Rose for Nice @Margo_Lestz
Margo LestzWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Letter from Nice France

Contributor blog post by Margo Lestz: Dear Readers, Today’s post is a letter to let you all know that I am fine and to thank you for your concern, and your thoughts and prayers. Jeff was away, and I went to the July 14 fireworks display with some friends. About …

READ MORE  Letter from Nice France
Favourite Wine Bars Cave de la Tour #Nice06 @RivieraGrape
Restaurant RecommendationsTasteThe Riviera Grapevine

Ask A Local: Favourite Wine Bars on the French Riviera

I have a wonderful network here on the Côte d’Azur of locals who are a fountain of knowledge regarding cool, trendy places to visit, away from the usual traveller hot spots. So I thought it was time to start sharing some of these insider tips for both visitors and residents …

READ MORE  Ask A Local: Favourite Wine Bars on the French Riviera
Death on the Riviera #Book @MaryJaneDeeb
Books on ProvenceInspireMary Jane Deeb

Book Review: Death on the Riviera

The following post is an interesting book review by Mary Jane on Death on the Riviera by John Bude, Poisoned Pen Press in Association with the British Library, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2016. Being a fan of mysteries, and an amateur mystery writer myself, I like to check out what is being published …

READ MORE  Book Review: Death on the Riviera
Nice Beach @bfblogger2015
Barefoot BloggerExplore

Heading for a Beach in France? Nice!

Traveling by train from Uzes to Nice for a weekend at the beach is a piece of cake. The low cost train fare makes the trip a “must.” Now that I’m planning to travel a lot by train in Europe, I’m glad to have the “senior” rail pass …Continue reading here for …

READ MORE  Heading for a Beach in France? Nice!
Monaco On a Shoestring @AccessRiviera
ExploreLocals Travel TipsRebecca Whitlocke

How To Visit Monaco On A Shoestring

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: If I had a euro for every time someone asked me ‘Is Monaco cheap to visit?’ I’d probably be able to buy a penthouse apartment there myself. There’s no doubt about it that Monaco is a destination of legend – luxury everything from hotels …

READ MORE  How To Visit Monaco On A Shoestring
Fete de la Musique @AccessRiviera
Rebecca WhitlockeWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

Fête de la Musique 2016 on the French Riviera

Tuesday (June 21st) marks one of my favourite days every year here in France – Fête de la Musique! Fête de la Musique is held on 21 June annually throughout France and is a huge success and continues to grow in popularity. Why I love Fête de la Musique  …Continue …

READ MORE  Fête de la Musique 2016 on the French Riviera
Chinese Movies @AccessRiviera
ExploreRebecca Whitlocke

China and Film: The World’s Fastest Growing Box Office

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: Chinese films. Know any off the top of your head? Chinese directors. Can you name any? Watch this space because the Chinese film market is the world’s fastest growing box office and China is keen to establish itself as a front runner alongside Hollywood …

READ MORE  China and Film: The World’s Fastest Growing Box Office
Tresors de Cannes #TravelwithKids #FrenchRiviera @AccessRiviera
ExploreGuided Holiday ToursRebecca Whitlocke

Treasure Hunts for Kids on the French Riviera

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: What child doesn’t love a treasure hunt? I’m not talking about just geocaching either where you find the ‘cache’ by using GPS coordinates, but good old-fashioned treasure hunts using maps, clues and riddles to find answers to questions or a secret code word (perhaps in …

READ MORE  Treasure Hunts for Kids on the French Riviera
VinAzur @VinAzurProvence
TasteThe Riviera GrapevineWines and Spirits of Provence

Where to Buy Wine on the French Riviera: VinAzur

Last year I sat out an entire vintage due to my pregnancy (it was easily worth it, of course, and I’ve been catching up since baby grape’s arrival). Just because I wasn’t drinking, however, didn’t mean I didn’t go out and it was at a tasting at the sadly now …

READ MORE  Where to Buy Wine on the French Riviera: VinAzur
Heritage Trail in Juan les Pins @AccessRiviera
ExploreGuided Holiday ToursRebecca Whitlocke

Heritage Trail in Juan les Pins

Contributor blog post by Access Riviera: The French Riviera has some amazing old buildings ranging from palace hotels along the Croisette in Cannes, to Belle Époque mansions in Cap Ferrat and Art Deco apartments lining the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. For a while now, I’ve been intending to look …

READ MORE  Heritage Trail in Juan les Pins