d’Azur. One of them is because of the hiking possibilities. Part of our family loves the mountains, and part of our family loves the sea. On the French Rivièra, and particularly near Saint-Raphael, these two are …

Why Visit Fascinating Biot Museum and Glassworks
Biot Museum Have you visited the Musée Fernand Léger at Biot? It’s the only museum in the world dedicated to this major 20th-century artist who lived and worked in the town. It is also one of the few Musées Nationales de France dedicated to a single artist. Purpose-built and spacious, its …
Biot Museum Have you visited the Musée Fernand Léger at Biot? It’s the only museum in the world dedicated to this major 20th-century artist who lived and worked in the town. It is also one of the few Musées Nationales de France dedicated to a single artist. Purpose-built and spacious, its …

Book Review: Riviera Dreaming by Maureen Emerson
Maureen Emerson and her husband spent in the South of France for 22 years. Although, that had not been their original plan. Born in Britain, Maureen has travelled extensively and lived on several continents. They are settled back in the United Kingdom. However, she says that she misses friends in …
Maureen Emerson and her husband spent in the South of France for 22 years. Although, that had not been their original plan. Born in Britain, Maureen has travelled extensively and lived on several continents. They are settled back in the United Kingdom. However, she says that she misses friends in …

French Riviera a Photo Book by Renata Haidle
Recently, Montana based photographer Renata Haidle published a French Riviera her first book. Well perhaps not exactly true, she says she has done a few photo books for her kids in the past. This book – French Riviera – includes 92 stunning images from Haidle’s travels around the region. Narrowing …
Recently, Montana based photographer Renata Haidle published a French Riviera her first book. Well perhaps not exactly true, she says she has done a few photo books for her kids in the past. This book – French Riviera – includes 92 stunning images from Haidle’s travels around the region. Narrowing …

Ideas for Visiting Antibes with Kids
Kid-Friendly Antibes The French Riviera has a reputation for being the playground of the rich and famous. Whether that is the case can be disputed, but the significant number of mega-yachts and fancy cars certainly fuels the impression. The Côte d’Azur’s high roller image might cause some families to hesitate …
Kid-Friendly Antibes The French Riviera has a reputation for being the playground of the rich and famous. Whether that is the case can be disputed, but the significant number of mega-yachts and fancy cars certainly fuels the impression. The Côte d’Azur’s high roller image might cause some families to hesitate …

Luxury Entertainment in the South of France
Luxury Entertainment Luxury living and Provence go hand in hand: the region boasts incredible scenery, beaches, weather, food, wine, and so much more. But the area is also home to some fantastic entertainment options. If you’re looking to indulge in some of the finer things in life, here is a …
Luxury Entertainment Luxury living and Provence go hand in hand: the region boasts incredible scenery, beaches, weather, food, wine, and so much more. But the area is also home to some fantastic entertainment options. If you’re looking to indulge in some of the finer things in life, here is a …

Vallauris the Centre for Pottery on the French Riviera
The following article is a re-post of the original written by Marie-Helene the owner of online boutique Remember Provence. She spends her days, filling orders for made-in-Provence artisan products that are shipped all over the world. When she is not busy packaging orders, Marie-Helene is searching the region for high-quality …
The following article is a re-post of the original written by Marie-Helene the owner of online boutique Remember Provence. She spends her days, filling orders for made-in-Provence artisan products that are shipped all over the world. When she is not busy packaging orders, Marie-Helene is searching the region for high-quality …

Writing Mysteries on the French Riviera
French Riviera Mysteries It was winter in Maryland when I began writing Murder on the Riviera. Outside my window, all was grey, cold and still, and I felt the need for some warmth, color and gaiety. As I could not change the season, I thought I could, perhaps, change my …
French Riviera Mysteries It was winter in Maryland when I began writing Murder on the Riviera. Outside my window, all was grey, cold and still, and I felt the need for some warmth, color and gaiety. As I could not change the season, I thought I could, perhaps, change my …

A Book to Read Edith Wharton’s French Riviera
The following is my review of Edith Wharton’s French Riviera, by Philippe Collas and Eric Villedary, and translated from the French by Susan Pickford. The French title of the book was La Côte d’Azur au Temps d’Edith Wharton. Flammarion, Paris 2002. French Riviera Images When one dreams of Provence and …
The following is my review of Edith Wharton’s French Riviera, by Philippe Collas and Eric Villedary, and translated from the French by Susan Pickford. The French title of the book was La Côte d’Azur au Temps d’Edith Wharton. Flammarion, Paris 2002. French Riviera Images When one dreams of Provence and …

Summer, Jazz on the French Riviera: How Can You Lose?
Even if you’re not a jazz aficionado, you’ll enjoy these smokin’ hot outdoor music festivals on the Côte d’Azur this summer. Build your trip around one, or all three! Nice Jazz Festival 2019 July 16 – 20 It’s another one of those impossibly, beautiful warm summer nights in Nice. The …
Even if you’re not a jazz aficionado, you’ll enjoy these smokin’ hot outdoor music festivals on the Côte d’Azur this summer. Build your trip around one, or all three! Nice Jazz Festival 2019 July 16 – 20 It’s another one of those impossibly, beautiful warm summer nights in Nice. The …