Living in Provence Getting Deep Into Local Culture
Living Part-time in Provence My wife and I live part of the year in St-Rémy and it’s been fun to get to know the place. One way we’ve done it is through local associations, which are groups organized around a common interest. Associations are popular in France and every town …
Living Part-time in Provence My wife and I live part of the year in St-Rémy and it’s been fun to get to know the place. One way we’ve done it is through local associations, which are groups organized around a common interest. Associations are popular in France and every town …

Expat Living Experiences in Provence by Author Deborah Lawrenson
Born in the United Kingdom (UK) to parents who worked in the diplomatic service, Deborah Lawrenson spent much of her childhood moving around the world to China, Kuwait, Europe (Belgium and Luxembourg) and Singapore. After completing English studies at Cambridge University, Lawrenson worked as a journalist in London. Today, she …
Born in the United Kingdom (UK) to parents who worked in the diplomatic service, Deborah Lawrenson spent much of her childhood moving around the world to China, Kuwait, Europe (Belgium and Luxembourg) and Singapore. After completing English studies at Cambridge University, Lawrenson worked as a journalist in London. Today, she …

Getting Your French Expat Visa With Some Help
When you have an appointment at the prefecture to renew your French expat visa, you’d better show up. Rain, shine … or flu! Today was the day to update my 12-month French expat visa — or carte de séjour. The event seems to come around much faster each year. I …
When you have an appointment at the prefecture to renew your French expat visa, you’d better show up. Rain, shine … or flu! Today was the day to update my 12-month French expat visa — or carte de séjour. The event seems to come around much faster each year. I …

Dreams of Expat Living in Provence Became Reality For Vaucluse Dreamer
Sometimes you wake up suddenly from a dream only for it to disappear from grasp, but in other cases, that vision becomes clearer with time. What if your dream was to live in Provence? Over 25 years ago, Julie Whitmarsh and her husband Andy visited the Vaucluse for the first …
Sometimes you wake up suddenly from a dream only for it to disappear from grasp, but in other cases, that vision becomes clearer with time. What if your dream was to live in Provence? Over 25 years ago, Julie Whitmarsh and her husband Andy visited the Vaucluse for the first …

Genuine Provence Experiences Inspire Author Jane Dunning to Keep Writing
Jane Dunning is addicted to France. “I’m a real Francophile and have stayed in more than one hundred towns, cities, villages and hamlets in France. Twenty-two of these have been in Provence, the shortest for one night, the longest for four months.” The Dunnings’ four-month stay was as acting caretakers …
Jane Dunning is addicted to France. “I’m a real Francophile and have stayed in more than one hundred towns, cities, villages and hamlets in France. Twenty-two of these have been in Provence, the shortest for one night, the longest for four months.” The Dunnings’ four-month stay was as acting caretakers …

Tips for When it’s Time to Renew your French Expat Visa
Yes, it’s that time of year again. Time to renew the French Expat Visa. It’s a gift from France that keeps on giving. I wish that I could say that everything about living in France is wonderful. But when it comes to dealing with French bureaucracy, frankly, it can be …
Yes, it’s that time of year again. Time to renew the French Expat Visa. It’s a gift from France that keeps on giving. I wish that I could say that everything about living in France is wonderful. But when it comes to dealing with French bureaucracy, frankly, it can be …

Want to be Your Best Self? Join a Group Coaching Session in Aix-en-Provence
You may well have found your dream location in Provence, but eventually life has a tendency to kick in wherever you are & that’s when Life Coaching can be useful. Coaching can be expensive and not everyone feels comfortable in a one to one situation, that’s only a couple of …
You may well have found your dream location in Provence, but eventually life has a tendency to kick in wherever you are & that’s when Life Coaching can be useful. Coaching can be expensive and not everyone feels comfortable in a one to one situation, that’s only a couple of …

Reference List for Meeting Expats in Provence
I can’t speak for the entirety of France but if you’re looking for expats in Provence here are a few suggestions. When I first moved to France I had it in my head that I would only meet French people. I soon learned that in the countryside, people was a …
I can’t speak for the entirety of France but if you’re looking for expats in Provence here are a few suggestions. When I first moved to France I had it in my head that I would only meet French people. I soon learned that in the countryside, people was a …

Why Should You be Networking in Provence
Or anywhere else, for that matter! This is a question that probably has not entered your thoughts, unless you are used to networking. Firstly what is it? In all honesty I didn’t have much idea when I started Network Provence in February 2015. By the way the dictionary definition states; …
Or anywhere else, for that matter! This is a question that probably has not entered your thoughts, unless you are used to networking. Firstly what is it? In all honesty I didn’t have much idea when I started Network Provence in February 2015. By the way the dictionary definition states; …

Self-Improvement in Retreats in Provence
My dream of taking an amazing program of 18 life topic modules designed for women who want to take some self-development action in their lives and sharing it with the world, has been at the top of my agenda, ever since being trained by Ruby Mcguire who developed the program. …
My dream of taking an amazing program of 18 life topic modules designed for women who want to take some self-development action in their lives and sharing it with the world, has been at the top of my agenda, ever since being trained by Ruby Mcguire who developed the program. …