Spring Pea Soup
Martine Bertin-PetersonProvencal RecipesSoupTaste

An Easy Recipe for Spring Pea Soup

The markets of Provence literally spring to life at this time of year with fresh asparagus, young lettuces and the first peas of the season. To celebrate the season of rebirth after a cold winter enjoy this recipe for Spring Pea Soup.

READ MORE  An Easy Recipe for Spring Pea Soup
Asparagus Recipe @ProvenceTayls
David & Karen TaylorLunchtime MealsProvencal RecipesTaste

Spring in Provence: Quick Love Asparagus Recipe

Contributor blog post by David Taylor: The first asparagus has arrived in the markets. Steamed for about 10 minutes, a drizzle of olive oil, shavings of parmesan and then a soft free range boiled egg – perfect for lunch in the spring sunshine. Via:: Accommodation in Provence          

READ MORE  Spring in Provence: Quick Love Asparagus Recipe
Asparagus with Deep Fried Egg @Masdaugustine
Gary and Jane LangtonLunchtime MealsProvencal RecipesTaste

A Spring Dish Asparagus with Deep Fried Eggs and Parmesan

Its asparagus season in France and there is no better way to enjoy this wonderful vegetable than dipped into a soft-centred egg. Just add a little freshly grated parmesan cheese and the combination is perfect.

READ MORE  A Spring Dish Asparagus with Deep Fried Eggs and Parmesan
Vaucluse Travel Tips

Springtime in the Vaucluse

Here is a useful link for ideas of outings in the Vaucluse. It covers vineyards, bike-hire and cycle routes, antiques fairs and also has details of discounts and promotions for accommodation.

READ MORE  Springtime in the Vaucluse
Learn French this Spring
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLearning French

Want to Learn French? Try Free Online Language Lessons This Spring

In the past, most language classes followed a similar scholastic approach, typically involving the memorisation of verbs, tenses and sentence structures. The process is the same whether students were attempting to conquer one of the romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian or Catalan), a Germanic tongue, a Slavic dialect or …

READ MORE  Want to Learn French? Try Free Online Language Lessons This Spring
Art Expo in Provence
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Spring in Provence and New Art – is on its way

New shows open in Arles and at the Carrières de Lumières at Les Baux at the beginning of March. Starting with the Fondation Van Gogh, it is a pleasure to see that they will have 8 of his paintings on show, starting 4th March. ‘Calm and Exultation, Van Gogh in …

READ MORE  Spring in Provence and New Art – is on its way
Spring in Provence @ProvenceTayls
David & Karen TaylorWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

It’s spring in Provence – officially!

Contributor blog post by David Taylor: It’s incredible how over the last fortnight so much plant life has burst into colour. The cherry trees as always are spectacular giving a white shimmer to the hillside, some are already turning and will soon be producing delicious red cherries. As sure as eggs …

READ MORE  It’s spring in Provence – officially!
Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild Fete de Roses @Culturespaces
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild Blooms into Spring Festival of Flowers

Images from La Belle Èpoque (1871-1914) on the French Riviera generate the impression of a whimsical golden era brimming with pleasurable pursuits and indulgences. It was a time of pure fantasy; the stuff little girls might dream of — castles, palatial homes, ball gowns and glass slippers. For Madame Ephrussi, …

READ MORE  Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild Blooms into Spring Festival of Flowers
Spring meal wine and food pairings @JillBarth
Jill BarthTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Spring Meal Pairings for Southern Rhône Wines

On the second Saturday of each month, a group of bloggers who are passionate about the way good wine enhances a meal come together to blog about a wine pairing they have done. Each month has a different Wine Pairing Weekend theme to focus the pairings. There is a live …

READ MORE  Spring Meal Pairings for Southern Rhône Wines
Cécile Colombo’s work in Marseille
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Marseille Art for the Spring

There’s a lovely, fresh, Spring-like exhibition of Cécile Colombo’s work in Marseille at the moment. She is a Gemenos-based artist who uses tissue, fabric, bits of text, inks and paint to make colourful collages. It’s at Galerie Charivari, 7 rue Fontange, Marseille 6, near Notre Dame du Mont. Until 15th …

READ MORE  Marseille Art for the Spring