Tender Leeks Spring Markets
Barbara SchuerenbergProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

A Dish of Tender Leeks – Poireaux en Vinaigrette

This easy recipe for Provencal tender leeks in a simple vinaigrette. The markets of Provence are a bit like a food-filled treasure hunt. The produce changes with the seasons and even within the region local specialties might not be found outside a limited geography.

READ MORE  A Dish of Tender Leeks – Poireaux en Vinaigrette
Provencal Ratatouille Tastes Provence
David Scott AllenProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Provencal Ratatouille the French Laundry Way

A breathtaking display of deliciousness that could rival any of the old French Masters. This variation of Ratatouille speaks for itself. Artistically arranged tomatoes, peppers and eggplant bond together for a wonderful taste sensation topped with a refreshing vinaigrette followed by a drizzle of rich crema balsamica.

READ MORE  Provencal Ratatouille the French Laundry Way
Lentil Spinach Stew @PerfProvence
Provencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Lucky New Years Dish Lentil Spinach Stew

Originally posted on Ginger and Nutmeg this recipe is a combination of lentils, spinach and spices. An easy side dish to ring in the New Year with a touch of luck.

READ MORE  Lucky New Years Dish Lentil Spinach Stew
Gérald Passedat's Ratatouille By Richard Haughton
Provencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Recipe for Gérald Passedat’s Ratatouille My Way

“Ratatouille My Way” is from Gérald Passedat’s new cookbook Flavors From The French Mediterranean. Ratatouille is a classic Provencal recipe that uses ingredients readily found in the region (tomatoes, zucchini, onions, eggplant). However, this version is prepared with the expertise of a master chef.

READ MORE  Recipe for Gérald Passedat’s Ratatouille My Way
Pumpkin Tian Recipe Courge Provence @PestoPistou
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Pumpkin Tian Recipe – Tian de Courges from Provence

Rather like the Moroccan tagine but without the lid, a tian is an earthenware dish used for baking a simple, local recipe that shares the same name. Tian, the recipe, is an excellent example of rustic provençal cooking using just a few ingredients to enhance seasonal produce. There are five …

READ MORE  Pumpkin Tian Recipe – Tian de Courges from Provence
Side Dish Gratins Tomatoes Provence
Provencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Easy Recipes for Side Dish Gratins

The Provence Gourmet shares his recipe for two simple side dishes, gratins made with tomatoes and potatoes. If you are interested in cooking classes and learning some traditional Provencal meals contact Gilles (Provence Gourmet) to find out about his classes. Easy side dishes to accompany roasted meats or fish or …

READ MORE  Easy Recipes for Side Dish Gratins
Ratatouille Recipe @FibiTee Provence
Provencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Ratatouille Recipe a Traditional Dish from Nice

Ratatouille, pronounced ra-ta-too-ee, is a delicious vegetable stew from Nice, commonly found all over Provence and the South of France.  I have to mention that it was this long before the Pixar film of the same name, and the reason I say that is that if you google “ratatouille”, the …

READ MORE  Ratatouille Recipe a Traditional Dish from Nice
Marseille Market #Marseille #Provence @PerfProvence
Provencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Grilled Red Peppers with Garlic Easy Recipe from Provence

The Provence Gourmet shares this simple side dish with grilled red peppers and garlic. If you are interested in cooking classes and learning some traditional Provencal meals contact Gilles (Provence Gourmet) to learn about his classes. Image Credits: All photos were provided by and published with the permission of Provence …

READ MORE  Grilled Red Peppers with Garlic Easy Recipe from Provence
Tomatoes with Bruccio quenelles
Provencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Wonderful Side Dish Tomatoes with Provençal Herbs and Goat Cheese (Bruccio) Quenelles

The Provence Gourmet shares this wonderful side dish made with tomatoes and fresh herbs. Gilles uses Bruccio is a fresh goat cheese from the lovely island of Corsica, you can substitute with a ricotta if you cannot find this Corsican delicacy in your local stores.

READ MORE  Wonderful Side Dish Tomatoes with Provençal Herbs and Goat Cheese (Bruccio) Quenelles
Ratatouille Recipe Provence
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesSide DishTaste

Made in Dorset: Ratatouille Recipe Inspired by Provence

We’re still going strong with homegrown tomatoes, courgettes and aubergines here in Dorset, and with a solitary, ripe pepper this week (yes, just the one), the whipping up of a ratatouille seems unavoidable. Now, if Jacques Médecin is to be believed, each of the vegetables should be cooked separately before …

READ MORE  Made in Dorset: Ratatouille Recipe Inspired by Provence