Butternut Squash Gratin de Courge a Side Dish from Nice
Like many traditional recipes considered part of Cuisine Nissarde, gratin de courge is a dish you might find just as easily on a restaurant menu as in a grandmother’s kitchen in Nice. The recipe calls for courage, which is butternut squash. You can use other varieties of pumpkin, but best …
Like many traditional recipes considered part of Cuisine Nissarde, gratin de courge is a dish you might find just as easily on a restaurant menu as in a grandmother’s kitchen in Nice. The recipe calls for courage, which is butternut squash. You can use other varieties of pumpkin, but best …

Roasted Pumpkin Risotto Recipe
Inspired by a beautiful Marina di Chioggia variety that we found at a Sunday morning Farmers Market, I decided to make this Roasted Pumpkin Risotto (recipe follows).
Inspired by a beautiful Marina di Chioggia variety that we found at a Sunday morning Farmers Market, I decided to make this Roasted Pumpkin Risotto (recipe follows).

Pumpkin Tian Recipe – Tian de Courges from Provence
A tian is an earthenware dish similar to the Moroccan tagine but without a lid. It is used for baking a simple, local recipe of the same name. The recipe for Tian is an excellent example of rustic provençal cooking using just a few ingredients to enhance seasonal produce. It …
A tian is an earthenware dish similar to the Moroccan tagine but without a lid. It is used for baking a simple, local recipe of the same name. The recipe for Tian is an excellent example of rustic provençal cooking using just a few ingredients to enhance seasonal produce. It …

14th Fete de la Courge at Rognes
If you missed the Fete de la Courge at Rians a couple of weeks ago, you can visit another village en fete – this time, Rognes. Their all-day Fête de la Courge will take place on Sunday, 8th November, from 9:00 onwards Squash Recipes for Fall Weather
If you missed the Fete de la Courge at Rians a couple of weeks ago, you can visit another village en fete – this time, Rognes. Their all-day Fête de la Courge will take place on Sunday, 8th November, from 9:00 onwards Squash Recipes for Fall Weather