Taking Root in Provence Book cover #Provence #Books
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireProvencal History & Traditions

Christmas in Provence

Dutch-born Anne-Marie Simons is a traveller. She studied in Paris, worked in Brussels and then moved to the United States where for a long time she worked only to support her travel-bug. Today, Anne-Marie and her husband Oscar reside in Aix-en-Provence where she continues to hone her writing. The following …

READ MORE  Christmas in Provence
Provence Cooking Classes Provence Gourmet
LambMain CourseProvencal RecipesTaste

Roasted Rack of Lamb and Potatoes with Stewed Sweet Onion and Fennel

Sheep and goats have wondered the hilly fields of Provence for centuries – providing milk for all the wonderful regional cheeses. Larger animals such as dairy cows and beef cattle are not well-suited to the harsh Mediterranean climate and limited grazing land. The seasonal movement of the sheep and goat …

READ MORE  Roasted Rack of Lamb and Potatoes with Stewed Sweet Onion and Fennel
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Philippe Goninet St Remy’s Tourism Foodie

They had all booked a week exploring Provence – a dream trip! Now, these 10 adults are seated in a slightly warm mini-van – some of the group swoons over the lavender fields and others love Van Gogh, some are early risers and others are always late. Meet Philippe Goninet …

READ MORE  Philippe Goninet St Remy’s Tourism Foodie
#Provence Patricia Sands Author @patricia_sands #Sunflowers
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

Patricia Sands Reveals The Promise of Provence

It all started with a backpacking trip to France in 1967. Patricia Sands spent her 21st year travelling and working in Europe, taking in the sights with her peers. After those 12-months, she was hooked on travel and unaware of the promises that Provence held in her future. Life moved …

READ MORE  Patricia Sands Reveals The Promise of Provence
Manolo-J DJ #Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspire

DJ Manolo-J Spinning Tunes in Provence

With both music and Provence thumping through his veins, Manolo-J is a musical brand name to his fans. A true “southerner” Manuel was born in Cavaillon some 25 years ago; he now calls Saint Remy de Provence home.

READ MORE  DJ Manolo-J Spinning Tunes in Provence
La Zourcière #Provence @PaulShawcrossuk
ExploreGuided Holiday ToursPaul Shawcross

Explore Nice and Beyond a Paul Shawcross App

Paul Shawcross is an Economics major who turned his sights to travel, photography and writing in the 1990s. He has written many freelance articles for Francophile publications. His experience led Michelin to knock on his door for help writing and revising their Green Guides – for a long list of …

READ MORE  Explore Nice and Beyond a Paul Shawcross App
Mussels Provencal Moules farcies à la provençale via @ProvenceCook
Provencal RecipesStarter CourseTaste

Fresh Mussels Provencal Style by Provence Gourmet

Where Paris restaurants trip over themselves to serve up Belgium-style (that might raise a few French eyebrows) moules-frites to the tourist crowd, Provencal chefs are happy with their variations. Mussel farming is the highest-volume shellfish industry in Europe. However, it is by no means contemporary. Shellfish cultivation on wooden stakes …

READ MORE  Fresh Mussels Provencal Style by Provence Gourmet
Fish Market #Marseille @PerfProvence
Provencal RecipesSoupTaste

Provence Gourmet: How to make Bourride

Bourride is a simple Provencal fish stew made with white fish. The broth is thickened with aïoli, a homemade garlicky mayonnaise. Many ingredients are similar, making it a cousin of Bouillabaisse. Preparing bourride is relatively quick, depending on the thickness of the fish. However, its creamy texture separates it from …

READ MORE  Provence Gourmet: How to make Bourride
Provence Vineyards #Provence #Wines @Franceenvelo
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday ToursStay Fit

Vines Vineyards and Fine Wines with France en Velo

If you are a cyclist, France is your country and Provence is perfection. Hannah Reynolds a competitive cyclist and writer and John Walsh a professional biking guide have pooled their shared passion in a new book called France en Vélo – The Ultimate Cycle Journey From Channel to Med – …

READ MORE  Vines Vineyards and Fine Wines with France en Velo
Marseille Fish Market Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

Marseille’s Coming Out

Gilles Conchy describes his birth city of Marseille, as “tense, cosmopolitan, not well-mannered, but it is colourful, generous and sunny all year long.”

READ MORE  Marseille’s Coming Out