A Visit to the Tuesday Market in Vaison-la-Romaine
We look forward to Tuesday mornings because it is the day for the weekly market in Vaison-la-Romaine. That morning, rain or shine, always finds us leaving the house early for the trip to Vaison-la-Romaine. A trip to a market, especially this market in Vaison-la-Romaine, is my favourite thing to do. …
We look forward to Tuesday mornings because it is the day for the weekly market in Vaison-la-Romaine. That morning, rain or shine, always finds us leaving the house early for the trip to Vaison-la-Romaine. A trip to a market, especially this market in Vaison-la-Romaine, is my favourite thing to do. …

Where to Eat Lunch in Vaison-la-Romaine
Vaucluse Villages We go often to Vaison-la-Romaine, sometimes it seems almost every day. We go for Tuesday morning market, buy basic household supplies at “Brando Vaison Ménager”, pick up cheese at an amazing shop called “Lou Canesteou”, visit friends, or simply pass through on the way to Nyons and other destinations …
Vaucluse Villages We go often to Vaison-la-Romaine, sometimes it seems almost every day. We go for Tuesday morning market, buy basic household supplies at “Brando Vaison Ménager”, pick up cheese at an amazing shop called “Lou Canesteou”, visit friends, or simply pass through on the way to Nyons and other destinations …

Vaison Danses One of Many reasons to Visit Charming Vaison La Romaine
Dancing Under the Stars On a warm July evening, the setting sun kisses the Rhone Valley grapevines good-night as dancers perform in a 7000-seat Roman theatre. No, you are not dreaming. For 22 years, the Vaison Danses festival brings together international dancers to perform for audiences in the Vaucluse. This …
Dancing Under the Stars On a warm July evening, the setting sun kisses the Rhone Valley grapevines good-night as dancers perform in a 7000-seat Roman theatre. No, you are not dreaming. For 22 years, the Vaison Danses festival brings together international dancers to perform for audiences in the Vaucluse. This …

Cooking Classes at Cuisine de Provence the Place to Learn Provencal Recipes
Contributor blog post by Michel: We have just returned from a wonderful time in Sablet. Windsor neighbors Ed and Gwen and Bob and Darlene traveled with us. We were on the go every day but spent most evenings at home. We took day trips, hiked through villages, visited with French family, …
Contributor blog post by Michel: We have just returned from a wonderful time in Sablet. Windsor neighbors Ed and Gwen and Bob and Darlene traveled with us. We were on the go every day but spent most evenings at home. We took day trips, hiked through villages, visited with French family, …

Provence Must-do the Vaison-la-Romaine Market on Tuesdays
The only days that are reserved in our calendar before we get to Sablet are Tuesdays. Tuesday is when the weekly market the Marché Provencal takes place in the center of Vaison-la-Romaine. We usually go regardless of the weather rain or shine. Although, the latter is definitely more fun. Since …
The only days that are reserved in our calendar before we get to Sablet are Tuesdays. Tuesday is when the weekly market the Marché Provencal takes place in the center of Vaison-la-Romaine. We usually go regardless of the weather rain or shine. Although, the latter is definitely more fun. Since …

Vaison-la-Romaine a Tale of Two Towns
You are probably not aware but this past July, we had the pleasure of a visit from daughter Tricia, her husband Alvin and two of our wonderful grandchildren; Avery and Caedon. We have talked and planned for this visit for a long time. We knew that we had to plan …
You are probably not aware but this past July, we had the pleasure of a visit from daughter Tricia, her husband Alvin and two of our wonderful grandchildren; Avery and Caedon. We have talked and planned for this visit for a long time. We knew that we had to plan …

Vaison-la-Romaine and lunch at Bistro du’O
We go to Vaison-la-Romaine frequently, usually with camera in hand, so we have similar pictures shot during various times of the year. A few weeks ago, we went for lunch at Bistro du’O. So besides telling you about our lunch, I thought I would share some of the better-known sights …
We go to Vaison-la-Romaine frequently, usually with camera in hand, so we have similar pictures shot during various times of the year. A few weeks ago, we went for lunch at Bistro du’O. So besides telling you about our lunch, I thought I would share some of the better-known sights …

Better than a Money Tree – L’Arbre à Vins in Vaison-la-Romaine
Mathieu Schillinger hails from France’s Alsace region with its fabulous white wines. However, he tells me that it was only when he moved to England that he gained an appreciation for food and wine. An Epicurean paradox? In 2007, Mathieu and his wife returned to France to open a B&B …
Mathieu Schillinger hails from France’s Alsace region with its fabulous white wines. However, he tells me that it was only when he moved to England that he gained an appreciation for food and wine. An Epicurean paradox? In 2007, Mathieu and his wife returned to France to open a B&B …

Cooking Classes at Cuisine de Provence
Barbara Schuerenberg says, “I always joke that I learned to cook out of self-defence as our mother was a terrible cook.” Clearly, she was successful in that pursuit as she enters into her sixth year of running her cooking school Cuisine de Provence in Vaison la Romaine. German-born Barbara’s journey …
Barbara Schuerenberg says, “I always joke that I learned to cook out of self-defence as our mother was a terrible cook.” Clearly, she was successful in that pursuit as she enters into her sixth year of running her cooking school Cuisine de Provence in Vaison la Romaine. German-born Barbara’s journey …

Repiquage des Poireaux d’Hiver
Winter leeks have a blue tinge to their leaves. These are being sold at Vaison la Romaine market on Tuesday mornings. For those of you who aren’t kicking yourselves for enthusiastically sowing hundreds of seeds when the first spring blossom appeared (the sprouting weeds somehow not reminding you of …Continue …
Winter leeks have a blue tinge to their leaves. These are being sold at Vaison la Romaine market on Tuesday mornings. For those of you who aren’t kicking yourselves for enthusiastically sowing hundreds of seeds when the first spring blossom appeared (the sprouting weeds somehow not reminding you of …Continue …