Peche Peach Melba Served
DessertFlans, PuddingsLet’s Eat the WorldProvencal RecipesTaste

Pêche Peach Melba with Raspberry Coulis a Recipe for Stone Fruit Season

The only problem with stone fruit (apricots, peaches, nectarines, and plums) is that they all appear in the markets around the same time of year. What to do with the bounty of produce?  Make dessert of course. Enjoy this easy recipe for Peach Melba – Pêche Melba with a raspberry coulis. This …

READ MORE  Pêche Peach Melba with Raspberry Coulis a Recipe for Stone Fruit Season
Author Patricia Sands Photographer
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExpat Living and Real EstateLiving in Provence

Author Patricia Sands Has a Fatal Attraction to Provence

One of my summer highlights is the chance to catch up with author Patricia Sands during her annual visit to Provence. Sands is a remarkable person. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, writer, photographer and a possiblitarian. Yes, for Patricia Sands, it is possible to achieve anything in life if …

READ MORE  Author Patricia Sands Has a Fatal Attraction to Provence
Villers Picasso Coup de Soleil
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Aix: Artwork from Picasso and André Villers at the Pavillon Vendome

There seems to have been a deluge of Picasso work recently in Marseille, Aix, Les Baux, and Cannes, but the small exhibition at Aix’s Pavillon Vendome, ‘Villers Picasso—Coup de Soleil,‘ really is worth investigating. André Villers was just 22 and recovering from 6 years in a tuberculosis sanatorium when he …

READ MORE  Aix: Artwork from Picasso and André Villers at the Pavillon Vendome
Christian Lacroix Mirabilis
Artists Inspired by ProvenceGuest PostInspire

Art in Avignon: Christian Lacroix Show Promises to be Mirabilis

French fashion designer Christian Lacroix can be relied on to bring a stylish rather Baroque flourish to everything he does. A proud Arlésien, he has transitioned to Avignon to curate their new show, Mirabilis, for which he has chosen 350 to 400 works, documents and collections, from prehistory to ethnic …

READ MORE  Art in Avignon: Christian Lacroix Show Promises to be Mirabilis
Provençal Aioli Dip wearecookandbaker-provencal-aioli-crudite-grazing-platter-recipe
AppetizerMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Provençal Aioli Dip and Crudité Grazing Platter a Tapas Style Appetizer

Sofia and Kate the chef and baker behind “WeAreCookandBaker” have taken a Provençal aioli dip (garlic mayonnaise) and developed a bright, refreshing tapas-style appetizer. In Provence, many restaurants serve a typical aioli on Fridays (le grande aïoli), a dish that features steamed cod, potatoes, carrots, green beans and a healthy …

READ MORE  Provençal Aioli Dip and Crudité Grazing Platter a Tapas Style Appetizer
Radish Green Olive Tartare Sourdough Bread
AppetizerMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

Radish Green Olive Tartare on Sourdough a Tangy Appetizer

This appetizer requires no cooking, which is perfect for a hot summer day. The preparation time is limited and the combination of red radish with green olive makes for a lovely tangy “tartare.” Enjoy the combination on top of fresh bread with a glass of chilled Mirabeau rosé and these other starters.

READ MORE  Radish Green Olive Tartare on Sourdough a Tangy Appetizer
ExploreGuest PostVillages Towns and Cities

A Trip to Arles: Cultural and Lunch Reasons to Visit this City

Cultural Arles The newly-created arts and cultural centre, LUMA, based in the old railway sheds, has a handful of shows this summer and fall. Headlining them is Gilbert & George: THE GREAT EXHIBITION (1971-2016), an 80-work retrospective that will occur until 6th January. I also like the sound of ‘Une Histoire …

READ MORE  A Trip to Arles: Cultural and Lunch Reasons to Visit this City
Merindol Massacre Luberon Provence History
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Understanding The Merindol Massacre and Provence’s Dark Religious History 

Plenty of villages in the Luberon Valley lay claim to les plus beaux villages de France (the most beautiful villages in France), and many of those proudly display Villages Fleuris (flowering villages) emblems on local street signs. Enchanted by weather-worn scenes of charming hilltop hamlets and gently numbed by a glass of …

READ MORE  Understanding The Merindol Massacre and Provence’s Dark Religious History 
Dessert Popsicles Rosé Grapefruit
DessertMaison Mirabeau WinesProvencal RecipesTaste

BBQ Time Dessert Popsicles with Rosé, Grapefruit and Elderflower

Popsicles may seem like a treat for kids, but this version with Rosé, Grapefruit and Elderflower will keep the adults in your party happy. The best part about these popsicles (other than the rosé) is how easy they are to make. The recipe was created by Sophie Bellard, one of three sisters with complementary talents, which includes desserts.

READ MORE  BBQ Time Dessert Popsicles with Rosé, Grapefruit and Elderflower
Lavender Uzes
Barefoot BloggerExplore

Searching For the Love of Lavender Near Uzes

Lavender Near Uzes Had the Barefoot Blogger known lavender fields are so close to Uzes and how fabulous they are in person, I would have been visiting them much before now. Thank goodness I learned how to get to some of the best fields this year. Continue reading here as …

READ MORE  Searching For the Love of Lavender Near Uzes