Chocolate and Raspberry Towers
DessertFlans, PuddingsProvencal RecipesTasha PowellTaste

Chocolate and Raspberry Towers for Dessert

This dessert recipe for Chocolate and Raspberry Towers was part of a 3-course gluten-free online class that I presented in September. The rest of the menu included panisse (chickpea fritters) served with fresh lemon, skewered grilled shrimp, roasted fennel and cherry tomatoes. In addition to recipes, I share plating techniques …

READ MORE  Chocolate and Raspberry Towers for Dessert
l’Auberge la Fenière Restaurant Dessert
Keith Van SickleRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

Auberge la Fenière Where Gastronomy Meets Gluten-Free

When is the last time you said to yourself, “I could really go for a gluten-free meal”? That would probably be…never.  Who wants bread with the consistency of a hockey puck?  Or pasta that needs a mountain of sauce to make it edible?  And as for cakes and pies – …

READ MORE  Auberge la Fenière Where Gastronomy Meets Gluten-Free
Citrus Almond Cake
Cakes & CookiesDavid Scott AllenDessertProvencal RecipesTaste

A Citrus Almond Cake Everyone will Love

Almonds, olives, tomatoes, and citrus fruit are some of the culinary signatures of the Mediterranean climate. In Provence, the citrus groves are found on the Côte d’Azur near Menton. There is no question that a visit Menton one year during the Fête du Citron is on my travel bucket list. However, …

READ MORE  A Citrus Almond Cake Everyone will Love
Socca Pizza Courgette Gluten-Free
Main CoursePesto & PistouProvencal RecipesTaste

Socca Pizza Inspired by the Cuisine of Nice, France

Socca is a traditional Niçoise street food made with chickpea flour and cooked in a very hot cast iron pan. Not quite a pancake, not exactly a crepe, socca is socca. If you love socca it is one of those flavours that will transport you back to the French Riviera

READ MORE  Socca Pizza Inspired by the Cuisine of Nice, France
l’Auberge la Fenière Restaurant Dessert
Keith Van SickleRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

At l’Auberge la Fenière Restaurant Gastronomy Meets Gluten-Free

When is the last time you said to yourself, “I could really go for a gluten-free meal”? That would probably be…never.  Who wants bread with the consistency of a hockey puck?  Or pasta that needs a mountain of sauce to make it edible?  And as for cakes and pies – …

READ MORE  At l’Auberge la Fenière Restaurant Gastronomy Meets Gluten-Free
Gateau aux Marrons @Aixcentric
AixcentricProvencal RecipesTaste

Delightful Gateau aux Marrons

Contributor blog post by Aixcentric: For those learning French, Kristi Espinasse’s blog French Word A Day is a must. Our bloggeuse lives with her French husband and teenagers in a vineyard near Bandol and relates incidents from her daily life while introducing useful bits of vocabulary to her myriad followers …

READ MORE  Delightful Gateau aux Marrons
olive and onion muffins
Pesto & PistouProvencal Recipes

Mini olive and onion muffins gluten-free

I’ve written about chickpea flour before. On the Côte d’Azur and in Liguria, it’s the common ingredient for delicious pancakes cooked in large, flat copper pans. Topped only with black pepper in Nice, where it’s called socca, Ligurians often add herbs or thinly sliced onions to their farinata. Explore this …

READ MORE  Mini olive and onion muffins gluten-free