Ingredients for Tomato Jam by @Hildast
CondimentHilda StearnProvencal RecipesTaste

Would you like to try some Tomato Jam

In the fall, Hilda visited Forcalquier with some friends and stayed at a charming B&B. The cool temperatures in Haute Provence allowed for local exploring and some eating. Keep reading to learn about tomato jam: Breakfast in France differs greatly from home, which was undoubtedly the case at Le Mas …

READ MORE  Would you like to try some Tomato Jam
Provence Gourmet @ProvenceCook #Provence #CookingClasses
DessertFlans, PuddingsProvencal RecipesTaste

Nectarine Fruit Salad with Mint Easy for Summer Entertaining

The Provence Gourmet shares an effortless dessert. You can choose other fruit, depending on your taste and what is in season. The mint adds a fresh flavour, but do not use too much. If you want to learn to cook some traditional Provencal meals, contact Gilles (Provence Gourmet) to learn …

READ MORE  Nectarine Fruit Salad with Mint Easy for Summer Entertaining
Vegetable Tian #TasteProvence @ProvenceCook
Fish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Mediterranean Fish with a Vegetable Tian a Provencal Dish

This easy-to-make savoury dish combines some of the best local ingredients from Provence into a single dish. Gilles at Provence Gourmet brings Perfectly Provence readers his recipe for Mediterranean fish accompanied by a classic Provencal vegetable tian.   A main course that is simple to prepare along with and a …

READ MORE  Mediterranean Fish with a Vegetable Tian a Provencal Dish
Barba Juan Barbagiuai
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Barba Juan Barbagiuai or fried ‘ravioli’

Barba Juan, or Barbagiuai if you’re over in Liguria, translates as ‘Uncle John’, and the name’s relevance for this delicious, local dish remains a mystery for most. In his book ‘Flavours of the Riviera’, Colman Andrews offers one or two possible explanations, and the one that seems most plausible is …

READ MORE  Barba Juan Barbagiuai or fried ‘ravioli’
Clafoutis aux Cerises
DessertFlans, PuddingsProvencal RecipesTaste

Recipe for Clafoutis aux Cerises from Provence

This dessert originates from the Limousin region of France but is often seen on Provencal menus. The beauty of this easy dessert is that it can be prepared with almost any fruit, although strawberries are not recommended. The traditional version is made with whole cherries (not pitted); otherwise, the juice …

READ MORE  Recipe for Clafoutis aux Cerises from Provence
Chocolate Madelines #Recipe @LoveasART #Provence
Provencal RecipesTaste

Tempting Madeleine Recipes from Provence

I have to admit, one of the best parts of living in Provence is the food! I am sharing today my secret recipe for chocolate Madeleines. I love them with coffee, and they are perfect for a taste of France at breakfast or anytime of day. I hope you enjoy …

READ MORE  Tempting Madeleine Recipes from Provence
daube de boeuf
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Making The four-day daube de boeuf a recipe variation

January seems the perfect time of year for a hearty beef casserole, a warming, bold dish full of protein and lower on fat than much of the standard Christmas fayre, unless you incorporate lard into your recipe as Jacques Médecin does in his book Cuisine Niçoise. With just Explore this …

READ MORE  Making The four-day daube de boeuf a recipe variation
Roasted Pear Tart Almond Crust @ProvenceCook
DessertPies & TartsProvencal RecipesTaste

Roasted Pear Tart with Almond Pie Crust

This sweet dessert recipe combines some of the best local ingredients from Provence—almonds and seasonal pears. Gilles at Provence Gourmet brings Perfectly Provence readers his pear tart recipe. It is easy to make and will definitely have your guests raving about your baking skills. This dessert, made with pears and …

READ MORE  Roasted Pear Tart with Almond Pie Crust
olive and onion muffins
Pesto & PistouProvencal Recipes

Mini olive and onion muffins gluten-free

I’ve written about chickpea flour before. On the Côte d’Azur and in Liguria, it’s the common ingredient for delicious pancakes cooked in large, flat copper pans. Topped only with black pepper in Nice, where it’s called socca, Ligurians often add herbs or thinly sliced onions to their farinata. Explore this …

READ MORE  Mini olive and onion muffins gluten-free
Provence Cooking Classes Provence Gourmet
LambMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Roasted Rack of Lamb and Potatoes with Stewed Sweet Onion and Fennel

Sheep and goats have wondered the hilly fields of Provence for centuries – providing milk for all the wonderful regional cheeses. Larger animals such as dairy cows and beef cattle are not well-suited to the harsh Mediterranean climate and limited grazing land. The seasonal movement of the sheep and goat …

READ MORE  Roasted Rack of Lamb and Potatoes with Stewed Sweet Onion and Fennel