Understanding Provencal Ceramics Vallauris Pottery Sgrafitte Technique
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

Understanding Provencal Ceramics and Pottery a Guide

The following article is a re-post of the original from online retailer Remember Provence. Owner Marie-Helene Beroit put together the following reference guide for understanding the primary differences between Provencal ceramics and pottery. Origins of Ceramics Are ceramics and pottery interchangeable? The word ceramics comes from the Greek “keramos,” which …

READ MORE  Understanding Provencal Ceramics and Pottery a Guide
Visit Provence Beaux Villages Provence Villages Les Plus Beaux Villages de France Logo
Barefoot BloggerExploreVillages Towns and Cities

A Visit to Provence and Les Plus Beaux Villages de France

There’s a new obsession running around in my head: “visit as many of France’s ‘Les Plus Beaux Villages‘ as I possibly can.”  So far, I’ve seen only 10 out of some 156 “authentic” Les Plus Beaux Villages. I have a lot of travelling to do. Les Plus Beaux Villages There …

READ MORE  A Visit to Provence and Les Plus Beaux Villages de France
Restaurants Haut-Var
Guest PostRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Provence Living Top Picks for Restaurants in the Haut-Var

Sadly, restaurant meals do not always live up to our expectations for service, food quality, price and ambiance. We asked Susana Iwase Hanson the founder of Provence Living Cotignac for her top picks for restaurants in the Haut-Var. Why Visit Haut-Var The Haut-Var is filled with striking scenery, hilltop villages and …

READ MORE  Provence Living Top Picks for Restaurants in the Haut-Var
Visiting Var Kids Summer Kids in the Var
ExploreGuest Post

Visiting the Var with kids this Summer? My top 10 things to do

Guest Post: by Susana Iwase Hanson of Provence Living Cotignac the website and online community for sharing information about Cotignac and its nearby villages. Discover how this accomplished lady and her family ended up in the beautiful town of Cotignac. It’s summertime in Provence and are her suggestions for ten (10) things …

READ MORE  Visiting the Var with kids this Summer? My top 10 things to do
Author Georgeanne Brennan Provence Lifestyle villa entry
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Provencal Lifestyle Discovery with Author Georgeanne Brennon

Books for Food Lovers Georgeanne Brennan’s CV of accomplishments in culinary and literary circles is awe-inspiring. This talented lady has written and co-authored over 30 books. She won the prestigious James Beard Award (Best International Cookbook) in 1998 for The Food and Flavors of Haute Provence. Her articles have appeared …

READ MORE  Provencal Lifestyle Discovery with Author Georgeanne Brennon
Markets Provence Cote d'Azur
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurTaste

Markets of Provence and the Cote d’Azur a Reference Guide

Welcome to our resource guide for the Markets of Provence and the Côte d’Azur. This article is a reference directory to some of the better-known markets, producers’ markets and a few more. It would be impossible to list every market in the region, and at the end of the day, …

READ MORE  Markets of Provence and the Cote d’Azur a Reference Guide
Photo Cicada @kilmarth
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Charlie’s World of Glittering Powers Inspired in Provence

Provence’s pine forests, Mistral winds and the summer symphony of the cigales fuel Tracy Rawles’ creative writing. Rawles published her first book Charlie’s World of Glittering Powers, in November 2015. Charlie is a cigale, a cicada (or at least inspired by the cicadas), this is a description of the book’s central …

READ MORE  Charlie’s World of Glittering Powers Inspired in Provence
Caves Grottos Villecroze Provence Var @perfProvence
ExploreGinger and Nutmeg

Grottos of Provence the Caves of Villecroze

Millions of years of seismic activity, tectonic plate movement and freeze-thaw cycles created the diverse geology of present-day Provence. The region is also known as the Bouches de Rhône where the Mediterranean shoreline runs the gambit of beaches, brackish wetlands and vertigo-inducing cliffs. Other natural phenomena in the area include …

READ MORE  Grottos of Provence the Caves of Villecroze
Moustiers-Ste-Marie Market #Provence @FranceenVelo
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday ToursStay Fit

Picnics in Provence with France en Velo

This post is from Hannah Reynolds and John Walsh the authors of France en Vélo – The Ultimate Cycle Journey From Channel to Med – St-Malo to Nice. There are many fantastic restaurants and cafes in Provence, but my most memorable meals are those eaten by the road side. Cycle …

READ MORE  Picnics in Provence with France en Velo