Recipe for Aioli @Susan_PWZ
Modern TrobadorsProvencal RecipesTaste

Garlic is in the Air It Must be Aioli Time

When the weather gets hot, our mortar and pestle become a fixture on the kitchen table. The familiar rhythmic sound of pestle-striking-mortar fills the air and the pungent aroma of garlic wafts through the house. Aïoli. It’s aïoli time. The word, aïoli, comes from the French word for garlic–ail–and the …

READ MORE  Garlic is in the Air It Must be Aioli Time
Provencal RecipesTaste

Delightful Gateau aux Marrons

For those learning French, Kristi Espinasse’s blog French Word A Day is a must. Our bloggeuse lives with her French husband and teenagers in a vineyard near Bandol and relates incidents from her daily life while introducing useful bits of vocabulary to her myriad followers. Kristi’s simple recipe for a …

READ MORE  Delightful Gateau aux Marrons
Provence Market Spices Provence Markets
Ginger and NutmegProvencal RecipesTaste

Couscous takes over French Favourites a Recipe

Forget magret de canard and moules frites – couscous served with its savoury slow-cooked stews is popular in French cuisine. It was voted France’s 3rd favourite meal in a study conducted for Vie Pratique Gourmand (2011).  There are references to couscous consumption in France that date as far back as …

READ MORE  Couscous takes over French Favourites a Recipe
Provencal Burgers @CuriousProvence
Ashley TinkerProvencal RecipesTaste

Easy Recipe Provençal Burgers

The French Burger This is by no means a typical French burger. In French, burger meat is called “steak haché.” When you buy minced meat at your local butcher you’ll be suitably impressed when a large quality steak is indeed taken and minced! As the quality of the meat is …

READ MORE  Easy Recipe Provençal Burgers
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Salsa marò or fava bean pesto

Just like last August’s post on a similar subject, I arrived in France four days ago with broad beans (fava beans) from the UK. This time, however, there was a recipe on my agenda that had been there for too long and I had ran out of time to get …

READ MORE  Salsa marò or fava bean pesto
daube de boeuf
Pesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Making The four-day daube de boeuf a recipe variation

January seems the perfect time of year for a hearty beef casserole, a warming, bold dish full of protein and lower on fat than much of the standard Christmas fayre, unless you incorporate lard into your recipe as Jacques Médecin does in his book Cuisine Niçoise. With just Explore this …

READ MORE  Making The four-day daube de boeuf a recipe variation