#Marseille @LePetitNice Traquandi2 RichardHaughton
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottHotels Provence & Cote d'AzurStay: Accommodation & Rentals in Provence

Updated Luxury at Marseille’s Le Petit Nice

It has been almost a century since this boutique hotel first opened its doors on the shores of the Mediterranean. Germain Passedat purchased the Villa Corinthe in 1917 and chose the name “le Petit Nice” as a tribute to the villa’s stunning location on the azure shoreline. Even today, 100-years …

READ MORE  Updated Luxury at Marseille’s Le Petit Nice
Alyscamps Arles Explore Provence
Ginger and NutmegInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Exploring Alyscamps in Arles

The article previously published on Ginger and Nutmeg: Nutmeg agreed to accompany Ginger to the medical clinic in Arles so he could get a yellow fever vaccination for his Africa trip, but only if they could visit Alyscamps afterwards. Alyssii campi is Latin for Elysian fields – the road leading to the kingdom …

READ MORE  Exploring Alyscamps in Arles
Camargue views #Camargue #Provence @bfblogger2015
Barefoot BloggerExploreRoad Trips South of France

7 Reasons You Should Go To The Camargue

It’s hard to say when the Barefoot Blogger will ever get her fill of the Camargue. The preserved area south of Arles,  the Parc naturel régional de Camargue, is between the Mediterranean and the Rhone river delta. One-third of the Camargue is marshland, lagoons and lakes. Continue reading here for the original article …

READ MORE  7 Reasons You Should Go To The Camargue
Les Deux Garcons Cours Mirabeau #AixenProvence @PerfProvence
ExploreProvencal History & TraditionsThe Unexplorer

MFK Fisher’s Cours Mirabeau: Unchanged Over Time

Reading MFK Fisher’s Two Towns in Provence, you might be surprised that it was written so long ago. Cours Mirabeau, the cultural center of Aix, looks much like it did when Fisher and her two daughters sought solace at Les Deux Garçons or ambled down the boulevard so many decades …

READ MORE  MFK Fisher’s Cours Mirabeau: Unchanged Over Time
The 1st century Pont Julien in the Luberon Provence
InspirePaul ShawcrossProvencal History & Traditions

The Pont Julien at Bonnieux

The Luberon in Provence is best known for its beautiful ‘villages perchés’ which visitors flock to in large numbers especially during July and August. Many are unaware of the existence of Pont Julien and indeed some visitors simply stumble upon it while visiting the most well known of these villages, …

READ MORE  The Pont Julien at Bonnieux
AixcentricArtists Inspired by ProvenceInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Aix: Art Opening This Week

By aixcentric At last! The work on the Hotel Caumont is done and the grand opening is on May 6th. The 300-year old building will make a fabulous venue for exhibiting 17-19th century art; the first expo is Canaletto, Rome, Londres, Venise. Plus, you can visit a recreation of Pauline …

READ MORE  Aix: Art Opening This Week
le Pont d'Avignon Provence
ExplorePaul Shawcross

Sur, or is it Sous, le Pont d’Avignon Which is it?

The Rhone at Avignon is very wide and fast flowing and nowadays there are two modern bridges, or four if you include Eiffel’s box-girder railway bridge and the new TGV bridge further downstream. However, in medieval times crossing the river was very difficult as the only previous bridge, a wooden …

READ MORE  Sur, or is it Sous, le Pont d’Avignon Which is it?
AixcentricInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Roman Finds at the Musée Granet

Aix must be a paradise for archaeologists: building work in town often yields ancient foundations and sewers, but sometimes sumptuous Roman mosaic dining room floors, everyday pottery and glass from the table, and even jewellery, oil lamps and statues. They dated from around 2000 years ago when Aix was the …

READ MORE  Roman Finds at the Musée Granet
InspireMy Dreamy ProvenceShopping & Gifts

Aix and a French Woman’s Secret

Aix en Provence , city commune in Southern France,  30kms North of Marseilles. Famous visitors and residents include Paul Cezanne and Ernest Hemingway. Originally the capital of Provence it is often referred to as the city of 1,000 fountains and it has a beautiful medieval quarter partially surrounded by an …

READ MORE  Aix and a French Woman’s Secret