Chagall in Cannes
What's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Chagall Exhibition in Cannes

‘Les Couleurs de la Vie’ is a delightful exhibition of Chagall’s litho-prints which are on show at the Centre d’Art La Malmaison on Cannes’ swish La Croisette. Visiting Cannes from Aix really is like dropping into another world: palm trees, mimosa, orange trees; ladies dripping gold, fur coats and little …

READ MORE  Chagall Exhibition in Cannes
Dali exhibition, Espace Miramar #Cannes @AccessRiviera
ExploreRebecca WhitlockeWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Under the Radar French Riviera Art Exhibitions on Now

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Often I see advertising for upcoming exhibitions at the major art museums and galleries in this region, but sometimes the best exhibitions fall under our noses and pass by unnoticed. Here are 3 Exhibitions that I highly recommend you find time to see – they …

READ MORE  Under the Radar French Riviera Art Exhibitions on Now
Flyer Vies Silencieuses @RegardsProvence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Marseille at the Moment: Still Lifes

The Musée Regards de Provence is always worth visiting. The current exhibition, Vies Silencieuses, focuses on still-life paintings, many from the gallery’s collection of provencal art. But it starts with some 16th-century Dutch paintings, which are amazing in their faithful detail and feature peonies, stripy tulips, dewdrops, and butterflies.

READ MORE  Marseille at the Moment: Still Lifes
Sponsor #Artist #Vernissage @Hildast
Artists Inspired by ProvenceHilda StearnInspire

Art in Provence

I cannot claim to be an art critic however I know what I like and this summer I was invited to a vernissage (from the French verb to varnish which is an interesting choice!). This preview event is usually by invitation and what better setting than Crillon-le-Brave? Nestling into the …

READ MORE  Art in Provence
Les Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein @Culturespaces #HoteldeCaumont
Guest PostInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Les Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein – worth a visit?

This is the lady advertising the current exhibition at the Hotel Caumont. Her image is swinging in the wind along the Cours Mirabeau, raising the question, as posed in the exhibition, is she a model of modesty clutching her little veil or is she an insolent minx?

READ MORE  Les Collections du Prince de Liechtenstein – worth a visit?
Panoramas @MuCEM_Officiel
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

To See in Marseille at the Moment: Panoramas

MUCEM seems to specialise in quirky off-beat subjects for its exhibitions. ‘J’Aime Les Panoramas’ is a case in point. It starts with this remark made by Jean Dujardin in a film (see photo of scene) and then walks us through the history of panoramic painting and photography.

READ MORE  To See in Marseille at the Moment: Panoramas
Charles Camoin, Port de Cassis, 1905 (Huile sur toile, 65 x 74 cm) – Fondation Bemberg, Toulouse © RMN-Grand Palais/Fondation Bemberg/Mathieu Rabeau
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Camoin Dans sa Lumière at the Musée Granet

Just seen the announcement from the Musée Granet that the summer blockbuster exhibition will be dedicated to the life and work of Charles Camoin.  Great news. This painter who was influenced by Cézanne and Fauvism.

READ MORE  Camoin Dans sa Lumière at the Musée Granet
Vincent Van Gogh’s St Remy Statue
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGinger and NutmegInspire

Van Gogh’s St Remy de Provence

Much has been written about Vincent Van Gogh’s life, the famous Dutch painter who led an expressive, tortured life. This statue le voleur de tournesol (the Sunflower Thief) by Gabriel Sterk may just capture the essence of Van Gogh’s work – as you never quite look at sunflowers, irises, olive trees …

READ MORE  Van Gogh’s St Remy de Provence
Elke Walter Design @ElkeWalter
Artists Inspired by ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Elke Walter Design Materialized in Provence

Attracted to Provence by the sun, Elke Walter is clear that the weather is better than in her birthplace Hamburg, Germany. Elke began designing clothing in the 1990s in France, and her business Elke Walter Design was officially launched in 2002 when she opened her atelier in Hamburg. Elke describes …

READ MORE  Elke Walter Design Materialized in Provence
Art imitates Life @BfBlogger2015 Andy Newman
Artists Inspired by ProvenceBarefoot BloggerInspire

Amazing Proof That “Art Imitates Life” in France

When the Barefoot Blogger decided to travel to France, this blog was born. It was intended as a “letter back home” to those I know so they could keep up with my adventure. Little did I know that the blog would take on a life of its own. Now it …

READ MORE  Amazing Proof That “Art Imitates Life” in France