Family Vacation Provence Haribo
Ashley TinkerExplore

Family Holiday Ideas for Things to do in Provence with Kids

Family-Friendly Activities on Vacation It’s possible that your children might not enjoy the wonderful relaxation of sipping on rosé and people watching in a town square. I know where we live this is something the parents often do on warm summer nights while the kids run around together in the …

READ MORE  Family Holiday Ideas for Things to do in Provence with Kids
Ai Weiwei Show MuCEM Marseille
AixcentricArtists Inspired by ProvenceInspire

Ai Weiwei Show Starts in June at MuCEM in Marseille

Contributor blog post by Aixcentric: Just announced, an exhibition of the work of Ai Weiwei, opening at MuCEM on June 20th in Marseille. Having seen his show at the Royal Academy in London last year, I expect it will be stimulating and baffling…but unmissable.  According to MuCEM, they will be adding …

READ MORE  Ai Weiwei Show Starts in June at MuCEM in Marseille
Book Art in the South of France- The Inside Story
AixcentricBooks on ProvenceInspire

A New Book, Art in the South of France: The Inside Story

Contributor blog post by Aixcentric: My new book “Art in the South of France: The Inside Story” is being launched this week. It is a journey across from ancient sun-drenched Arles through Saint-Tropez and Saint Paul-de-Vence to the Italianate beauty of Menton, following the artists who flocked south to the area …

READ MORE  A New Book, Art in the South of France: The Inside Story
Pain aux Noix Walnut Bread @AtableenProvence
BreadsPaula KaneProvencal RecipesTaste

Pain aux Noix a Recipe for Walnut Bread

French walnuts are amazing, meaty, sweet, gorgeous.  So this is my attempt at recreating the best pain aux noix (walnut bread) I’ve ever had.

READ MORE  Pain aux Noix a Recipe for Walnut Bread
Villa Ephrussi Cap Ferrat French Riviera
Cheryl ShufflebothamExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Visit Cap Ferrat and Villa Ephrussi for a Touch of Italy in France

Located on the gorgeous Cap Ferrat peninsula, overlooking the bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer and Beaulieu-sur-Mer, is an Italian-style villa built during France’s Belle Époque by Baroness Béatrice Ephrussi de Rothschild. The mansion, with its nine exquisite gardens, was bequeathed in 1934 to the Académie des Beaux-Arts of the Institut de France. …

READ MORE  Visit Cap Ferrat and Villa Ephrussi for a Touch of Italy in France
Boulettes de Poisson Marseillaise @Cocoa&Lavender
David Scott AllenFish & SeafoodMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Fish and Games a Recipe for Boulettes de Poisson à la Marsaillaise

This recipe is a play on words based the jeu (game) that appears to be at the heart and soul of many Provençaux – pétanque. Also know as boules, it is similar to bocce (bocchi) in Italy, but the old souls in Provence might never agree that the game has …

READ MORE  Fish and Games a Recipe for Boulettes de Poisson à la Marsaillaise
GDPR Yachting Industry Readiness
InspireRebecca Whitlocke

Preparing for Data Protection in the EU is the Yachting Industry GDPR Ready?

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the EU’s new privacy law, aims to clarify discrepancies and bring consistency from country to country with data protection and privacy. Effectively, it will affect the way companies source, collect, use and record consent for emails and data from …

READ MORE  Preparing for Data Protection in the EU is the Yachting Industry GDPR Ready?
My Provençal Salade Recipe Chef Anne Challier
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottProvencal RecipesSaladTaste

My Provençal Salad the Tastes of Eating Local in Provence

This salad plate is a cross between carpaccio and salad. Prepare the tapenade and pesto in advance. Shop for the fresh melon, lettuce leaves and tomatoes at the market in the morning and then plate the ingredients in time for lunch.

READ MORE  My Provençal Salad the Tastes of Eating Local in Provence
Windows Provence Georgeanne Brennan
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Book Review: Windows on Provence by Georgeanne Brennan

With over 30 published books, what more could award-winning cookbook author Georgeanne Brennan possibly write about culinary trends and the lifestyle in Provence? Then along comes Windows on Provence, Musings on the Food, Wine and Culture of the South of France, published on April 10, 2018, by Yellow Pear Press. …

READ MORE  Book Review: Windows on Provence by Georgeanne Brennan
Sous Prefecture French Flag
Barefoot BloggerExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Getting Your French Expat Visa With Some Help

When you have an appointment at the prefecture to renew your French expat visa, you’d better show up. Rain, shine … or flu! Today was the day to update my 12-month French expat visa — or carte de séjour. The event seems to come around much faster each year. I …

READ MORE  Getting Your French Expat Visa With Some Help